This is the website and all frontend/backend for our new open source project!
This is an open source project, so feel free to download the folder and edit away! All the uploaded code is easy to edit due to the fact it's all linked HTML -- no internal dependencies needed!
Needed Software to Run:
1. Notepad++ or some form of text editor
2. A working computer
3. An internet connection to load the libraries (MaterializeCSS)
Eveything that has to be done:
1. Comment code
2. Clean up code
3. Add four more pages (COMPLETED)
4. Implement backend
5. Load game with LibGDX Java to HTML into site
6. Work on some more compatibility things
- Materialize - The main library used
Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
6.6.18 --- V.0 Alpha Release 6.22.18 --- V.1.0 Public Beta Released
- Giancarlo Coelho - Frontend and Backend - CoelhoComputing
- Peter Soboyejo - Frontend and Backend - DZTCommunity
- Alex Trevino - Web Frontend - TrevinoPCs
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
- Virtual high-five to Alvin Wang, Alan Chang, Alex Mark, and Kevin Louie for providing the MaterializeCSS library
- Mr. Forhan for assigning this project
- My parents for paying my computers electricity bill
- The contributing members of the community, we thank you from the bottom of out hearts