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CAASObjC is an API written in Objective-C to access a MACM (Mobile Application Content Manager) server and fetch content from it.


  • iOS 8.0+
  • XCode 7.x

## Install CocoaPods

You need CocoaPods to install CAASObjC. To install CocoaPods, run the following command:

sudo gem install cocoapods 

Running the sample

The repository comes with a sample, the CAASExample project. To run this sample, you need:

  • clone the repository:
git clone 
  • Install the pods
pod install
  • Specify the tenant in AppDelegate.swift line 41 (the sample won't compile without specifying the tenant):
let tenant:String = "PUT YOUR TENANT ID HERE !!!!!"

Using it for your own application

You need CocoaPods to install CAASObjC. See Install CocoaPods section for details.

You then need to create a Podfile in the directory of your project file. Run the command:

pod init

To install CAASObjC add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'CAASObjC', :git => ''

If you want to use CAASObjC in a Swift application you must add the following line in your Podfile:


A typical pod file looks like this:

source ''

platform :ios, '8.0'

target 'TestCAAS' do
pod 'CAASObjC', :git => ''


If your custom app is working fine in the simulator, but fails on a real device, it might be due to some configuration changes needed in your build pipeline. This could happen, when using a remote service for building your native iOS app for distribution.

The target configuration of that service might be different than the default targets Release and Debug. You might have to modify targets as shown in the following example to get your app working on a mobile device:


if [[ "$CONFIGURATION" == "Debug" ]]; then
   install_framework "$BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR/CAASObjC/CAASObjC.framework"
if [[ "$CONFIGURATION" == "Distribution" ]]; then
   install_framework "$BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR/CAASObjC/CAASObjC.framework"
if [[ "$CONFIGURATION" == "Release" ]]; then
   install_framework "$BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR/CAASObjC/CAASObjC.framework"


In the above example, the Distribution target was added to make the app working on a mobile device that otherwise just worked in the simulator. Also, please make sure to check the documentation / troubleshooting information of the build service you are using for information about Pod files that make use of the use_frameworks! directive.



There are 2 ways to authenticate addressing two different use cases:

Authentication with the credentials of the application

  • The username and password are hard-coded in the application: The following initializer should be used:
CAASService *caasService = [[CAASService alloc] initWithBaseURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@""] contextRoot:@"wps" tenant:@"myTenant" username:@"admin" password:@"foobar"];

Authentication with the credentials of the end user

  • The users must sign in against a MACM server with their own credentials: The following initializer must be used:
CAASService *caasService = [[CAASService alloc] initWithBaseURL:[NSURL URLWithString::@""] contextRoot:@"wps" tenant:@"myTenant"];

When the user provides its credentials, the following API checks these credentials against the MACM server:

[caasService signIn:username password:password completionHandler: ^(NSError *error, NSInteger httpStatusCode) {
    if (httpStatusCode == 204) {
        // Succesful
    } else {
        // Wrong credentials

Retrieving contents

Querying a list of content items by path

CAASContentItemsRequest *request = [[CAASContentItemsRequest alloc] initWithContentPath:@"Samples/Content Types/Book" completionBlock:^(CAASContentItemsResult *requestResult) {

    if (requestResult.httpStatusCode == 200) {

}]; = @[CAASProperty.OID,CAASProperty.TITLE,CAASProperty.KEYWORDS];
request.elements = @[@"author",@"cover",@"isbn",@"price",@"publish_date"];
[self.caasService executeRequest:request];

Querying a list of content items by id

CAASContentItemsRequest *request = [[CAASContentItemsRequest alloc] initWithOid:@"1892897e-6219-42a6-a8a8-28407c196b80" completionBlock:^(CAASContentItemsResult *requestResult) {

    if (requestResult.httpStatusCode == 200) {


[self.caasService executeRequest:request]; = @[CAASProperty.OID,CAASProperty.TITLE,CAASProperty.KEYWORDS];
request.elements = @[@"author",@"cover",@"isbn",@"price",@"publish_date"];
[self.caasService executeRequest:request];

Querying a single content item by path

CAASContentItemRequest *request = [[CAASContentItemRequest alloc] initWithContentPath:@"Samples/some/content item path"completionBlock:^(CAASContentItemResult *requestResult) {

    if (requestResult.httpStatusCode == 200) {

}]; = @[CAASProperty.OID,CAASProperty.TITLE,CAASProperty.KEYWORDS];
request.elements = @[@"author",@"cover",@"isbn",@"price",@"publish_date"];
[caasService executeRequest:request];

It is necessary to specify the elements you want, by default you will not receive any element.

Querying a single content item by id

CAASContentItemRequest *request = [[CAASContentItemRequest alloc] initWithOid:@"903c2016-9d23-4893-a34a-14edfed19ead"completionBlock:^(CAASContentItemResult *requestResult) {

    if (requestResult.httpStatusCode == 200) {

}]; = @[CAASProperty.OID,CAASProperty.TITLE,CAASProperty.KEYWORDS];
request.elements = @[@"author",@"cover",@"isbn",@"price",@"publish_date"];
[caasService executeRequest:request];

Querying an asset (image) by its url

NSURL *url = [[NSURL alloc] initWithString:anURL relativeToURL:[NSURL URLWithString:CAASURL]];

CAASAssetRequest *request = [[CAASAssetRequest alloc] initWithAssetURL:url completionBlock:^(CAASAssetResult *requestResult) {

    if (requestResult.image != nil){
        UIImage *image = requestResult.image;
    } else {
        NSLog("Error %@",requestResult.error);
        NSLog("HTTP Status %@",@(requestResult.httpStatusCode));


[self.caasService executeRequest:request];

Querying any kind of asset by its url

NSURL *url = [[NSURL alloc] initWithString:anURL relativeToURL:[NSURL URLWithString:CAASURL]];

CAASAssetRequest *request = [[CAASAssetRequest alloc] initWithAssetURL:url completionBlock:^(CAASAssetResult *requestResult) {

    if ( != nil){
        NSData *data =;
    } else {
        NSLog("Error %@",requestResult.error);
    NSLog("HTTP Status %@",@(requestResult.httpStatusCode));


[self.caasService executeRequest:request];


Allowing untrusted certificates with HTTPS connections

By default, the SDK only allows trusted certificates whose certificate authority is known by iOS. It is possible to disable this behavior,but only in DEBUG build, by setting the allowUntrustedCertificates property to true. It allows to test with self-signed certificates.

// create the service that connects to the MACM instance
CAASService *caasService = [[CAASService alloc] initWithBaseURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@""] contextRoot:@"wps" tenant:@"myTenant" username:@"admin" password:@"foobar"];

caasService.allowUntrustedCertificates = YES;

Documentation references