Software for controlling PNML ULTSTM (Ultra-Low Temperature Scanning Tunneling Microscope) hardware.
The Python modules in the Python subdirectory can be imported via
from ult_instruments import MODULE_NAME
where MODULE_NAME is as follows: : Monitors the state (pressures, temperatures) of the dilution refrigerator. : Controls a Stanford Research Systems SR830 lock-in amplifier. : Controls a Keithley 2400 SourceMeter. : Controls a Keithley 2450 SourceMeter. : Monitors and regulates the applied heat to the 2 kOhm resistor attached to the fixed impedance that feeds the 1K pot. Windows only. : Controls the Oxford Instruments Mercury IPS magnet power supply. : Controls a Delta Elektronika ES150 Series DC power supply. : Controls a KEPCO BHK 2000-0.1MG high-voltage power supply. Currently only reads the state of the high-voltag power supply but cannot set the state. : Controls a Hewlett Packard 3562A dual-channel, dynamic signal analyzer. Note that the HP 3562A predates the IEEE 754 floating-point standard.
Not included in this package are the routines for automatically calling some of the above Python modules, such as "init_lockin()", "init_arduino()", "init_gate()", "init_triton()", "init_magnet()", and "init_temperature()". Compatibility with Python 2.7 was dropped in version 4.0.0.
The LabVIEW subdirectory contains the following LabVIEW 2021 VIs:
'' : Plot the pressure on an Alicat gas flow meter.
'' and '' : Engage the coarse motor, and plot the capacitance signal during tip-sample navigation.
'' : Erase attributes in 'gate' (which was renamed to '').
'' : Measure the gate-dependent conductance at a fixed sample bias.
'' : Plot and record the STM tunneling current and power spectral density.
'' : Similar to '' except do not walk when the STM_RX or mixing chamber temperatures are too high.
'' : Acquire 'Bias Spectroscopy' measurements as a function of two independent gate voltages. Calls ''.
'' : Monitors the 1K pot noise, and regulates the heat applied to the fixed impedance in order to keep the liquid helium level in the 1K pot constant.
'' : Measure the tunneling current as a function of the gate voltage.
'' : Change the gate voltage on a Keithley 2450 SourceMeter incrementally.
'' : Similar to '' except adjust the initial setpoint current according to an input file. This has not been updated to save to HDF5 file format.
'' : Acquire 'Bias Spectroscopy' measurements as a function of gate voltage.
'' : Controls the gate voltage by TPC/IP communicating with a Python process running the module.
'' : Read and graph the pressure from an Agilent XGS-600 ion gauge controller.
'' : Measure the pressures in the TC and AC chambers through the ion pump current. Compatible with a Gamma Vacuum DIGITEL QPC ion pump controller.
'' : Friendly UI for controlling the SR830 lock-in amplifier.
'' : Controls the SR830 lock-in amplifier by TCP/IP communicating with a Python process running the module.
'' : Controls the magnet power supply by TCP/IP communicating with a Python process running the module.
'' : Raster scan the coarse motor, and make a 2D plot of the capacitance.
'' : Move the Nanonis Scan Control scan frame to the current location of the tip.
'' : Controls the gate voltage by TPC/IP communicating with a Python process running the module.
'' : Change the gate voltage on a Keithley 2400 SourceMeter incrementally.
'' : Fetch insert temperatures/pressures through TCP/IP communication with a Python process running
'' : Control and monitor the state of the dilution refrigerator through TCP/IP communication with a Python process running
'' : Test the STM coarse walker.