The project has been created for one of my friends to help him fetch text presented in a grid from the application and it's screenshots. That application doesn't have any functions to export data and presents data at a custom grid widget and so data can't be read with WINAPI functions.
The development may be performed in these two environments:
- Linux
- Windows
Prerequisites for Linux environment (Ubuntu 20.04 package list):
- g++ 9
- cmake
- dpkg-dev (required to build DEB-package only)
- cppcheck (required to static analysis only)
- libtesseract-dev
- libopencv-dev
- tesseract-ocr-eng
- tesseract-ocr-rus
- googletest
- googletest-tools
- libgtest-dev
Prerequisites for Windows environment:
- CMake 3.16+
- Tesseract 4.1
- tiff 4.1.0
- libpng 1.6.37
- zlib 1.2.11
- jpeg 9d
- OpenCV 4.1
- laptonica 1.74.4
- tiff 4.1.0
- GoogleTest 1.10
- cppcheck (only if you want to make static code analysis)
- NSIS 3.6 (only if you want to make package)
Visual Studio Code extensions:
- ms-vscode.cpptools
- ms-vscode.cmake-tools
- dbaeumer.vscode-eslint
Development under Linux performs using Visual Studio Code with the 'Remote Containers' extension. The environment is specified at .devcontainer/{devcontainer.json,Dockerfile}.
Development under Windows performs using Visual Studio Code, MinGW-w64-v7.0.0. To build the project under Windows you have to build (with MinGW) or install the libraries/packages accounted in the 'Prerequisites' section.
The great start point to build Tesseract with MinGW is here. A step by step series of examples that tell you how to get a development env running.
The working Windows batch file to setup environment for Visual Studio Code looks like:
set MSYS2_PATH_TYPE=inherit
set PATH=D:\bin\cmake\bin;D:\bin\mingw64\mingw64\bin;D:\bin\nsis-3.06.1;D:\bin\git\bin;%PATH%
set OpenCV_DIR=D:\bin\OpenCV-4.1.1-MinGW
set GTEST_ROOT=D:\bin\gtest
set Tesseract_DIR=D:\bin\tesseract-mingw\cmake
set Leptonica_DIR=D:\bin\tesseract-mingw\cmake
set TABREAD_EXTERNAL=D:/bin/tabread-external
The 'TABREAD_EXTERNAL' environment variable should point to the directory with Tesseract and MinGW shared libraries and data necessary for tabread executable. The directory structure is listed below:
+-- bin
| +-- tessdata
| +-- eng.traineddata
| +-- equ.traineddata
| +-- rus.traineddata
+-- +-- libgcc_s_seh-1.dll
+-- +-- libleptonica-1.74.4.dll
+-- +-- liblzma-5.dll
+-- +-- libopencv_core411.dll
+-- +-- libopencv_imgcodecs411.dll
+-- +-- libopencv_imgproc411.dll
+-- +-- libpng16.dll
+-- +-- libstdc++-6.dll
+-- +-- libtesseract41.dll
+-- +-- libtiff.dll
+-- +-- libwinpthread-1.dll
+-- +-- libzstd.dll
To check application, build it with Visual Studio Code an then run the command from the build directory:
tabread/tabread -i=../data/000.png -o=output.txt
to run with single threaded mode OCR or run:
tabread/tabread -i=../data/000.png -o=output.txt -th
for multithreaded (parrallel execution policy) OCR.
You may configure and then run 'package' target from the 'workspaceFolder' to generate installation bundle:
make -C build package
under Linux environment or
mingw-make -C package
under Windows environment.
Run tests from Visual Studio Code:
- Open 'Command Palette' (Ctrl-Shift-P).
- Type and then select 'CMake: Run Tests'.
Please note:
- The 'version.h' is generated by CMake only at initialization stage (Ctrl-Shift-P, CMake: Configure).
- Under Windows environment you should edit .vscode/settings.json and change configuration key name from "__cmake.generator" to "cmake.generator".
- Installation at Linux environment:
dpkg -i tabread_1.0.0_amd64.deb
- Installation at Windows environment:
Execute the installation bundle 'tabread-X.Y.Z.exe', where X.Y.Z is a package version.
- Make GUI application (select widget/appliction or file, progress, etc.).
- Read appliction's and filters' parameters from configuration file (especially for crop filter).
- Improve grid detection algorithms.
- Multiline text recognition.