Dinero Brand Logo
This is the logo to be used for both Dinero Coin(the product) and Dinero Coin Project (the organisation).
The Dinero Coin Project has the right of trademark on its own logo. Anyone can use the Dinero or Dinero Coin logos as long as its use is within the following guidelines:
Awesome List
✓ Use the Dinero or Dinero Coin logo to link to Dinero Coin Project
✓ Use the Dinero or Dinero Coin logo to advertise that your product was built with Dinero Coin
✓ Use the Dinero or Dinero Coin logo to advertise that you contributed to our project
✓ Use the Dinero or Dinero Coin logo in a blog post or news article about Dinero Coin
Naughty List
× Use the Dinero or Dinero Coin logo for your website and/or application icon
× Create a modified version of the Dinero or Dinero Coin logo
× Integrate the Dinero or Dinero Coin logo into your logo
× Use any Dinero Coin's artwork without permission
× Sell any Dinero Coin's artwork without permission
× Change the colors, dimensions or add your own text/images
Please avoid naming your projects anything that implies Dinero or Dinero Coin’s endorsement. This also applies to domain names.
Please contact us: dev@dinerocoin.org If there's any question or you're not sure about something, don't hesitate to send us a message.