My STM32 projects codehub.
- STM32F407 Discovery has ARM Cortex-M4 core inside.
- Most of projects in this repository use
STM Standard Peripheral Library V1.0.2 (aka SPL)
is a pre-configured project using Keil uVision IDE.
To run the project. You have to correctly set the Include Paths to the folder contains files used in the project.
In uVision. Click 'Options for Target'
-> C/C++
-> Include Paths
is sample project for building with GNU toolchain.
- STM32-Discovery_FW_V1.10/Project
- STM32F4xx_DSP_StdPeriph_Lib_V1.3.0/Project
- STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.16.0
- ARM CMSIS DSP library and its examples.
- STM32_USB-Host-Device_Lib_V2.2.0/Project
- STM32_USB-FS-Device_Lib_V4.0.0/Projects
- ST STM32F4xx Application Notes.
- ARM Math library - DSP (Digital Signal Processing).
- [] Clean up/refactor the code (for e.g stm32f4xx.h files in all directories)
- [] Merging all my small ARM-Cortex based MCU projects
- [] Different IDE (e.g IAR, Eclipe, TrueStudio,...), and different libraries (libopencm3)
- [] Detail tutorials
- [] SDIO, FSMC, USB mouse and keyboard, ARM Cortex M4 exception generation and handling, TFT LCD SPI, EEPROM
- [] ARM DSP and math functions