This is a reference for running OpenFAAS on Consul+Nomad.
This is for running local.
With the Makefile you can install consul, nomad and cni plugins (needed for nomad network namespace and consul connect). They will be installed system-wide.
make install-consul intall-cni install-nomad
You can them start consul:
make start-consul
And after that start nomad:
make start-nomad
OpenFaas is composed of several parts, they are all described in services folder in order of priority.
To reploy all services:
make start-services
To re-deploy a single service on Nomad:
nomad job run services/00-prometheus.hcl
And so on for each service, in order.
You can access the gateway at [http://localhost/gateway/ui] and grafana at [http://localhost/grafana].