Table of Contents generated with DocToc
- sw - PC software for collecting power measurements from the BattOr
- fw - Atmel XMega192A3 firmware for the BattOr hardware
- systrace - Fork of Android systrace for visualizing power measurments synced with phone events
The software should build and run on most variants of Linux. The build and install instructions are as follows:
$ ./bootstrap
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install
To run BattOr without root on Linux you will need to add your user to the "dialout" group. You need to logout and login for these settings to take effect.
$ sudo usermod -a -G dialout <userName>
- Chrome
- Android adb
Systrace collects trace data from BattOr and Android and produces an interactive timeline view of the data in html using trace-viewer.
- BattOr software installed
- AVR 8-bit toolchain >3.4
- avrdude
The firmware currently only builds on Linux. The BattOr software must be in $PATH to flash the firmware.
$ make
$ make flash
- Fast blinking YELLOW: In bootloader
- Slow blinking YELLOW: Idle
- Blinking RED: Buffering to SD card
- Solid RED: Downloading from SD card
- Blinking GREEN: Streaming over USB
To stream samples from the BattOr over USB, run the following on the command line. Often you will want to redirect the output to a file.
$ battor -s
To start buffering power measurements, run the following on the command line. Once the BattOr has a blinking RED LED, it can be disconnected from USB so power can be measured while on the move.
$ battor -b
To end buffering and download the trace, run the following on the command line. Often you will want to redirect the output to a file. The BattOr will have a solid RED LED until the download is completed. Note that currently downloading buffered power measurements takes approximately 1/4 of time that the samples were buffered.
$ battor -d