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Install Python packages

We use Python 3.7. Install Python dependencies and run database migrations:

$ pip install pipenv
$ pipenv install --dev

Set up Database

We use MySQL (MariaDB 10). To setup database connections:

  1. Create a database. Take a note of the database name, hostname, username, and password.
  2. The database connection string will be mysql+pymysql://<username>:<password>@<hostname>/<database name>. We use PyMySQL, so the connection string should starts with mysql+pymysql in order for SQLAlchemy to pick up the right driver.
  3. Copy .env.default to .env.
  4. Edit the value of DB_URL to be the connection string. You can leave all other settings in .env as is for now.
  5. Run db migrations with pipenv run alembic upgrade head

Then, update your site table. First, you need an API key from Airtable generated here and the id of your base (see here for info). Add the following variables to .env:

$ echo AIRTABLE_BASE_ID={id_of_your_airtable_base} >> .env
$ echo AIRTABLE_API_KEY={your_api_key} >> .env
$ echo SITE_TYPES=["{site_type_1}", "{site_type_2}",...] >> .env

Afterwards, do the following to update your site table

$ SCRAPY_PROJECT=sitesAirtable pipenv run scrapy crawl updateSites


  1. Find new articles in all ACTIVE facebook pages/groups listed in Site table in database. Activity is determined by is_active column in airtable.
$ python discover
Optional Arguments:
        --limit-sec: process run time limit in seconds, default = 3000.
        --site-limit-sec: max load time in seconds for a site, default = 1800.
  1. Revisit articles in database based on next_snapshot_at parameter in Article Table on the mysql database. The function will save new html to ArticleSnapshot table and update the snapshot parameters in Article Table.
# update all
$ python update
Optional Arguments:
        --limit-sec: process run time limit in seconds, default = 3000.
        --article-limit-sec: max load time in seconds for an article, default = 60.
  1. Find new articles in a specified facebook page/group.
$ python site discover {site-id}
Optional Arguments:
        --limit-sec: process run time limit in seconds, default = 1800.
  1. Revisit articles in a specified facebook page/group.
$ python site update {site-id}
Optional Arguments:
        --limit-sec: process run time limit in seconds, default = 3000.
        --article-limit-sec: max load time in seconds for an article, default = 60.
  1. Revisit one article specified by id
$ python post update {article-id}
Optional Arguments:
        --limit-sec: process run time limit in seconds, default = 60.


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