Muninn is a memory system designed to augment LLM powered chat bots with advanced RAG based memory retrieval. It is designed to be a drop in service for any chat bot that uses a OpenAI compatible API.
actor u as User
participant r as Ratatoskr
participant m as Muninn
participant l as LLM
u ->> r: Sends message
activate r
r ->> m: Save user input message
r ->>+ m: Get context
m -->>- r: Context Response
r ->>+ l: Generate with context + user message
l -->>- r: LLM Response
r ->> m: Save LLM response message
r -->> u: LLM Response
deactivate r
The system deals with messages in a specific model format compatible with OpenAI APIs. The model format is as follows:
role: "user",
message: "Hello, how are you?"
There are two important endpoints in the Muninn API:
Save message: This endpoint is used to save messages from the user, the llm or even system messages, which can be used for extra context.
Get context: This endpoint is used to get the context for the current message and is the main magic sauce of the Muninn system. It uses the saved messages to generate a context by automating prompt engineering. It makes use of the messages saved in the system to generate a context for the current message using smart processes like semantic similarity and other NLP techniques.
docker build -t muninn .
Remember to pass in the environment variables for the API keys
docker run -e OPENAI_API_KEY=$OPENAI_API_KEY -p 8080:8080 muninn