ATM Terminal App
Create an ATM app which has simple functionality of being able to deposit and withdraw.
ATM Terminal App is written in Ruby and must have it installed (Ruby 2.4 or higher).
Clone the repo.
To run the file in terminal:
$ ruby ATM.rb
(and similarly for ATM2.rb and ATM3.rb)
- multiple methods
- loops
- if statements
- getting user input at multiple stages of the app
- ability to withdraw
- ability to deposit
- ability to show balance after withdrawal or deposit
- ability to exit the ATM if nothing more needs to be done
- ability to set an initial balance for their personal account
- ability to withdraw a certain amount
- ability to deposit a certain amount
- ability to have an ATM balance
- ability to have a pin verification
- ability to have a account number verification
Mentorship and insight was sought from Trent, Jamie, Peter and other peer students.
Reach out to me via GitHub and email (