Jonathan Strickland
- 2011-11-12 20:13:50: changed structure, added Prompt class
- 2011-11-12 21:07:13: got everything compiling
- 2011-11-12 21:47:06: implemented saving to files
- 2011-11-12 22:31:08: implemented adding tasks, quitting, finalized file format
- 2011-11-12 22:41:40: implemented toggling, purging
- 2011-11-12 22:52:20: finalized adding new tasks
- 2011-11-12 00:19:17: completed project
jtask is a task manager written in java that can be used to organize your life using a simple interactive interface.
When using jtask, remember to use list before running commands so you know which tasks to manipulate.
Each command is documented below:
quits the program and prompts the user whether or not to save if there are unsaved changes
prompts the user to enter information and add a new task to the list
prompts the user for the number of a task to delete
lists all the tasks and their numbers to the user
saves all changes to disk
toggles an item from either complete to todo, or todo to complete
removes all completed items (not reversible)
lists all commands and their uses
Simply compile all of the included files, and run JTask.
The program might not respond very nicely if you try typing in weird things for the tasks. Try to keep it friendly.