Toy hls/vivado project with similar structure to real hybrid
The algorithm is structured as follows
InputMem1/InputMem2: Arrays of 32-bit integers. The arrays are 2 pages, each page having 16 entries. They are populated with numbers from a coefficients or text file before the algorithm starts.
memoryAB/memoryBC: Arrays of 32-bit integers. The arrays are 2 pages, each page having 16 entries. They are populated processA and processB, respectively
memoryAC: Array of 32-bit integers. This array is 4 pages, rather than 2, because it bypasses processB. It also has 16 integers per page. It is populated by processA
ProcessA: Reads, from the top of the page to the bottom, the integers from InputMem1 and writes them to memoryAB. Also reads from InputMem2, doubles the number, then writes it to memoryAC.
ProcessB: Reads, from the top of the page to the bottom, the integers from memoryAB, doubles them, and writes them to memoryBC.
ProcessC: Reads, from the top of the page to the bottom, the integers from memoryAC and memoryBC, and writes the larger of the two to Outputmem.
Do the following (this could be automated someday, or at least put into a bash script)
N.B. This will open the vivado GUI
- git clone
- cd FullToyProjV9/sourceFiles/processA
- unzip
- cd ../processB
- unzip
- cd ../processC
- unzip
- cd ../../
- vivado -source generate_project.tcl
N.B. This will open the vivado GUI
- cd FullToyProjV9
- vivado FullToyProjV9/FullToyProjV9.xpr
Flow -> Run Simulation -> Run Behavioral Simulation
The first time you do this, it takes many minutes, and it may seem that vivado has hanged. Check the tcl console to make sure that a new line is printed every minute or so to make sure that it's still running.
When the waveform prints, everything has been set up correctly if, around 350 ns, the numbers 14,20,34,40,... are found for the first time on the memout_din port.
The HLS blocks that make up the toy project live in the HLS directory. To change them, and have the changes be incorporated into the overall project, the following is needed. For example, lets say you wanted to change something in processA...
- <Change whatever you need to change in, processA.hh,>
- cd FullToyProjV9/HLS
- vivado_hls -f script_A.tcl
You may want to check the synthesis report at this point, at
to make sure your changes didn't break timing, pipelining, or dramatically change resources usage, unless you anticipate that happening.
- cd ../../FullToyProjV9/sourceFiles/processA
- rm -rf *
- cp ../../FullToyProjV9/HLS/processADir/solution1/impl/ip/ .
- unzip
Next, you need to open the project. If you haven't opened the project yet, follow the instructions for sourcing the generate_project.tcl shown in the first heading of this README. If you have already, you can just open the .xpr file as shown in the second heading of this README.
Once the project is opened, vivado will realize that the HLS ip you've changed is out of date. To fix this, do the following
- In the Sources tab, Right-click on a process you have changed and select "Report IP Status"
- In the IP Status tab, select all the processing blocks you've made changes to, and click "Upgrade Selected"
- Select "Continue with Core Container Disabled"
- If needed, click "Generate"
- File -> Project -> Write tcl...
- Uncheck everything, including "copy sources to new project"
- Choose a name for the new tcl (probably just keep generate_project.tcl)
- Click OK