####Quick brief #### SMHC checks hotmail and MSN accounts list for availability to registration, free accounts goes to "good.txt" file. Lines should be in a "login@domain.com" format, one account per line.
- Multithreaded;
- Drag&Drop support;
- SSL support.
- Code Blocks IDE
- wxWidgets 2.9.4
- CURL with SSL support
- Windows: use curl-7.27.0-devel-mingw32.zip from here;
- Linux:
aptitude install libcurl3 libcurl4-openssl-dev
Install and configure IDE and libs, after that use CodeBlocks project files:
- Windows: SMHC.cbp;
- Linux: SMHC-linux.cbp.
- 65 Social Icon By Studiom6©Designs 2009 to RecursosGrafikos Blog.
- Crystal Clear by Everaldo Coelho.
####Author: Sergey V. (djkovrik at gmail.com) ####