A Wireguard container running on Alpine Linux.
- Needs to run with --cap-add=NET_ADMIN
- Needs to run on a kernel >5.6
- server_address = This is used to set the name of your server it defaults to localhost
- dns = This is used to set what DNS is assigned out to clients
- 51280/udp
- /etc/wireguard
- docker run -dit -e server_address=my.company.com --cap-add NET_ADMIN -p 51820:51820/UDP -v wireguard_data:/etc/wireguard --name wire djlactose/wireguard
To use this container you just need to start it with the environmental varables set. It will automatically generate certificate for a new server and client automatically on first run. It will also write a QR Code out to the log when it is first run to allow easier client setup.
Console into the container and run the /root/bin/add.sh to generate a new client. A QR Code will be displayed to add the connection to your device.