- This repo is a small subset of my colour collection for Github
- Keep it simple, generally only using 9 colors. There are a few with some bolds
- There's a color file seperate from .Xresources for cleaner switching. Include the file with
#include </path/to/crayolo/colors/[file]>
- Added matching walls directory
- Random color script will display associated wall if exists, else a pattern wall using colors from xrdb
- Use below in your .Xresources file
#include </path/to/crayolo/colors/[file]>
.... other xresource code goes here
! Colors
*background: bg
*foreground: fg
*color0: blk
*color8: bblk
*color1: red
*color9: bred
*color2: grn
*color10: bgrn
*color3: ylw
*color11: bylw
*color4: blu
*color12: bblu
*color5: mag
*color13: bmag
*color6: cyn
*color14: bcyn
*color7: wht
*color15: bwht
- Added tile.xbm to the repo [IIRC, I got this off of dcat's github at some point]
- Implementation Example
xetroot -bitmap $walls/tile.xbm -bg "$(xrdb -query | grep "*background" | awk '{print $2}')" -fg "$(xrdb -query | grep "*foreground" | awk '{print $2}')"
- use random color picker to get a different color at each wm-start. Place in .xinitrc, or wm config, I suppose
- Find me on linuxbbq, forum or IRC on freenode (I'm a weekend warrior)