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Adversarial Autoencoders (with Pytorch)



Denoising Autoencoders (dAE)

The simplest version of an autoencoder is one in which we train a network to reconstruct its input. In other words, we would like the network to somehow learn the identity function $$f(x) = x$$. For this problem not to be trivial, we impose the condition to the network to go through an intermediate layer whose dimensionality is much lower than the dimensionality of the input. With this bottleneck condition, the network has to compress the input information. The network is therefore divided in two pieces, the encoder receives the input and creates a latent or hidden representation of it, and the decoder takes this intermediate representation and tries to reconstruct the input. The loss of an autoencoder is called \emph{recosntruction loss}, and can be defined simply as the squared error between the input and generated samples:

$$L_R (x, x') = ||x - x'||^2$$

Another widely used reconstruction loss for the case when the input is normalized to be in the range $$[0,1]^N$$ is the cross-entropy loss.

Variational Autoencoders (VAE)

Variational autoencoders impose a second constraint on how to construct the hidden representation. Now the latent code has a prior distribution defined by design. This can be seen as a second type of regularization on the amount of information that can be stored in the latent code. The benefit of this relies on the fact that now can use the system as a generative model. To create a new sample that comes from the data distribution $$p(x)$$, we just have to sample from $$p(z)$$ and run this sample through the decoder to reconstruct a new image. If this condition is not imposed, then the latent code can be distributed among the latent space freely and therefore is not possible to sample a valid latent code to produce an output in a straightforward manner.

In order to enforce this property a second term is added to the loss function in the form of a Kullback-Liebler (KL) divergence between the distribution created by the encoder and the prior distribution. Since VAE is based in a probabilistic interpretation, the reconstruction loss used is the cross-entropy loss mentioned earlier. Putting this together we have,

$$L(x, x') = L_R(x, x') + KL(q(z|x)||p(z)) = - \sum_{k=1}^N x_k \log(x'_k) + (1-x_k) \log(1-x'_k) + KL(q(z|x)|| p(z))$$

Where $$q(z|x)$$ is the encoder of our network and $$p(z)$$ is the prior distribution imposed on the latent code.

Adversarial Autoencoders (AAE)

AAE as Generative Model

One of the main drawbacks of vapriational autoencoders is that the KL divergence term does not have a closed form solution except for a handful of distributions. Furthermore it is not straightforward to use discrete distributions on for $$z$$, one alternative for this was introduced here.

Adversarial autoencoders avoid using the KL divergence altogether by using adversarial learning. In this architecture, a new network is trained to discriminatively predict whether a sample comes from the hidden code of the autoencoder or from the prior distribution $$p(z)$$ determined by the user. The loss of the encoder is now composed by the reconstruction loss plus the loss given by the discriminator network.

The image shows schematically how AAEs work when we use a Gaussian prior for the latent code (although the approach is generic and can use any distribution). The top row is equivalent to an VAE. First a sample $$z$$ is drawn according to the generator network $$q(z|x)$$, that sample is then sent to the decoder which generates $$x'$$ from $$z$$. The reconstruction loss is computed between $$x$$ and $$x'$$ and the gradient is backpropagated through $$p$$ and $$q$$ accordingly and its weights are updated. aae001 On the adversarial regularization part the discriminator recieves $$z$$ distributed as $$q(z|x)$$ and $$z'$$ sampled from the true prior $$p(z)$$ and assigns a probability to each of coming from $$p(z)$$. The loss incurred is backpropagated through the discriminator to update its weights. Then the process is repeated and the generator updates its parameters.

We can now use the loss incurred by the the generator of the adversarial network (which is the encoder of the autoencoder) instead of a KL divergence for it to learn how to produce samples according to the distribution $$p(z)$$. This modification allows us to use a broader set of distributions as priors for the latent code.

The loss of the discriminator is

$$L_D = - \frac{1}{m} \sum_{k=1}^m log(D(z')) + log(1 - D(z))$$

where $$m$$ is the minibatch size, $$z$$ is generated by the encoder and $$z'$$ is a sample from the true prior.

For the adversarial generator we have

$$L_G = - \frac{1}{m} \sum_{k=1}^m log(D(z))$$

Network definition

Before getting into the training procedure used for this model, we look at how to implement what we have up to now in Pytorch. For the encoder, decoder and discriminator networks we will use simple feed forward neural networks with three 1000 hidden state layers with ReLU nonlinear functions and dropout with probability 0.2.

class Q_net(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        super(Q_net, self).__init__()
        self.lin1 = nn.Linear(X_dim, N)
        self.lin2 = nn.Linear(N, N)
        self.lin3gauss = nn.Linear(N, z_dim)
    def forward(self, x):
        x = F.droppout(self.lin1(x), p=0.25,
        x = F.relu(x)
        x = F.droppout(self.lin2(x), p=0.25,
        x = F.relu(x)
        xgauss = self.lin3gauss(x)
        return xgauss
# Decoder
class P_net(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        super(P_net, self).__init__()
        self.lin1 = nn.Linear(z_dim, N)
        self.lin2 = nn.Linear(N, N)
        self.lin3 = nn.Linear(N, X_dim)
    def forward(self, x):
        x = self.lin1(x)
        x = F.dropout(x, p=0.25,
        x = F.relu(x)
        x = self.lin2(x)
        x = F.dropout(x, p=0.25,
        x = self.lin3(x)
        return F.sigmoid(x)
# Discriminator
class D_net_gauss(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        super(D_net_gauss, self).__init__()
        self.lin1 = nn.Linear(z_dim, N)
        self.lin2 = nn.Linear(N, N)
        self.lin3 = nn.Linear(N, 1)
    def forward(self, x):
        x = F.dropout(self.lin1(x), p=0.2,
        x = F.relu(x)
        x = F.dropout(self.lin2(x), p=0.2,
        x = F.relu(x)
        return F.sigmoid(self.lin3(x))

Some things to note from this definitions. Frist, since the output of the encoder has to follow a Gaussian distribution, we do not use any nonlinearities at its last layer. The output of the decoder has a sigmoid nonlinearity, this is because we are using the inputs normalized in a way in which their values are within $$0$$ and $$1$$. The output of the discriminator network is just one number between $$0$$ and $$1$$ representing the probability of the input coming from the true prior distribution.

Once the networks classes are defined, we create an instance of each one and define the optipmizers to be used. In order to have independence in the optimization procedure for the encoder (which is as well the generator of the adversarial network) we define two optimizers for this part of the network as follows:

    Q, P = Q_net() = Q_net(), P_net(0)     # Encoder/Decoder
    D_gauss = D_net_gauss()                # Discriminator adversarial
    if torch.cuda.is_available():
        Q = Q.cuda()
        P = P.cuda()
        D_cat = D_gauss.cuda()
        D_gauss = D_net_gauss().cuda()
    # Set learning rates
    gen_lr, reg_lr = 0.0006, 0.0008
    # Set optimizators
    P_decoder = optim.Adam(P.parameters(), lr=gen_lr)
    Q_encoder = optim.Adam(Q.parameters(), lr=gen_lr)
    Q_generator = optim.Adam(Q.parameters(), lr=reg_lr)
    D_gauss_solver = optim.Adam(D_gauss.parameters(), lr=reg_lr)
Training procedure

The training procedure for this architecture for each minibatch is performed as follows:

  1. Do a forward path through the encoder/decoder part, compute and update the parameteres of the encoder Q and decoder P networks.
    z_sample = Q(X)
    X_sample = P(z_sample)
    recon_loss = F.binary_cross_entropy(X_sample + TINY, X.resize(train_batch_size, X_dim) + TINY)
  1. Create a latent representation z = Q(x) and a sample z’ from the prior p(z), run each one through the discriminator and compute the score assigned to each (D(z) and D(z’)).
    z_real_gauss = Variable(torch.randn(train_batch_size, z_dim) * 5)   # Sample from N(0,5)
    if torch.cuda.is_available():
        z_real_gauss = z_real_gauss.cuda()
    z_fake_gauss = Q(X)
    # Compute discriminator outputs and loss
    D_real_gauss, D_fake_gauss = D_gauss(z_real_gauss), D_gauss(z_fake_gauss)
    D_loss_gauss = -torch.mean(torch.log(D_real_gauss + TINY) + torch.log(1 - D_fake_gauss + TINY))
    D_loss.backward()       # Backpropagate loss
    D_gauss_solver.step()   # Apply optimization step[
  1. Compute the loss in the discriminator as and backpropagate it through the discriminator network to update its weights. In code,
    Q.eval()    # Not use dropout in Q in this step
    z_real_gauss = Variable(torch.randn(train_batch_size, z_dim))
    if cuda:
        z_real_gauss = z_real_gauss.cuda()
    z_fake_gauss = Q(X)

    D_real_gauss = D_gauss(z_real_gauss)
    D_fake_gauss = D_gauss(z_fake_gauss)
    D_loss_gauss = -torch.mean(torch.log(D_real_gauss + TINY) + torch.log(1 - D_fake_gauss + TINY))
  1. Compute the loss of the generator network and update Q network accordingly.
        # Generator
        Q.train()   # Back to use dropout
        z_fake_gauss = Q(X)
        D_fake_gauss = D_gauss(z_fake_gauss)

        G_loss = -torch.mean(torch.log(D_fake_gauss + TINY))
Generating images

Now we attempt to visualize at how the AAE encodes images into a 2-D Gaussian latent representation with standard deviation 5. For this we first train the model and then use the generator part with a code $$z$$ generated uniformely from the 2-D gaussian distribution. rec

AAE to learn disentangled representations

Supervised approach

In this step we go one step forward and try to impose certain structure in the latent code $$z$$. Particularly we want the architecture to be able to separate the class information from the trace style in a fully supervised scenario. To do so, we extend the previous architecture to the one in the figure below. We split the latent dimension in two parts: the first one $$z$$ is analogous as the one we had in the previous example; the second part of the hidden code is now a one hot vector $$y$$ indicating the identity of the number being fed to the autoencoder.


In this setting, the decoder uses the one-hot vector $$y$$ and the hidden code $$z$$ to reconstruct the original image. The encoder is left with the task of encoding the style information in $$z$$. In the image below we can see the result of training this architecture with 10,000 labeled MNIST samples, $$z$$ . The figure shows the reconstructed images in which, for each row, the hidden code $$z$$ is fixed to a particular value and the class label $$y$$ ranges from 0 to 9. Effectively the style is maintained across the columns. disentanglement1

Semi-supervised approach

As our last experiment we look an alternative to obtain similar disentanglement results for the case in which we have only few samples of labeled information. We can modify the previous architecture so that the AAE produces a latent code composed by the concatenation of a vector $$y$$ indicating the class or label (using a Softmax) and a continuous latent variable $$z$$ (using a linear layer). Since we want the vector $$y$$ to behave as a one-hot vector, we impose it to follow a Categorical distribution by using a second adversarial network with discriminator $$D_{cat}$$. The encoder now is $$q(z, y|x)$$. The decoder uses both the class label and the continuous hidden code to reconstruct the image.


The unlabeled data contributes to the training procedure by improving the way the enconder creates the hidden code based on the reconstruction loss and improving the generator and discriminator networks for which no labeled information is needed.


It is worth noticing that now, not only we can generate images with fewer labeled information, but also we can classify the images for which we do not have labels by looking at the latent code $$y$$ and picking the one with highest value. With the current setting the classification loss is about 3% using 100 labeled samples and 47,000 unlabeled ones.

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