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Node.js based script runner for use with Home Assistant and MQTT based Smart Home environments


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Home Assistant Support

This is very much a work in process. Not everything is complete or stable. The HASS support provided by hass-scripts is not nearly as clean or as complete as the MQTT support provided by mqtt-scripts and included in this package.

Many of the mqtt methods work with HASS as well, however, these are still being tested and corrected.

Below you will find the README for mqtt-scripts. hass-scripts is largely unchanged, however, includes support for Home Assistant. Home Assistant can be used in a script in the following way:

hass.on('state:input_boolean.test1', (state) => {
  var service;
  if(state.new_state.state == 'off') {
    service = 'turn_off';
  } else {
    service = 'turn_on';
    domain: 'input_boolean',
    service: service,
    service_data: {
      entity_id: 'input_boolean.test2',

Recommended Setup is to make a config file (copy sample-myconfig.js as a starting point) that looks like the following:

const config = {
  url: 'mqtt://',
  latitude: 48.7408,
  longitude: 9.1778,
  name: 'logic',
  'variable-prefix': 'var',
  verbosity: 'info',
  'disable-variables': false,
  'disable-watch': false,
  hass: {
    host: '',
    protocol: 'ws', // "ws" (default) or "wss" for SSL
    retryTimeout: 5000, // in ms, default is 5000
    retryCount: -1, // default is 10, values < 0 mean unlimited
    port: 8123

module.exports = config;

Then, run hass-scripts like this:

./index.js -c ./myconfig.js -d ./scripts/

BELOW IS THE README for mqtt-scripts. This has not been edited.


mqtt-smarthome NPM version dependencies Status Build Status Coverage Status XO code style License

mqtt-scripts is a Node.js based script runner for use in mqtt based smart home environments.

It's intentended to be used as the "logic layer" in your smart home, and offers a zero-boilerplate, straight forward scripting environment.

It follows the mqtt-smarthome architecture. Mqtt-scripts could be seen as something like "Node-RED without GUI"

Getting started

Prerequisites: mqtt-scripts needs Node.js >= 6.0.

  • Install mqtt-scripts globally:

sudo npm install -g mqtt-scripts

  • Create a folder from where mqtt-scripts will load the scripts:

mkdir -p /opt/mqtt-smarthome/scripts

  • Create a folder to install node modules that can be used in the scripts:

mkdir /opt/mqtt-smarthome/scripts/node_modules
(You can then just use npm install in the directory /opt/mqtt-smarthome/scripts)

  • Put some files in you script dir:
echo "'my first script!')" > /opt/mqtt-smarthome/scripts/test1.js
echo " 'get ma a coffee' > /opt/mqtt-smarthome/scripts/
  • Start mqtt-scripts

mqtt-scripts -d /opt/mqtt-smarthome/scripts

Run with Docker

To run with Docker, use either a pre-build image or build one your own. Either way, just substitude the node-command you would have used by the Docker command, for e.g.:

mqtt-scripts --help


docker run dersimn/mqtt-scripts --help

An example for a productive configuration would be:

docker run -d --restart=always --name=logic \
    -e "TZ=Europe/Berlin" \
    -v /opt/hma/etc/scripts:/scripts:ro \
    dersimn/mqtt-scripts \
    --url mqtt:// \
    --dir /scripts

Configure via MQTTSCRIPTS_ env variables when using Docker Compose.


To build a Docker image yourself use the following workflow:

git clone
cd mqtt-scripts
docker build -t mqtt-scripts .

To build for the Raspberry Pi, run:

docker build -t mqtt-scripts:armhf -f Dockerfile.armhf .

Command Line Options

Usage: mqtt-scripts [options]

  --version                Show version number                         [boolean]
  -c, --config             Path to JSON config file
  -d, --dir                directory to scan for .js and .coffee files. can be
                           used multiple times.
  -h, --help               Show help                                   [boolean]
  -s, --variable-prefix    topic prefix for $ substitution (shorthand for
                           variables, see docs)                 [default: "var"]
  -t, --disable-variables  disable variable feedback (see docs) [default: false]
  -n, --name               instance name. used as mqtt client id and as prefix
                           for connected topic                [default: "logic"]
  -u, --url                mqtt broker url. See
                                                   [default: "mqtt://"]
  -v, --verbosity          possible values: "error", "warn", "info", "debug"
                                                               [default: "info"]
  -w, --disable-watch      disable file watching (don't exit process on file
                           changes)                             [default: false]
  -l, --latitude                                              [default: 48.7408]
  -m, --longitude                                              [default: 9.1778]                                            

If you're running multiple instances of mqtt-scripts you have to decide which one should handle variables and disable the variables on all other instances with the --disable-variable option.

Script Examples

Use hm2mqtt and hue2mqtt to control a hue lamp with a homematic remote control

link('hm//RC4:1/PRESS_CONT', 'hue//lights/Hobbyraum/bri_inc', -16);

subscribe('hm//RC4:2/PRESS_CONT', function () {
    if (!getValue('hue//lights/Hobbyraum')) {
        setValue('hue//lights/Hobbyraum', 1);
    } else {
        setValue('hue//lights/Hobbyraum/bri_inc', 16);

link('hm//RC4:1/PRESS_SHORT', 'hue//lights/Hobbyraum', 0);
link('hm//RC4:2/PRESS_SHORT', 'hue//lights/Hobbyraum', 254);
link('hm//RC4:3/PRESS_CONT', 'hue//lights/Hobbyraum/ct_inc', -16);
link('hm//RC4:4/PRESS_CONT', 'hue//lights/Hobbyraum/ct_inc', 16);
link('hm//RC4:3/PRESS_SHORT', 'hue//lights/Hobbyraum/ct', 153);
link('hm//RC4:4/PRESS_SHORT', 'hue//lights/Hobbyraum/ct', 500);

retrieve fuel prices from tankerkoenig

var request =   require('request');
var cred =      require('./lib/credentials.js');

var url = '';

var tankstellen = {
    'OMV': 'cb1f0588-d517-40f0-8ce3-3edadebea40d',
    'Shell': '4267c196-eea1-47be-96b7-d790b2fbd17a'

schedule('0/12 * * * *', function () {
    for (var topic in tankstellen) {
        getData(topic, tankstellen[topic]);

function getData(topic, id) {
    request.get(url + '?id=' + id + '&apikey=' + cred.tankerkoenig.apikey, function (err, res) {
        if (err) {
        var data = JSON.parse(res.body).station;
        setValue('$Tankstelle/' + topic + '/Diesel',    data.diesel);
        setValue('$Tankstelle/' + topic + '/E5',        data.e5);
        setValue('$Tankstelle/' + topic + '/Offen',     data.isOpen);

Send a variables state changes to Pushover

var cred = require('./lib/credentials.js');

var pushoverNotifications = require('pushover-notifications');

var push = new pushoverNotifications( {
    user: cred.pushover.user,
    token: cred.pushover.token,
    onerror: function (error) {

function pushover(msg) {
    if (typeof msg !== 'object' || typeof msg.message !== 'string') msg = {message: '' + msg};
    msg.title = msg.title || "Smart Home";
    msg.priority = msg.priority || 0;
    msg.device = msg.device || 'iphone5';
    push.send(msg, function(err, result) {
        if (err) {

subscribe('$Anwesenheit', {change: true}, function () {
        message: getProp($Anwesenheit, 'logic_textual'),
        priority: -1




Log to stdout/stderr. Messages are prefixed with a timestamp and the calling scripts path.


subscribe(topic, [options], callback)

Subscribe to MQTT topic(s)

schedule(pattern, [options], callback)

Schedule recurring and one-shot events

sunSchedule(pattern, [options], callback)

Schedule a recurring event based on sun position

publish(topic, payload, [options])

Publish a MQTT message

setValue(topic, val)

Set a value on one or more topics

getProp(topic, [])mixed

Get a specific property of a topic

link(source, target, [value])

Link topic(s) to other topic(s)

combineBool(srcs, targets)

Combine topics through boolean or

combineMax(srcs, targets)

Publish maximum of combined topics

timer(src, target, time)

Publishes 1 on target for specific time after src changed to true


subscribeCallback : function


Log to stdout/stderr. Messages are prefixed with a timestamp and the calling scripts path.

Kind: global class


Log a debug message

Kind: static method of log


Log an info message

Kind: static method of log



Log a warning message

Kind: static method of log



Log an error message

Kind: static method of log


subscribe(topic, [options], callback)

Subscribe to MQTT topic(s)

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
topic string | Array.<string> topic or array of topics to subscribe
[options] Object | string | function Options object or as shorthand to options.condition a function or string
[options.shift] number delay execution in seconds. Has to be positive
[options.random] number random delay execution in seconds. Has to be positive
[options.change] boolean if set to true callback is only called if val changed
[options.retain] boolean if set to true callback is also called on retained messages
[options.condition] string | function conditional function or condition string
callback subscribeCallback

schedule(pattern, [options], callback)

Schedule recurring and one-shot events

Kind: global function
See: sunSchedule for scheduling based on sun position.

Param Type Description
pattern string | Date | Object | Array.<mixed> pattern or array of patterns. May be cron style string, Date object or node-schedule object literal. See
[options] Object
[options.random] number random delay execution in seconds. Has to be positive
callback function is called with no arguments


// every full Hour.
schedule('0 * * * *', callback);

// Monday till friday, random between 7:30am an 8:00am
schedule('30 7 * * 1-5', {random: 30 * 60}, callback);

// once on 21. December 2018 at 5:30am
schedule(new Date(2018, 12, 21, 5, 30, 0), callback);

// every Sunday at 2:30pm
schedule({hour: 14, minute: 30, dayOfWeek: 0}, callback);

sunSchedule(pattern, [options], callback)

Schedule a recurring event based on sun position

Kind: global function
See: schedule for time based scheduling.

Param Type Description
pattern string | Array.<string> a suncalc event or an array of suncalc events. See
[options] Object
[options.shift] number delay execution in seconds. Allowed Range: -86400...86400 (+/- 24h)
[options.random] number random delay execution in seconds.
callback function is called with no arguments


// Call callback 15 minutes before sunrise
sunSchedule('sunrise', {shift: -900}, callback);

// Call callback random 0-15 minutes after sunset
sunSchedule('sunset', {random: 900}, callback);

publish(topic, payload, [options])

Publish a MQTT message

Kind: global function

Param Type Default Description
topic string | Array.<string> topic or array of topics to publish to
payload string | Object the payload string. If an object is given it will be JSON.stringified
[options] Object the options to publish with
[options.qos] number 0 QoS Level
[options.retain] boolean false retain flag

setValue(topic, val)

Set a value on one or more topics

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
topic string | Array.<string> topic or array of topics to set value on
val mixed

getValue(topic) ⇒ mixed

Kind: global function
Returns: mixed - the topics value

Param Type
topic string

getProp(topic, []) ⇒ mixed

Get a specific property of a topic

Kind: global function
Returns: mixed - the topics properties value

Param Type Description
topic string
[] string the property to retrieve. May be repeated for nested properties. If omitted the whole topic object is returned.


// returns the timestamp of a given topic
getProp('hm//Bewegungsmelder Keller/MOTION', 'ts');

now() ⇒ number

Kind: global function
Returns: number - ms since epoch

age(topic) ⇒ number

Kind: global function
Returns: number - seconds since last change

Param Type
topic string

link(source, target, [value])

Link topic(s) to other topic(s)

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
source string | Array.<string> topic or array of topics to subscribe
target string | Array.<string> topic or array of topics to publish
[value] mixed value to publish. If omitted the sources value is published. A function can be used to transform the value.

combineBool(srcs, targets)

Combine topics through boolean or

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
srcs Array.<string> array of topics to subscribe
targets string topic to publish

combineMax(srcs, targets)

Publish maximum of combined topics

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
srcs Array.<string> array of topics to subscribe
targets string topic to publish

timer(src, target, time)

Publishes 1 on target for specific time after src changed to true

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
src string | Array.<string> topic or array of topics to subscribe
target string topic to publish
time number timeout in milliseconds

subscribeCallback : function

Kind: global typedef

Param Type Description
topic string the topic that triggered this callback. +/status/# will be replaced by +//#
val mixed the val property of the new state
obj object new state - the whole state object (e.g. {"val": true, "ts": 12346345, "lc": 12346345} )
objPrev object previous state - the whole state object
msg object the mqtt message as received from MQTT.js


MIT © Sebastian Raff


Node.js based script runner for use with Home Assistant and MQTT based Smart Home environments







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