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An example evaluating an empirical cdf in R, R with Rcpp and in Julia

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An example evaluating an empirical cdf in R, R with Rcpp and in Julia


A Ph.D student working with Sunduz Keles was preparing an R package for analysis of the results of a high throughput biological assay. The final step - creating p-values for the observed response from a reference sample - was taking an inordinate amount of time in their R code.

The samples were large: about 6,000,000 numeric values in the reference distribution sample and about 2,000,000 in the observed sample. The reference distribution was not a Gaussian but we will generate samples from this distribution for illustration.

set.seed(1234321)  # for reproducibility of results
ref <- rnorm(6000000L)
samp <- rnorm(2000000L)

The important step is determining what portion of the reference sample is less than each element of the observed sample. For a single element in the observed sample a vectorized comparison would be

(numlt1 <- sum(ref < samp[1]))
## [1] 4174960
(prop1 <- numlt1/length(ref))
## [1] 0.6958

An individual evaluation like this is fast but 2,000,000 such evaluations took a long time. For illustration we consider a subsample of size 100.

numltr <- function(obs, ref) {
    nobs <- length(obs)
    ans <- integer(nobs)
    for (i in seq_len(nobs)) ans[i] <- sum(ref < obs[i])
system.time(numlt1 <- numltr(samp[1:100], ref))
##    user  system elapsed 
##   7.988   0.732   8.778

On this computer a single evaluation takes about 0.1 seconds. Obviously 2,000,000 evaluations will be slow.

Using std::lower_bound in C++

Those familiar with algorithms like binary search will realize that by sorting the reference sample and using a binary search the number of comparisons can be reduced enormously. In C++ the std::lower_bound algorithm from the STL (Standard Template Library) returns the index of the last element in the sorted reference sample that is less than a given value.

The file ecdf.cpp is a C++ source file containing

#include <Rcpp.h>
using namespace Rcpp;
IntegerVector cpplb(NumericVector samp, NumericVector sref) {
  int nobs = samp.size();
  IntegerVector ans(nobs);
  for (int i = 0; i < samp.size(); ++i)
    ans[i] = std::lower_bound(sref.begin(), sref.end(), samp[i]) - sref.begin();
  return ans;

The sourceCpp function in the Rcpp package is used compile this C++ function and make it visible as an R function. In Rstudio this operation is even easier because the user can open the .cpp file and click the "source on save" button so that every time the file is saved it is loaded with sourceCpp into the current R sesssion.

system.time(sref <- sort(ref))
##    user  system elapsed 
##   1.448   0.008   1.458
system.time(numlb <- cpplb(samp[1:100], sref))
##    user  system elapsed 
##       0       0       0
##  int [1:100] 4174960 3589165 560670 86823 640624 4314046 5096987 2202714 5477351 3914446 ...
##  int [1:100] 4174960 3589165 560670 86823 640624 4314046 5096987 2202714 5477351 3914446 ...
all.equal(numlt1, numlb)
## [1] TRUE

The cpplb function is too fast to time on only 100 evaluations. We can actually run the entire sample in a few seconds with this function.

system.time(numlt2 <- cpplb(samp, sref))
##    user  system elapsed 
##   1.472   0.000   1.497

Using a sorted sample in C++

Even with a binary search we are still performing over 20 comparisons for each element of samp. If the elements of samp are examined in increasing order, however, we can start from the last lower bound and get the next lower bound after about 3 comparisons, on average. The C++ code is a bit more complicated and it took me several tries to get it right,

IntegerVector cppcp(NumericVector samp, NumericVector ref, IntegerVector ord) {
  int nobs = samp.size();
  IntegerVector ans(nobs);
  for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < nobs; ++i) {
    int ind(ord[i] - 1); // C++ uses 0-based indices
    double ssampi(samp[ind]);
    while (ref[j] < ssampi && j < ref.size()) ++j;
    ans[ind] = j;     // j is the 1-based index of the lower bound
  return ans;

but it executes very quickly

system.time(ord <- order(samp))
##    user  system elapsed 
##   2.416   0.004   2.453
system.time(numlt3 <- cppcp(samp, sref, ord))
##    user  system elapsed 
##   0.240   0.000   0.239
all.equal(numlt3, numlt2)
## [1] TRUE

This process is reasonably convenient, especially with the support available in Rstudio but it does involve two languages and interface code.

Using searchsortedlast in Julia

Julia provides speed comparable to compiled C or C++ code within a dynamic, interactive language. The searchsortedlast function in Julia provides the results of std::lower_bound. After transferring the data from R to Julia and sorting the reference sample we can create the result using a "comprehension"

julia> using DataFrames

julia> dat = read_rda("/home/bates/Rproj/ecdfExample/data.rda");
Written by version 2.15.2
Minimal R version: 2.3.0

julia> sref = dat["ref"].data;

julia> @elapsed sref = sort!(sref)  # an in-place sort as original is no longer needed

julia> samp = dat["samp"].data;

julia> numlt2 = dat["numlt2"].data;

julia> dump(sref)
Array(Float64,(6000000,)) [-4.92784, -4.86842, -4.85339, -4.83884    4.8352, 4.87281, 4.94616, 4.95661, 4.97419]

julia> dump(samp)
Array(Float64,(2000000,)) [0.512579, 0.248878, -1.31952, -2.18544, -1.24358    0.716465, 0.28251, 0.0592095, 0.18775]

julia> dump(numlt2)
Array(Int32,(2000000,)) [4174960, 3589165, 560670, 86823, 640624    4837702, 4578656, 3667005, 3140388, 3445791]

julia> numlt4 = [searchsortedlast(sref, s) for s in samp];

julia> @elapsed [searchsortedlast(sref, s) for s in samp]

julia> @assert (all(numlt4 .== numlt2))

The speed is comparable to the speed of the method using Rcpp and std::lower_bound.

As is common in Julia the searchsortedlast function is written in Julia.

# index of the last value of vector v that is less than or equal to x;
# returns 0 if x is less than all values of v.
function searchsortedlast(o::Ordering, v::AbstractVector, x, lo::Int, hi::Int)
    lo = lo-1
    hi = hi+1
    while lo < hi-1
        m = (lo+hi)>>>1
        if lt(o, x, v[m])
            hi = m
            lo = m
    return lo

for s in {:searchsortedfirst, :searchsortedlast}
    @eval begin
        $s(o::Ordering, v::AbstractVector, x) = $s(o, v, x, 1, length(v))
        $s{O<:Ordering}(::Type{O}, v::AbstractVector, x) = $s(O(), v, x)
        $s(v::AbstractVector, x) = $s(Forward(), v, x)

(The operator >>> is an arithmetic right shift so (lo+hi)>>>1 is Geek for the integer division of (lo+hi) by 2.)

This definition covers a wide range of vector types and comparison operators succinctly.

Using a sorted sample in Julia

A similar definition and timing of a function like cppcp is

julia> ord = sortperm(samp);

julia> @elapsed sortperm(samp)

julia> dump(ord)
Array(Int64,(2000000,)) [31333, 440792, 788079, 1496204, 449572, 297156    11333, 963459, 1204917, 883672, 1331988]

julia> function julcp(samp::Vector{Float64}, sref::Vector{Float64}, ord::Vector{Int})
           j = 1
           ans = similar(ord)
           for i in 1:length(samp)
               while (sref[j] < samp[ord[i]] && j <= length(sref)) j += 1 end
               ans[ord[i]] = j - 1

julia> numlt5 = julcp(samp, sref, ord);

julia> @elapsed julcp(samp, sref, ord)

julia> @assert all(numlt5 .== numlt2)


When I first was asked speeding up this calculation, I didn't think of it as evaluating an "ecdf". Had I done so, I would have realized that there is an ecdf function in the stats package and I could have saved myself some trouble. It takes a bit of reading to decide that the ecdf function applied to the reference sample returns a function that is applied to the observed sample to get the quantiles.

system.time(ed <- ecdf(ref))
##    user  system elapsed 
##   5.513   0.284   5.818
system.time(quant <- ed(samp))
##    user  system elapsed 
##   1.856   0.032   1.895

The function itself is hidden by a class

## Empirical CDF 
## Call: ecdf(ref)
##  x[1:6000000] = -4.9, -4.9, -4.9,  ...,   5,   5
## function (v) 
## .C(C_R_approxfun, as.double(x), as.double(y), n, xout = as.double(v), 
##     as.integer(length(v)), as.integer(method), as.double(yleft), 
##     as.double(yright), as.double(f), NAOK = TRUE)$xout
## <bytecode: 0x9bd4ff0>
## <environment: 0x9bd3d10>
## attr(,"call")
## ecdf(ref)

This performance would undoubtably been acceptable but I didn't think to look for the function. Also, if you want to understand how it is evaluating the quantiles you need to wade your way through the C functions in the file ./src/src/library/stats/src/approx.c in the R source tree. This is not impossibly difficult but neither is it easy.

Later ChenLiang Xu reminded me of the findInterval function in R which, as the name implies, finds the index of the interval in a sorted reference sample for each element of an observed sample. It looks like

system.time(numlt4 <- findInterval(samp, sref))
##    user  system elapsed 
##   5.148   0.156   5.324
##  int [1:2000000] 4174960 3589165 560670 86823 640624 4314046 5096987 2202714 5477351 3914446 ...
all.equal(numlt4, numlt3)
## [1] TRUE

A comparison of the Rcpp and Julia execution times on each stage is:

operation R/Rcpp Julia
sort reference sample 1.456 0.340
quantiles by binary search 1.452 2.552
permutation to order the observed sample 2.475 0.914
sequential search on ordered sample 0.244 0.249

I should note that there is a sort templated function in Standard Template Library (STL) for C++ which makes it easy to write a function cppsort for R

NumericVector cppsort(NumericVector v) {
    NumericVector sv(clone(v));
    std::sort(sv.begin(), sv.end());
    return sv;

I wasn't able to find a native sort function in Rcpp so this function is specific to numeric vectors. It should be possible to write a generic sort for vector objects in R (numeric, integer and perhaps character vectors) but that is beyond my skill in C++ template metaprogramming.

This function is faster than the sort function in R but still not as fast as the Julia sort function.

all.equal(sref, cppsort(ref))
## [1] TRUE
##    user  system elapsed 
##   0.652   0.012   0.667


An example evaluating an empirical cdf in R, R with Rcpp and in Julia






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