This library facilitates the spawning, maintenance and resolution of asynchronous operations running concurrently. See example below for more info:
module Main where
import Concurrency.Supervise ( supervise, ThreadCount(..), RespawnTime(..), Supervise(..), poll )
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import System.Exit
import System.Random
secs :: Int -> Int
secs = (*1000000)
main :: IO ()
main = do
threadcount -- MVar to change the current amount of running threads
respawnTime -- MVar to change the respawn time of asynchronous actions
adminThread -- Admin thread for monitoring
supervise -- * Main API function we care about
(ThreadCount 5) -- This means 5 threads will run 'action' concurrently
(RespawnTime 0) -- Time elapsed before the next thread respawns
action -- IO action to run
handleExceptions -- Exception handler
handleCompletions -- Completion handler
-- Monitor the admin thread
forever $ do
res <- poll adminThread
case res of
Nothing -> putStrLn "adming running..."
Just (Right x) -> putStrLn "admin completed.."
Just (Left x) -> putStrLn "admin error.."
threadDelay (secs 2)
-- Example
where handleExceptions = print
handleCompletions x = print "finished action.."
action = do r <- randomRIO (1,10)
threadDelay (secs r)
putStrLn $ "running action..." ++ show r ++ " secs"