This package contains a series of R functions for accessing and analyzing data in the NXT blockchain, which is stored in a H2 (java) database. To use this package, one must either connect to a copy of the H2 database that is not in active use by the (NXT) NRS Client or instruct the NRS client to open the database with the AUTO_SERVER=TRUE option using the nxt.dbUrl property.
The latest development version of Rxt can be installed directly from github using the devtools R package. First that package needs to be installed:
Once this is done, one can install the development version with:
Replace "master" with another branch, tag or commit to obtain a different version of the package.
Rxt currently requires the package RH2 with version >=0.2, which is not yet on CRAN. The latest version of RH2 can also be installed from github following the instructions here.