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Daniel Moll edited this page Dec 20, 2016 · 8 revisions


Targets-io is a dashboard application for organizing, analyzing, benchmarking and reporting of test results of performance tests executed with Gatling Tool, JMeter or LoadRunner. Load related metrics are stored in Graphite together with any other relevant metrics of the application under test, for instance resources usage metrics. Any metric stored in Graphite can be benchmarked between test runs, to provide automated feedback on the performance of an application.

Organizing test results

Targets-io allows you to keep track of test results for all your performance test projects. You can add a PRODUCT for each application under test and a DASHBOARD for each test type, for instance a stress test, endurance test etc. All test results are available in one online place, allowing easy browsing and sharing.

Continuous performance validation

Targets-io can automatically benchmark test results to prevent you from spending a lot of time analyzing your test runs triggered from your continuous integration pipeline. The dashboard does the following benchmarks:

  • Requirements: check if the results meet the requirements set for a metric.
  • Benchmark to previous test run: check if metric deviations, compared to the last test run, stay within configured allowed deviation. This benchmark will give you immediate feedback on the last commits on your code.
  • Benchmark to fixed baseline: check if metric deviations, compared to fixed baseline (for instance your current live version), stay within configured allowed deviation.

The requirements / benchmark thresholds can be set on any of the metrics you have configured in your dashboard. The consolidated test run results are exposed via a REST API and can be used to pass or fail your build in your CI server.

Analyzing test results

Targets-io helps you to quickly analyze test results by providing powerful features to make your live as a performance tester as easy as possible. It allows you to dynamically zoom (horizontally and vertically) into graphs, add events, organize metrics and graphs based on tags, etc. Moreover targets-io is designed to share your insights easily with your collegues and stakeholders.


Targets-io can automatically generate test reports based on specified templates per product and test type (dashboard). The generated reports contain test run meta data, requirement results, annotated graphs and can be enriched with additional information using mark down. By setting the "product release" property of test runs, test results can be grouped and reported to your stakeholders per release. All reports can be exported to PDF for offline use.


Targets-io allows you to create dashboards quickly based on templated metrics and variables. Templates can save you a lot of time compared to manually configuring dashboards.