Spy On Fido is a web application designed for busy pet owners to supervise their pets while away at work. Users are able to log in and view saved images and videos that were captured using their remote camera. The user facing Angular interface also allows control of when a pet owner wants to take a image or video, with a click of a button.
This app was made with the MEAN stack (Mongo, Express, Angular and Nodejs), and incorporates a RESTful API, an Angular user interface, and a Express server running on a Raspberry Pi.
Check out the Raspberry Pi Server repo here.
Front End Technology
- Bower v1.7.9
- Angular v1.5.8
- Jquery v3.1.1
- Materialize v0.97.7
Server Side Technology:
- Node.js v6.7.0
- AWS Javascript SDK v2.6.12
- Express v4.14.0
- Express-session v1.14.1
- Mongo v3.2.9
- Mongoose v4.6.4",
- Connect-redis v3.1.0
- Request v2.76.0 (npm module)
- Heroku-cli v5.4.8