Parses input and creates contacts with Name, Phone Number, and Email if they are found
Visual Studio with C# support
Building with Visual Studio:
Clone the repo and open the solution (.sln) file
Press "Start" and the application will build
Locate the executable file in the "ContactInfoParser\ContactInfoParser\bin\Debug" directory
Locate the executable file in the "ContactInfoParser\ContactInfoParser\bin\Debug" directory and run the following commands in a command window
The files in the "Tests" directory will be run when no files are given as arguments when the program is executed.
$ ./ContactInfoParser.exe
Looking for contacts in '../../Tests\ContactInfoEx1.txt'
Looking for contacts in '../../Tests\ContactInfoEx2.txt'
Looking for contacts in '../../Tests\ContactInfoEx3.txt'
Name: John Doe
Phone: 4105551234
Name: Jane Doe
Phone: 4105551234
Name: Bob Smith
Phone: 17035551259
$ ./ContactInfoParser.exe ../../Tests/ContactInfoEx1.txt
Name: John Doe
Phone: 4105551234
To change the location the program looks for resources (firstNames.csv, lastNames.csv): Edit the resourcesDir variable in BusinessCardParser.cs to the desired directory.
- A file is opened and all of its contents are read
- Each line of the file contents is checked against several regular expressions (Name, Phone, Email)
Once a phone number or email is found for a contact, it is not looked for again.
Problems arise when looking for names in the business card information which includes the following:
Bob Smith Software Engineer Decision & Security Technologies ABC Technologies 123 North 11th Street Suite 229 Arlington, VA 22209 Tel: +1 (703) 555-1259 Fax: +1 (703) 555-1200
Lines such as "Software Engineer" and "ABC Technologies" match the regular expression for names but should not be recognized as one.
Therefore, when a potential name is found, the first and last name are checked against a set of first and last names read in and initialized (only once!) when a BusinessCardParser is constructed.
- If the first name is in the first name set: +1 points
- If the last name is in the last name set: +2 points
The name with the highest score is selected