Interact with a Powerschool System and view user information
Example that lists joey05
's assignments in math, and their grades if applicable:
PowerschoolClient client = new DefaultPowerschoolClient("https://url.of.powerschoolinstall");
User joey = client.authenticate("joey05", "joey's_password");
Course mathCourse = joey.newCourseGetter().containsByName("Math").first();
for (Assignment a : mathCourse.getAssignments(GradingPeriod.F1)) {
System.out.println("Assignment name: " + a.getName());
if (!a.isMissingDetails()) {
System.out.println(" - Grade: " + a.getScorePercent() + " (" + a.getScoreLetterGrade() + ")");
The requests aren't using an actual API, but rather parsing HTML from a webpage retrieved. Results could might vary, but shouldn't if your Powerschool System is a typical install.