This extension uses libXL library to provide API for generating or parsing all Excel files.
is a high-performance mechanism for working with Excel files and is
able to generate output readable on Blackberries, iPhone, Office Products,
Numbers, etc. ...
Forked and updated based on the initial development and hosting by Ilia Alshanetsky and Jan Ehrhardt.
Please see the docs/
and the tests/
# change into php source files directory
cd php-8.x.x
# clone repository into php extension dir
git clone -b main ext/excel
# to build php8 module, you should use php8 git branch
cd ext/excel && git checkout main && cd ../..
# rebuild configure
./buildconf --force
# replace <PATH> with the file path to the extracted libxl files
# on a 32-bit platform use
./configure --with-excel=shared --with-libxl-incdir=<PATH>/libxl-4.1.2/include_c --with-libxl-libdir=<PATH>/libxl-4.1.2/lib
# on a 64-bit platform use
./configure --with-excel=shared --with-libxl-incdir=<PATH>/libxl-4.1.2/include_c --with-libxl-libdir=<PATH>/libxl-4.1.2/lib64
Pre-build packages for Windows can be downloaded here. To build the package for Windows on your own you may want to visit this project.
- requires LibXL 3.6.0+
- use the main branch of the github repo
// init excel work book as xlsx
$useXlsxFormat = true;
$xlBook = new \ExcelBook('<YOUR_LICENSE_NAME>', '<YOUR_LICENSE_KEY>', $useXlsxFormat);
// add sheet to work book
$xlSheet1 = $xlBook->addSheet('Sheet1');
// create a small sample data set
$dataset = [
[1, 1500, 'John', 'Doe'],
[2, 750, 'Jane', 'Doe']
// write data set to sheet
$row = 1;
foreach($dataset as $item){
$xlSheet1->writeRow($row, $item);
// write sum formula under data set
$col = 1;
$xlSheet1->write($row, $col, '=SUM(B1:B3)');
// add second sheet to work book
$xlSheet2 = $xlBook->addSheet('Sheet2');
// add a date with specific date format to second sheet
$row = 1; $col = 0;
$date = new \DateTime('2014-08-02');
$dateFormat = new \ExcelFormat($xlBook);
$xlSheet2->write($row, $col, $date->getTimestamp(), $dateFormat, \ExcelFormat::AS_DATE);
// save workbook
To prevent unvealing your credentials in your code you can save them in your php.ini file.
They will be automatically fetched by the extension and you can pass null
instead of
your credentials new \ExcelBook(null, null, $useXlsxFormat)
; optional settings for excel extension
Excel stores value and formula for each cell while LibXL stores only the formula. This means
if you create an Excel sheet with php_excel and write a formula like =SUM(A1:B1)
in cell C1
you cannot
read the value of the calculation by reading cell C1
in a later step. There have been observations that
this can also affect the OS pre-view of Excel files which rely on values. You can circumvent this by opening and saving the file directly
in Excel by using the COM or DOTNET
interface. (Excel is required!)
* if you are having trouble try adding usleep(1000000) between the steps
* for a pause of 1s or kill running Excel tasks beforehand e.g. with PHP on Windows
* exec('TASKKILL /F /FI "IMAGENAME eq EXCEL.EXE" /T', $out);
$workbook = realpath($file);
$excelHandler = new \COM("Excel.sheet") or die('Failed to connect Excel COM handler in file '.__FILE__.' on line '.__LINE__);
$excelHandler->Application->Workbooks->Open($workbook) or die('Failed to open Excel Workbook '.$file.' in file '.__FILE__.' on line '.__LINE__);
$excelHandler = null;
If your credentials do not work properly because of multibyte characters you can extend ExcelBook
class and circumvent the build-in mechanism for php.ini
class MyExcelBook extends \ExcelBook
public function __construct($license_name=null, $license_key=null, $new_excel=false)
if (null === $license_name) {
$license_name = utf8_decode(get_cfg_var('excel.license_name'));
$license_key = utf8_decode(get_cfg_var('excel.license_key'));
parent::__construct($license_name, $license_key, $new_excel);
After you have build the extension you can use nmake test
to run the test suite against the php_excel extension.
..\php-8.2.4> nmake test TESTS="-d extension=php_excel.dll -d date.timezone=\"America/Toronto\" -d excel.license_name=\"LICENSE_NAME\" -d excel.license_key=\"LICENSE_KEY\" ./ext/php_excel"