This code provides sample decision to coordinate complex non-transactional processes and roll back different parts in case of any failure.
Consider the following case: a system would like to send an invoice to a client.
import shapeless.HNil
import ru.dimitrius.SagaBuilder.saga
val persistInvoiceAndSendEmail: Future[Email :: Person :: HNil] = saga
.part[Person](PersonService.addInvoice(person, invoice), p => PersonService.deleteInvoice(p, invoice))
.part[Email](EmailService.sendInvoice(, invoice), letter => EmailService.sendExcuse(, EmailService.createExcuse(letter)))
persistInvoiceAndSendEmail.onComplete {
case Success(email :: person :: HNil) =>
logger.debug("There you can manage process results")
case Failure(SagaFailed(message, _)) =>
logger.error(s"One saga part has been failed due to $message")