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Releases: docker/compose

1.5.0 RC3

30 Oct 21:50
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1.5.0 RC3 Pre-release

This is a release candidate for version 1.5.0 of Compose.

Note that Compose 1.5.0 requires Docker 1.8.0 or later.

To try it out, run the following commands:

curl -L`uname -s`-`uname -m` > /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

Or pip install -U docker-compose==1.5.0rc3 if you prefer pip.

This release contains breaking changes.

Here's what's new:

Breaking changes:

With the introduction of variable substitution support in the Compose file, any
Compose file that uses an environment variable ($VAR or ${VAR}) in the command:
or entrypoint: field will break.

Previously these values were interpolated inside the container, with a value
from the container environment. In Compose 1.5.0, the values will be
interpolated on the host, with a value from the host environment.

To migrate a Compose file to 1.5.0, escape the variables with an extra $
(ex: $$VAR or $${VAR}). See

Major features:

New features:

  • You can now optionally pass a mode to volumes_from, e.g.
    volumes_from: ["servicename:ro"].
  • Since Docker now lets you create volumes with names, you can refer to those
    volumes by name in docker-compose.yml. For example,
    volumes: ["mydatavolume:/data"] will mount the volume named
    mydatavolume at the path /data inside the container.

If the first component of an entry in volumes starts with a ., / or
~, it is treated as a path and expansion of relative paths is performed as
necessary. Otherwise, it is treated as a volume name and passed straight
through to Docker.

Read more on named volumes and volume drivers here:

  • docker-compose build --pull instructs Compose to pull the base image for
    each Dockerfile before building.
  • docker-compose pull --ignore-pull-failures instructs Compose to continue
    if it fails to pull a single service's image, rather than aborting.
  • You can now specify an IPC namespace in docker-compose.yml with the ipc
  • Containers created by docker-compose run can now be named with the
    --name flag.
  • If you install Compose with pip or use it as a library, it now works with
    Python 3.
  • image now supports image digests (in addition to ids and tags), e.g.
    image: "busybox@sha256:38a203e1986cf79639cfb9b2e1d6e773de84002feea2d4eb006b52004ee8502d"
  • ports now supports ranges of ports, e.g.
  - "3000-3005"
  - "9000-9001:8000-8001"
  • docker-compose run now supports a -p|--publish parameter, much like
    docker run -p, for publishing specific ports to the host.
  • docker-compose pause and docker-compose unpause have been implemented,
    analogous to docker pause and docker unpause.
  • When using extends to copy configuration from another service in the same
    Compose file, you can omit the file option.
  • Compose can be installed and run as a Docker image. This is an experimental

Bug fixes:

  • All values for the log_driver option which are supported by the Docker
    daemon are now supported by Compose.
  • docker-compose build can now be run successfully against a Swarm cluster.

Thanks @mnowster, @aanand, @moxiegirl, @albers, @mrfuxi, @viranch, @sdurrheimer, @charleswhchan, @ZJaffee, @villlem, @vdemeester, @TomasTomecek, @timbutler, @ticosax, @SvenDowideit, @stedur, @ronen, @md2perpe, @ggtools, @geron, @cweagans, @au-phiware

1.5.0 RC2

28 Oct 15:23
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1.5.0 RC2 Pre-release

This is a release candidate for version 1.5.0 of Compose.

Note that Compose 1.5.0 requires Docker 1.8.0 or later.

To try it out, run the following commands:

curl -L`uname -s`-`uname -m` > /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

Or pip install -U docker-compose==1.5.0rc2 if you prefer pip.

Here's what's new:

Major features:

New features:

  • You can now optionally pass a mode to volumes_from, e.g.
    volumes_from: ["servicename:ro"].
  • Since Docker now lets you create volumes with names, you can refer to those
    volumes by name in docker-compose.yml. For example,
    volumes: ["mydatavolume:/data"] will mount the volume named
    mydatavolume at the path /data inside the container.

If the first component of an entry in volumes starts with a ., / or
~, it is treated as a path and expansion of relative paths is performed as
necessary. Otherwise, it is treated as a volume name and passed straight
through to Docker.

Read more on named volumes and volume drivers here:

  • docker-compose build --pull instructs Compose to pull the base image for
    each Dockerfile before building.
  • docker-compose pull --ignore-pull-failures instructs Compose to continue
    if it fails to pull a single service's image, rather than aborting.
  • You can now specify an IPC namespace in docker-compose.yml with the ipc
  • Containers created by docker-compose run can now be named with the
    --name flag.
  • If you install Compose with pip or use it as a library, it now works with
    Python 3.
  • image now supports image digests (in addition to ids and tags), e.g.
    image: "busybox@sha256:38a203e1986cf79639cfb9b2e1d6e773de84002feea2d4eb006b52004ee8502d"
  • ports now supports ranges of ports, e.g.
  - "3000-3005"
  - "9000-9001:8000-8001"
  • docker-compose run now supports a -p|--publish parameter, much like
    docker run -p, for publishing specific ports to the host.
  • docker-compose pause and docker-compose unpause have been implemented,
    analogous to docker pause and docker unpause.
  • When using extends to copy configuration from another service in the same
    Compose file, you can omit the file option.
  • Compose can be installed and run as a Docker image. This is an experimental

Bug fixes:

  • All values for the log_driver option which are supported by the Docker
    daemon are now supported by Compose.
  • docker-compose build can now be run successfully against a Swarm cluster.

Thanks @mnowster, @aanand, @moxiegirl, @albers, @mrfuxi, @viranch, @sdurrheimer, @charleswhchan, @ZJaffee, @villlem, @vdemeester, @TomasTomecek, @timbutler, @ticosax, @SvenDowideit, @stedur, @ronen, @md2perpe, @ggtools, @geron, @cweagans, @au-phiware

1.5.0 RC1

14 Oct 17:56
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1.5.0 RC1 Pre-release

This is a release candidate for version 1.5.0 of Compose.

Note that Compose 1.5.0 requires Docker 1.8.0 or later.

To try it out, run the following commands:

curl -L`uname -s`-`uname -m` > /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

Or pip install -U docker-compose==1.5.0rc1 if you prefer pip.

Here's what's new:

Major Features

New Features

  • volumes_from now supports a mode option allowing for read-only
  • Volumes that don't start with a path indicator (. or /) will now be
    treated as a named volume. Previously this was a warning.
  • --pull flag added to build
  • --ignore-pull-failures flag added to pull
  • Support for the ipc field added to the compose file
  • Containers created by run can now be named with the --name flag
  • If you install Compose with pip or use it as a library, it now
    works with Python 3
  • image field now supports image digests (in addition to ids and tags)
  • ports now supports ranges of ports
  • --publish flag added to run
  • New subcommands pause and unpause
  • services may be extended from the same file without a file key in
  • Compose can be installed and run as a docker image. This is an experimental

Bug Fixes

  • Support all log_drivers
  • Fixed build when running against swarm
  • ~ is no longer expanded on the host when included as part of a container
    volume path

Thanks @aanand, @mnowster, @moxiegirl, @mrfuxi, @shin-, @bfirsh, @albers @funkyfuture, @uvgroovy, @predakanga, @charleswhchan, @ggtools, and everyone else who contributed to this release!


22 Sep 18:15
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Firstly, note that Compose 1.4.2 requires Docker 1.7.0 or later.

Secondly, if you're a Mac user, the Docker Toolbox will install Compose 1.4.2 for you, alongside the latest versions of the Docker Engine, Machine and Kitematic.

Otherwise, you can use the usual commands to install/upgrade. Either download the binary:

curl -L`uname -s`-`uname -m` > /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

Or install the PyPi package:

pip install -U docker-compose==1.4.2

This release fixes a regression in the 1.4.1 release that would cause docker-compose up without the -d option to exit immediately.


15 Sep 21:37
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Firstly, note that Compose 1.4.1 requires Docker 1.7.0 or later.

Secondly, if you're a Mac user, the Docker Toolbox will install Compose 1.4.1 for you, alongside the latest versions of the Docker Engine, Machine and Kitematic.

Otherwise, you can use the usual commands to install/upgrade. Either download the binary:

curl -L`uname -s`-`uname -m` > /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

Or install the PyPi package:

pip install -U docker-compose==1.4.1

The following issues were fixed in this release:

  • Some configuration changes (notably changes to links, volumes_from, and
    net) were not properly triggering a container recreate as part of
    docker-compose up.
  • docker-compose up <service> was showing logs for all services instead of
    just the specified services.
  • Containers with custom container names were showing up in logs as
    service_number instead of their custom container name.
  • When scaling a service sometimes containers would be recreated even when
    the configuration had not changed.


11 Aug 17:36
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Firstly, note that Compose 1.4.0 requires Docker 1.7.1 or later.

Secondly, if you're a Mac user, the Docker Toolbox will install Compose 1.4.0 for you, alongside the latest versions of the Docker Engine, Machine and Kitematic.

Otherwise, you can use the usual commands to install/upgrade. Either download the binary:

curl -L`uname -s`-`uname -m` > /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

Or install the PyPi package:

pip install -U docker-compose==1.4.0

Here's what's new:

  • By default, docker-compose up now only recreates containers for services whose configuration has changed since they were created. This should result in a dramatic speed-up for many applications.

The experimental --x-smart-recreate flag which introduced this feature in Compose 1.3.0 has been removed, and a --force-recreate flag has been added for when you want to recreate everything.

  • Several of Compose's commands - scale, stop, kill and rm - now perform actions on multiple containers in parallel, rather than in sequence, which will run much faster on larger applications.
  • You can now specify a custom name for a service's container with container_name. Because Docker container names must be unique, this means you can't scale the service beyond one container.
  • You no longer have to specify a file option when using extends - it will default to the current file.
  • Service names can now contain dots, dashes and underscores.
  • Compose can now read YAML configuration from standard input, rather than from a file, by specifying - as the filename. This makes it easier to generate configuration dynamically:
$ echo 'redis: {"image": "redis"}' | docker-compose --file - up
  • There's a new docker-compose version command which prints extended information about Compose's bundled dependencies.
  • docker-compose.yml now supports log_opt as well as log_driver, allowing you to pass extra configuration to a service's logging driver.
  • docker-compose.yml now supports memswap_limit, similar to docker run --memory-swap.
  • When mounting volumes with the volumes option, you can now pass in any mode supported by the daemon, not just :ro or :rw. For example, SELinux users can pass :z or :Z.
  • You can now specify a custom volume driver with the volume_driver option in docker-compose.yml, much like docker run --volume-driver.
  • A bug has been fixed where Compose would fail to pull images from private registries serving plain (unsecured) HTTP. The --allow-insecure-ssl flag, which was previously used to work around this issue, has been deprecated and now has no effect.
  • A bug has been fixed where docker-compose build would fail if the build depended on a private Hub image or an image from a private registry.
  • A bug has been fixed where Compose would crash if there were containers which the Docker daemon had not finished removing.
  • Two bugs have been fixed where Compose would sometimes fail with a "Duplicate bind mount" error, or fail to attach volumes to a container, if there was a volume path specified in docker-compose.yml with a trailing slash.

Thanks @mnowster, @dnephin, @ekristen, @funkyfuture, @jeffk and @lukemarsden!

1.4.0 RC3

31 Jul 15:48
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1.4.0 RC3 Pre-release

This is a release candidate for version 1.4.0 of Compose. To try it out, run the following commands:

curl -L`uname -s`-`uname -m` > /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

Or pip install -U docker-compose==1.4.0rc3 if you prefer Pip.

On top of the changes in RC1 and RC2, this release contains the following changes:

  • You can now specify a custom volume driver with the volume_driver option in docker-compose.yml, much like docker run --volume-driver.
  • Two bugs have been fixed where Compose would sometimes fail with a "Duplicate bind mount" error, or fail to attach volumes to a container, if there was a volume path specified in docker-compose.yml with a trailing slash.
  • Fixed a bug where docker-compose build would fail if the build depended on a private Hub image or an image from a private registry.

Here are the most important changes in 1.4.0:

  • By default, docker-compose up now only recreates containers for services whose configuration has changed since they were created. This should result in a dramatic speed-up for many applications.

The experimental --x-smart-recreate flag which introduced this feature in Compose 1.3.0 has been removed, and a --force-recreate flag has been added for when you want to recreate everything.

  • Several of Compose's commands - scale, stop, kill and rm - now perform actions on multiple containers in parallel, rather than in sequence, which will run much faster on larger applications.
  • You can now specify a custom name for a service's container with container_name. Because Docker container names must be unique, this means you can't scale the service beyond one container.
  • You no longer have to specify a file option when using extends - it will default to the current file.
  • Service names can now contain dots, dashes and underscores.
  • Compose can now read YAML configuration from standard input, rather than from a file, by specifying - as the filename. This makes it easier to generate configuration dynamically:
$ echo 'redis: {"image": "redis"}' | docker-compose --file - up
  • There's a new docker-compose version command which prints extended information about Compose's bundled dependencies.
  • docker-compose.yml now supports log_opt as well as log_driver, allowing you to pass extra configuration to a service's logging driver.
  • docker-compose.yml now supports memswap_limit, similar to docker run --memory-swap.
  • When mounting volumes with the volumes option, you can now pass in any mode supported by the daemon, not just :ro or :rw. For example, SELinux users can pass :z or :Z.

1.4.0 RC2

23 Jul 16:59
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1.4.0 RC2 Pre-release

This is a release candidate for version 1.4.0 of Compose. To try it out, run the following commands:

curl -L`uname -s`-`uname -m` > /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

Or pip install -U docker-compose==1.4.0rc2 if you prefer Pip.

On top of the changes in RC1, the following bugs have been fixed:

  • A bug has been fixed where Compose would fail to pull images from private registries serving plain (unsecured) HTTP. The --allow-insecure-ssl flag, which was previously used to work around this issue, has been deprecated and now has no effect.
  • A regression has been fixed where specifying a custom container name for a service with container_name would cause docker-compose run to fail for that service.

Here are the most important changes in 1.4.0:

  • By default, docker-compose up now only recreates containers for services whose configuration has changed since they were created. This should result in a dramatic speed-up for many applications.

The experimental --x-smart-recreate flag which introduced this feature in Compose 1.3.0 has been removed, and a --force-recreate flag has been added for when you want to recreate everything.

  • Several of Compose's commands - scale, stop, kill and rm - now perform actions on multiple containers in parallel, rather than in sequence, which will run much faster on larger applications.
  • You can now specify a custom name for a service's container with container_name. Because Docker container names must be unique, this means you can't scale the service beyond one container.
  • You no longer have to specify a file option when using extends - it will default to the current file.
  • Service names can now contain dots, dashes and underscores.
  • Compose can now read YAML configuration from standard input, rather than from a file, by specifying - as the filename. This makes it easier to generate configuration dynamically:
$ echo 'redis: {"image": "redis"}' | docker-compose --file - up
  • There's a new docker-compose version command which prints extended information about Compose's bundled dependencies.
  • docker-compose.yml now supports log_opt as well as log_driver, allowing you to pass extra configuration to a service's logging driver.
  • docker-compose.yml now supports memswap_limit, similar to docker run --memory-swap.
  • When mounting volumes with the volumes option, you can now pass in any mode supported by the daemon, not just :ro or :rw. For example, SELinux users can pass :z or :Z.

Thanks @dnephin, @ekristen, @funkyfuture, @jeffk and @mnowster!

1.4.0 RC1

22 Jul 11:41
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1.4.0 RC1 Pre-release

This is a release candidate for version 1.4.0 of Compose. To try it out, run the following commands:

curl -L`uname -s`-`uname -m` > /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

Or pip install -U docker-compose==1.4.0rc1 if you prefer Pip.

Here are the most important changes in 1.4.0:

  • By default, docker-compose up now only recreates containers for services whose configuration has changed since they were created. This should result in a dramatic speed-up for many applications.

The experimental --x-smart-recreate flag which introduced this feature in Compose 1.3.0 has been removed, and a --force-recreate flag has been added for when you want to recreate everything.

  • Several of Compose's commands - scale, stop, kill and rm - now perform actions on multiple containers in parallel, rather than in sequence, which will run much faster on larger applications.
  • You can now specify a custom name for a service's container with container_name. Because Docker container names must be unique, this means you can't scale the service beyond one container.
  • You no longer have to specify a file option when using extends - it will default to the current file.
  • Service names can now contain dots, dashes and underscores.
  • Compose can now read YAML configuration from standard input, rather than from a file, by specifying - as the filename. This makes it easier to generate configuration dynamically:
$ echo 'redis: {"image": "redis"}' | docker-compose --file - up
  • There's a new docker-compose version command which prints extended information about Compose's bundled dependencies.
  • docker-compose.yml now supports log_opt as well as log_driver, allowing you to pass extra configuration to a service's logging driver.
  • docker-compose.yml now supports memswap_limit, similar to docker run --memory-swap.
  • When mounting volumes with the volumes option, you can now pass in any mode supported by the daemon, not just :ro or :rw. For example, SELinux users can pass :z or :Z.

Thanks @dnephin, @ekristen, @funkyfuture, @jeffk and @mnowster!


16 Jul 10:41
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If you're upgrading from Compose 1.2.0 or earlier, this release contains breaking changes - be sure to read the 1.3.0 release notes.

To install Compose 1.3.3, run the following commands:

curl -L`uname -s`-`uname -m` > /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

Or pip install -U docker-compose==1.3.3 if you prefer Pip.

Two regressions have been fixed:

  • When stopping containers gracefully, Compose was setting the timeout to 0, effectively forcing a SIGKILL every time.
  • Compose would sometimes crash depending on the formatting of container data returned from the Docker API.