A small library for table or tree like structures with column support. The model can be easily used to convert table and tree structures with columns to their corresponding ASCII based text representation.
- Java 11
- no further Java libs
To use this library you can use the corresponding maven dependency:
TreeTable table = new TreeTable("ID", "Name", "EMail", "Phone", "Company", "Salara");
table.addRow("1", "Leanne Graham", "Sincere@april.biz", "1-770-736-8031 x56442", "Romaguera-Crona", 3200);
table.addRow("2", "Ervin Howell", "Shanna@melissa.tv", "010-692-6593 x09125", "Deckow-Crist", 899);
table.addRow("3", "Clementine Bauch", "Nathan@yesenia.net", "1-463-123-4447", "Romaguera-Jacobson", 99);
table.addRow("4", "Patricia Lebsack");
// same as System.out.println(table.toText());
// same as System.out.println(table.toText(new TreeTableToTextConverter());
| ID | Name | EMail | Phone | Company | Salary |
| 1 | Leanne Graham | Sincere@april.biz | 1-770-736-8031 x56442 | Romaguera-Crona | 3200 |
| 2 | Ervin Howell | Shanna@melissa.tv | 010-692-6593 x09125 | Deckow-Crist | 899 |
| 3 | Clementine Bauch | Nathan@yesenia.net | 1-463-123-4447 | Romaguera-Jacobson | 99 |
| 4 | Patricia Lebsack | | | | |
TreeTable table = new TreeTable(new Column[] {
new Column("ID"),
new Column("Name"),
new Column("EMail"),
new Column("Phone"),
new Column("Company", ColumnAlignment.CENTER),
new Column("Salary", ColumnAlignment.RIGHT),
table.addRow("1", "Leanne Graham", "Sincere@april.biz", "1-770-736-8031 x56442", "Romaguera-Crona", 3200);
table.addRow("2", "Ervin Howell", "Shanna@melissa.tv", "010-692-6593 x09125", "Deckow-Crist", 899);
table.addRow("3", "Clementine Bauch", "Nathan@yesenia.net", "1-463-123-4447", "Romaguera-Jacobson", 99);
table.addRow("4", "Patricia Lebsack");
// same as System.out.println(table.toText());
// same as System.out.println(table.toText(new TreeTableToTextConverter());
| ID | Name | EMail | Phone | Company | Salary |
| 1 | Leanne Graham | Sincere@april.biz | 1-770-736-8031 x56442 | Romaguera-Crona | 3200 |
| 2 | Ervin Howell | Shanna@melissa.tv | 010-692-6593 x09125 | Deckow-Crist | 899 |
| 3 | Clementine Bauch | Nathan@yesenia.net | 1-463-123-4447 | Romaguera-Jacobson | 99 |
| 4 | Patricia Lebsack | | | | |
/* [...] */
TreeTableToTextConverter toTextConverter = new TreeTableToTextConverter()
| 1 | Leanne Graham | Sincere@april.biz | 1-770-736-8031 x56442 | Romaguera-Crona | 3200 |
| 2 | Ervin Howell | Shanna@melissa.tv | 010-692-6593 x09125 | Deckow-Crist | 899 |
| 3 | Clementine Bauch | Nathan@yesenia.net | 1-463-123-4447 | Romaguera-Jacobson | 99 |
| 4 | Patricia Lebsack | | | | |
/* [...] */
TreeTableToTextConverter toTextConverter = new TreeTableToTextConverter()
│ ID │ Name │ EMail │ Phone │ Company │ Salary │
│ 1 │ Leanne Graham │ Sincere@april.biz │ 1-770-736-8031 x56442 │ Romaguera-Crona │ 3200 │
│ 2 │ Ervin Howell │ Shanna@melissa.tv │ 010-692-6593 x09125 │ Deckow-Crist │ 899 │
│ 3 │ Clementine Bauch │ Nathan@yesenia.net │ 1-463-123-4447 │ Romaguera-Jacobson │ 99 │
│ 4 │ Patricia Lebsack │ │ │ │ │
/* [...] */
TreeTableToTextConverter toTextConverter = new TreeTableToTextConverter()
ID | Name | EMail | Phone | Company | Salary
1 | Leanne Graham | Sincere@april.biz | 1-770-736-8031 x56442 | Romaguera-Crona | 3200
2 | Ervin Howell | Shanna@melissa.tv | 010-692-6593 x09125 | Deckow-Crist | 899
3 | Clementine Bauch | Nathan@yesenia.net | 1-463-123-4447 | Romaguera-Jacobson | 99
4 | Patricia Lebsack | | | |
/* [...] */
TreeTableToTextConverter toTextConverter = new TreeTableToTextConverter()
ID │ Name │ EMail │ Phone │ Company │ Salary
1 │ Leanne Graham │ Sincere@april.biz │ 1-770-736-8031 x56442 │ Romaguera-Crona │ 3200
2 │ Ervin Howell │ Shanna@melissa.tv │ 010-692-6593 x09125 │ Deckow-Crist │ 899
3 │ Clementine Bauch │ Nathan@yesenia.net │ 1-463-123-4447 │ Romaguera-Jacobson │ 99
4 │ Patricia Lebsack │ │ │ │
/* [...] */
TreeTableToTextConverter toTextConverter = new TreeTableToTextConverter()
| ID Name EMail Phone Company Salary |
| 1 Leanne Graham Sincere@april.biz 1-770-736-8031 x56442 Romaguera-Crona 3200 |
| 2 Ervin Howell Shanna@melissa.tv 010-692-6593 x09125 Deckow-Crist 899 |
| 3 Clementine Bauch Nathan@yesenia.net 1-463-123-4447 Romaguera-Jacobson 99 |
| 4 Patricia Lebsack |
/* [...] */
TreeTableToTextConverter toTextConverter = new TreeTableToTextConverter()
ID Name EMail Phone Company Salary
1 Leanne Graham Sincere@april.biz 1-770-736-8031 x56442 Romaguera-Crona 3200
2 Ervin Howell Shanna@melissa.tv 010-692-6593 x09125 Deckow-Crist 899
3 Clementine Bauch Nathan@yesenia.net 1-463-123-4447 Romaguera-Jacobson 99
4 Patricia Lebsack
TreeTable tree = new TreeTable(new Column[] {
new Column("File", ColumnAlignment.RIGHT),
new Column("Date", ColumnAlignment.RIGHT),
new Column("Size", ColumnAlignment.RIGHT),
Row c = tree.addRow("C:");
Row windows = c.addRow("Windows");
c.addRow("hiberfil.sys", "01.01.2015", "13.460.758");
c.addRow("pagefile.sys", "01.01.2015", "4.112.754");
c.addRow("swapfile.sys", "01.01.2015", "4.152");
windows.addRow("explorer.exe", "20.11.2014", "4.800");
windows.addRow("regedit.exe", "17.09.2014", "360");
Row windowsOld = c.addRow("Windows.old");
windowsOld.addRow("explorer.exe", "20.11.2014", "4.800");
windowsOld.addRow("regedit.exe", "17.09.2014", "360");
Row d = tree.addRow("D:");
Row documents = d.addRow("Documents");
d.addRow("test.png", "01.01.2015", "13.460.758");
d.addRow("sample.html", "01.01.2015", "4.112.754");
d.addRow("todo.txt", "01.01.2015", "4.152");
documents.addRow("todo.docx", "20.11.2014", "4.800");
documents.addRow("charts.xlsx", "17.09.2014", "360");
// same as System.out.println(tree.toText());
// same as System.out.println(tree.toText(new TreeTableToTextConverter());
| File | Date | Size |
| C: | | |
| +-- Windows | | |
| | +-- explorer.exe | 20.11.2014 | 4.800 |
| | +-- regedit.exe | 17.09.2014 | 360 |
| +-- Windows.old | | |
| | +-- explorer.exe | 20.11.2014 | 4.800 |
| | +-- regedit.exe | 17.09.2014 | 360 |
| +-- hiberfil.sys | 01.01.2015 | 13.460.758 |
| +-- pagefile.sys | 01.01.2015 | 4.112.754 |
| +-- swapfile.sys | 01.01.2015 | 4.152 |
| D: | | |
| +-- Documents | | |
| | +-- todo.docx | 20.11.2014 | 4.800 |
| | +-- charts.xlsx | 17.09.2014 | 360 |
| +-- test.png | 01.01.2015 | 13.460.758 |
| +-- sample.html | 01.01.2015 | 4.112.754 |
| +-- todo.txt | 01.01.2015 | 4.152 |
/* [...] */
TreeTableToTextConverter toTextConverter = new TreeTableToTextConverter()
│ File │ Date │ Size │
│ C: │ │ │
│ ├── Windows │ │ │
│ │ ├── explorer.exe │ 20.11.2014 │ 4.800 │
│ │ └── regedit.exe │ 17.09.2014 │ 360 │
│ ├── Windows.old │ │ │
│ │ ├── explorer.exe │ 20.11.2014 │ 4.800 │
│ │ └── regedit.exe │ 17.09.2014 │ 360 │
│ ├── hiberfil.sys │ 01.01.2015 │ 13.460.758 │
│ ├── pagefile.sys │ 01.01.2015 │ 4.112.754 │
│ └── swapfile.sys │ 01.01.2015 │ 4.152 │
│ D: │ │ │
│ ├── Documents │ │ │
│ │ ├── todo.docx │ 20.11.2014 │ 4.800 │
│ │ └── charts.xlsx │ 17.09.2014 │ 360 │
│ ├── test.png │ 01.01.2015 │ 13.460.758 │
│ ├── sample.html │ 01.01.2015 │ 4.112.754 │
│ └── todo.txt │ 01.01.2015 │ 4.152 │