Pluto notebooks that implement the Shift Rules optimization from arXiv:2112.14669 in the Julia programming language.
The .jl
-files are the interactive Pluto/Julia notebooks. To experiment with them, you need to install
Julia and then add the Pluto package.
The .html
-files contain snapshots of the Pluto notebooks. Opening an HTML file in the browser will connect to a cloud service to give a static view of the notebook it contains. The cloud service has instructions for installing Julia and Pluto in order to interact with the notebook.
title = {Optimality of Finite Parameter Shift Rules for Derivatives of Variational Quantum Circuits},
author = {Theis, Dirk Oliver},
journal = {Preprint},
note = {arXiv:2112.14669},
year = {2021}
Theis, D.O., 2021. Optimality of Finite Parameter Shift Rules for Derivatives of Variational Quantum Circuits. Preprint arXiv:2112.14669.