Yet another thorough solution to live performances with instant comments.
: Server-side application with Node.js.player/
: Client-side HTML pages. These are automatically served by running the server-side application.
- Make sure you have a relatively-new version of Node.js installed. (v5.10.1 works, others untested)
- On your server, clone the repository and
to the project in a terminal. - Run
cd ./cmtsvr
. - Run
npm install
to install dependencies. - Run
npm test
to run tests. (Optional) - Modify
to set the passes of different roles. - Run
npm start
to start the whole application.
will be the commenting API server.http://<ip>:6033/player/*
will be the player's static file server.- The ports above can be specified with the
environment variable, for instance runPORT=8080 npm start
. - The default HLS stream to play is
.- Can be changed at
. - Can be tested with
HLS Endless
- Can be changed at
- (POST body): (String) the pass
Verification. Send a secret pass as the whole request body to prove that the server is an authorized IM server.
Body sample: $$$letmeinImtheWeChatserver$$$
- (POST body) uid_sub: (String) the sub-client ID
Creates a new sub-client. Enclose an ID (OpenID, etc.) of a user in the request to notify the server of a newcomer.
Body sample: uid_sub=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
- (POST body) uid_sub: (String) the sub-client ID
- (POST body) text: (String) the text of the comment
- (POST body) attr: (String) the attribute in the form of
, where<position>
is a charactert
(top) orb
Creates a new comment. The sub-client ID should be registered by /new_client
Body sample: uid=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e&text=Hello+World&attr=#ffffff;t
Note: bodies in encoded-form or JSON format can both be accepted.
and handle regstration internallyTest the IM APIs(Done)Use an environment variable to decide the port to listen on(Done)- Folder structure refactoring
- WeChat integration