cmake -S . -B build
make -C build
#run example program:
gcc main.c ${PATH_TO_LIB_FOLDER}/build/liblibmgp.a -I ${PATH_TO_LIB_FOLDER}/include
# You need to clone/copy mini-grammar-parse into your repository
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} ${MGP_LIB})
target_include_directories(${PROJECT_NAME} PUBLIC ${MGP_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES})
There is an mgp structure, it consists of lexemes list and grammar rules list. You need configure it with:
mgp = mgp_init();
to initialize it.mgp_lexeme_add(...);
to add lexeme to lexemes list.mgp_grammar_rule_add(...);
to add grammar rules to grammar rules list.mgp_parse(...);
to parse one line, when you completely set up mgp (If you have multiply lines you need to parse it line by line).
- the pattern to which a part of the string will be compared, for example {N}{i}{c}{e}{ }{0-9+}{_+}{a+} - it could be string "Nice 9661247____aaaaaaaaa", there are four types of template:{a}
"a" - one symbol{,+}
",,,,,,,," - many repetitions of a symbol{0-9}
"7" - any symbol inside the range{a-z+}
"adsfgasdgdafgqrsghfg" - many repetitions of any symbol inside the range
- the name of the lexeme, the grammar rule will be specified using these names.parse function
- the function pointer that will parse a string that matches the pattern and fill t_lex_data, and return true if correct and false if there is error (it's your custom function which you need to implement)
int mgp_lexeme_add( // it return true if success and false if error, also print error in STDERR_FILENO
t_mgp *mgp, // each call mgp_lexeme_add configurate and change mgp structure
const char *template, // {0-9+}{.}{0-9+} - "1345123.123554"
const char *token, // POSITIVE_DOUBE
int (*parse_func)(const char *body, t_lex_data *data)); // pointer on function which parse double from body and fill t_lexe_data (body - the part of the string that matched the pattern),
string of lexeme names
- lexemes that make up the grammar rule - "POSITIVE_DOUBLE SPACES POSITIVE_INT/NEGATIVE_INT NEW_LINE" (POSITIVE_INT/NEGATIVE_INT means that there can be one of several lexemes)parse function
- function which will take array of t_lex_data if the string matches the grammar rule, and fill your custom (any) void *data, return true if correct and false if error.
int mgp_grammar_rule_add( // it return true if success and false if error, also print error in STDERR_FILENO
t_mgp *mgp, // each call mgp_grammar_rule_add configurate and change mgp structure
int (*parse_func)(t_lex_data *lexemes_data, void *data)); // your custom function which will parse lexemes_data, which were filled with your custom functions on the lexemes.
int mgp_parse( // it return true if csuccess and false if error, aslo print error in STDERR_FILENO
const t_mgp *mgp, // it's mgp structure you set up before
const char *line, // line which you parse
void *data); // pointer to your custom structure (or pointer to any type) into which data is parsed using your custom functions, which you pass to grammar rules.
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "mini_grammar_parse.h"
#define EXAMPLE_FILE_NAME "example.txt"
#define SUCCESS 1
#define FAILURE 0
// your custom structure
typedef struct s_circle
double x;
double y;
double z;
double radius;
int color;
} t_circle;
// your custom error function
int error(const char **error_strings)
int i;
i = 0;
write(STDERR_FILENO, "ERROR: ", 7);
while (error_strings[i])
write(STDERR_FILENO, error_strings[i], strlen(error_strings[i]));
write(STDERR_FILENO, "\n", 1);
return (FAILURE);
// your custom function which parse string to double
int parse_double(const char *body, t_lex_data *data)
data->data_type = DoubleNum;
data->raw_data.num_double = strtod(body, NULL);
return (SUCCESS);
// your custom function which parse string to int
int parse_int(const char *body, t_lex_data *data)
data->data_type = IntegerNum;
data->raw_data.num_int = (int)strtol(body, NULL, 10);
return (SUCCESS);
// your custom function which parse circle
int parse_circle(t_lex_data *lexemes_data, void *v_circle)
// if you want you can add check for correct:
if (lexemes_data[0].data_type != DoubleNum || lexemes_data[2].data_type != DoubleNum || lexemes_data[4].data_type != DoubleNum // position xyz
|| lexemes_data[6].data_type != DoubleNum // radius
|| lexemes_data[8].data_type != IntegerNum) // color
return (FAILURE);
t_circle *circle = (t_circle *)v_circle;
circle->x = lexemes_data[0].raw_data.num_double;
circle->y = lexemes_data[2].raw_data.num_double;
circle->z = lexemes_data[4].raw_data.num_double;
circle->radius = lexemes_data[6].raw_data.num_double;
circle->color = lexemes_data[8].raw_data.num_int;
// lexemes_dara[1/3/5/7] - are spaces
return (SUCCESS);
int main()
t_mgp mgp;
mgp = mgp_init();
// add negative double lexeme, example "-6342.234"
if (!mgp_lexeme_add(&mgp, "{-}{0-9+}{.}{0-9+}", "N_DOUBLE", parse_double))
return (error((const char *[]){"N_DOUBLE", NULL}));
// add positive double lexeme, example "6342.234"
if (!mgp_lexeme_add(&mgp, "{0-9+}{.}{0-9+}", "DOUBLE", parse_double))
return (error((const char *[]){"DOUBLE", NULL}));
// add negative int lexeme, example "-6342"
if (!mgp_lexeme_add(&mgp, "{-}{0-9+}", "N_INT", parse_int))
return (error((const char *[]){"N_INT", NULL}));
// add positive int lexeme, example "6342"
if (!mgp_lexeme_add(&mgp, "{0-9+}", "INT", parse_int))
return (error((const char *[]){"INT", NULL}));
// add multiply spaces lexeme, example " " (a lot of spaces)
if (!mgp_lexeme_add(&mgp, "{ +}", "SPACES", NULL))
return (error((const char *[]){"SPACES", NULL}));
// add new line lexeme "\n"
if (!mgp_lexeme_add(&mgp, "{\n}", "NEW_LINE", NULL))
return (error((const char *[]){"NEW_LINE", NULL}));
// add grammar rule which parse string only with spaces
if (!mgp_grammar_rule_add(&mgp, "SPACES", NULL)) // WHEN THE FUNCTION POINTER IS NULL - IT DOES NOTHING
return (FAILURE);
// add grammar rule which parse string only with new line
if (!mgp_grammar_rule_add(&mgp, "NEW_LINE", NULL))
return (FAILURE);
// add grammar rule which parse string with spaces and new line
if (!mgp_grammar_rule_add(&mgp, "SPACES NEW_LINE", NULL))
return (FAILURE);
// add grammar rule which parse circle
return (FAILURE);
const char *str = "13.6 -125.65 342.54 4.5 42145\n";
t_circle circle;
if (!mgp_parse(&mgp, str, &circle))
return (error((const char *[]){"Parse line \"", str, "\"", NULL}));
printf("pos - (%f, %f, %f), radius - %f, color - %d", circle.x, circle.y, circle.z, circle.radius, circle.color);
return 0;