Grabs spotify playlists based on appsettings Spotify:Username
Written in .Net and react
deployed to
There are a few examples of how this project has progressed or the other technologies that have improved over time
Here is a sample version in containers
Here is a the upgrade to rtkQuery
might have to run dotnet dev-certs https --trust
for api
Spotify will only work with a usersecrets file containing
"Spotify:ClientId": "SpotifyClientId",
"Spotify:ClientSecret": "SpotifyClientSecret"
run the following commands to add secrets.
dotnet user-secrets init
dotnet user-secrets set "Spotify:ClientId" "SpotifyClientId"
dotnet user-secrets set "Spotify:ClientSecret" "SpotifyClientSecret"
inorder to use the rating features on play list run dotnet ef database update
in vscode use ".NET core launch"
run npm install
in vscode use "Launch Chrome against localhost" or run npm start