this project is for practice in IR
and hopefully, the functions in it can be handy for someone who actually is creating either a dynamic compiler(JIT) or just a compiler
for example:
1, how to create global variables?
2, how to access local varaibles?
3, how to call exernal functions?
4, how to use struct?
5, example of SSA and Phi node
6, mutable variable
7, cast
8, object-oriented construct (c++ class, this, constructor, member functions)
9, virtual functions
10, class inheritance
11, typeinfo and dynamic_cast
12, how to debug JIT
All functions are in testllvm.cpp
KaleidoscopeJIT.h is from llvm repository
but, seems there is a problem
I changed
[this](const std::string& Name) { return findMangledSymbol(Name); },
[this](const llvm::StringRef& Name) { return findMangledSymbol(Name.str()); },