PopupMenu is a small library (four class) meant for presentations from iOS devices that shows a small menu you can Highly customized.
github "dongxiexidu/PopupMenuDemo"
var popupMenu : PopupMenu?
let TITLES = ["修改", "删除", "扫一扫","付款"]
let ICONS = ["motify","delete","saoyisao","pay"]
override func touchesBegan(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) {
super.touchesBegan(touches, with: event)
let touch = (touches as NSSet).anyObject() as! UITouch
let point = touch.location(in: self.view)
popupMenu = PopupMenu.showAtPoint(point: point, titles: TITLES, icons: nil, menuWidth: 110, delegate: self, otherSettings: { (popupMenu) in
popupMenu.dismissOnSelected = false
popupMenu.isShowShadow = true
popupMenu.offset = 10
popupMenu.type = PopupMenuType.dark
popupMenu.rectCorner = UIRectCorner.allCorners
popupMenu.priorityDirection = .none
extension ViewController : PopupMenuDelegate{
func popupMenuDidSelected(index: NSInteger, popupMenu: PopupMenu) {
if popupMenu.tag == 111 {
PopupMenu.showRelyOnView(view: sender as! UIView, titles: TITLES, icons: ICONS, menuWidth: 120, didSelectRow: { (index, value, popupMenu) in
print("索引是: \(index)值是: \(value)")
}) { (popupMenu) in
popupMenu.backColor = UIColor.lightGray
popupMenu.separatorColor = UIColor.white
popupMenu.priorityDirection = PopupMenuPriorityDirection.none
popupMenu.borderWidth = 1
popupMenu.borderColor = UIColor.red
popupMenu.rectCorner = [.bottomRight,.bottomLeft]