If you’re tired of over engineered tooltips, then this is for you, clean and simple.
$("#btSubmit").nextMsg({ msg:"Tool-tip text goes here", CSSClass: "nextMsg-DarkTheme" });
This jQuery plugin creates popup tooltip messages next to the selected element. All theming is controlled using css, no images are used! Included in the zip is a demo and some screenshots.
IE 7+, Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera
The css provides some canned themes that you can use. But you can always make your own.
$.fn.nextMsg.defaults = {
msg: "",
// Message that will go in the box.
// Also accepts html
side: "rightMiddle",
// Set which side you want the tooltip to appear. Defaults to "rightMiddle".
// options: leftMiddle, topMiddle, rightMiddle, bottomMiddle
CSSClass: "",
// Name of the css theme class to apply
maxWidth: 0,
// This will let the message box expand the width up too the set maxWidth. It uses the css max-width property.
width: 0,
// Sets the width of the message box. Setting this property will override the "maxWidth" property.
fadeSpeed: 500,
// Used for the fadeIn and fadeOut speed
displayDurationPerCharacter: 125,
// This is used to calculate how long the message should be shown depending on how long the message text is.
minDuration: 2500
// Makes sure that message is shown for at least this amount of time
// If you set it to -1 it will show until you click on it.