An experimental event-based work flow — you probably don't want to use it just yet.
The package is currently not on hex, instead point to master:
def deps do
[{:transfusion, github: "doomspork/transfusion"}]
The router is the core of Transfusion
handling the message routing and results. The router also maintains a list of current messages, retrying expired messages with an exponential backoff.
defmodule Example.Router do
use Transfusion.Router,
max_retries: 5,
retry_after: 10000 # milliseconds
require Logger
broadcast "*", to: [AnotherExample.Router]
forward "users", to: Users.Router
topic "events", Example.Consumer do
map "new.message", to: :new
def handle_error(msg, reason) do
# Log or submit your error
The broadcast/2
macro enables us to distributes messages to other router throughout our application in addition to processing it ourselves.
We can redirect, or forward, all messages for a given topic to another router using forward/2
Most importantly is the topic/2
and map/2
macros, with these we can subscribe a consumer to various messages on a given topic.
Messages are primarily syntactic sugar for creating structs with a splash of validation. You can use Transfusion
without creating a message module, maps work just fine!
defmodule Example.Message do
use Transfusion.Message,
router: Example.Router
topic "events"
message_type "new.message"
values do
attribute :subject, String
attribute :body, String, required: true
Consumers do the real work in Transfusion
. A consumer received events and is expected to do some work, returning {:ok, result}
or {:error, reason}
defmodule Example.Consumer do
require Logger
def new(%{body: body, _meta: %{id: id}}),
do:"Message (id: #{id}) received with body: #{body}")
Feedback, feature requests, and fixes are welcomed and encouraged. Please make appropriate use of Issues and Pull Requests. All code should have accompanying tests.
MIT license. Please see LICENSE for details.