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doprz' image palette converter

Convert your favorite images and wallpapers with your favorite color palettes/themes

Color Palettes/Themes

  • catppuccin
  • dracula
  • edge
  • everforest
  • gruvbox
  • gruvbox-material
  • nord
  • onedark
  • rose-pine
  • solarized
  • tokyo-night


dipc examples

Image Credits

Paul Bill -

Adrien Vajas -

Filipp Romanovski -



brew tap doprz/dipc
brew install dipc


cargo install dipc

From Source

To build and install from source, first checkout the tag or branch you want to install, then run

cargo install --path .

This will build and install dipc in your ~/.cargo/bin. Make sure that ~/.cargo/bin is in your $PATH variable.


Convert your favorite images and wallpapers with your favorite color palettes/themes

Usage: dipc [OPTIONS] <PALETTE> [FILE]...

          The color palette to use:
              - name of a builtin theme
              - path to a theme in JSON
              - a JSON string with the theme (starting with `JSON: {}`)
          Run with --help instead of -h for a list of all builtin themes

          Builtin themes:
              - catppuccin
              - dracula
              - edge
              - everforest
              - gruvbox
              - gruvbox-material
              - nord
              - onedark
              - rose-pine
              - solarized
              - tokyo-night

          The image(s) to process

  -s, --styles <VARIATIONS>
          The color palette variation(s) to use
          Run with --help instead of -h for a list of all possible values

          Possible values:
              - `all` to generate an image for each of the variations
              - `none` if you are using a flat theme without variations
              - or a comma-delimited list of the names of variations it should use

          [default: all]

  -o, --output <PATH>
          Output image(s) name/path as a comma-delimited list

  -d, --dir-output <PATH>
          Output directory name/path

  -m, --method <METHOD>
          CIELAB DeltaE method to use

          [default: de2000]

          Possible values:
          - de2000:  The default DeltaE method
          - de1994g: CIE94 DeltaE implementation, weighted with a tolerance for graphics
          - de1994t: CIE94 DeltaE implementation, weighted with a tolerance for textiles
          - de1976:  The original DeltaE implementation, a basic euclidian distance formula

  -v, --verbose...
          Verbose mode (-v, -vv, -vvv)

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

  -V, --version
          Print version

Convert all images in directory

# Save to current directory

# Save to output directory
dipc --dir-output <PATH> <PALETTE> <INPUT_DIR>/*

Convert multiple images

dipc <PALETTE> img0.png img1.png

# Rename files
dipc --output new-img0.png,new-img1.png <PALETTE> img0.png img1.png

Color palette variation(s)/style(s)

dipc --styles Style0 <PALETTE> img.png
dipc --styles Style0,Style1 <PALETTE> img.png

CIELAB DeltaE method

dipc --method <METHOD> <PALETTE> img.png


dipc is dual-licensed under the terms of both the MIT License and the Apache License 2.0

SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0