simulate the effects of divergent selection and assortative mating on patterns of genome differentiation and linkage disequilibrium
files: main.C func.C asmatsel.H; to compile, try
g++ -Wall -O2 -o asmatsel main.C func.C -lm -lgsl -lgslcblas
(requires GSL)
to see options, type ./asmatsel without any arguments
examples for running a simulation:
./asmatsel -i map2.txt -l 1600 -u 0 -a 0.9 -o run2_a09.out
or ./asmatsel -i map2S.txt -l 1600 -u 0 -s 0.8 -o run2S_s08.out
input files (map2.txt and map2S.txt): can be generated with mkinfile.R
to make plot of results: plotAsmatselMultSets.R (e.g., to make Phase3.pdf)