In this repository are various secure masking designs for the Ascon-p permutation block. most designs were implemented in assembly, the rest were implemented in C. all implementation were designed to work with a randomness cache buffer, to increase performance (or, to eliminate waiting time from pseudo random generator) - perform required installations on the machine. make (Makefile) - to build for x86 / x64 / armv7 / aarch64 processors, and run. running arm requires emulations...
inside scripts, there are: - benchmark cycles per bit, randomness usage, for both our generic masking and usuba. - calculate the codesize for every implemntation. - simulate the time required for each technology to copy a large buffer.
This repository is licensed under AGPL-3.0 License
Dor Salomon, Itamar Levi, "On the Performance Gap of an Generic C Optimized Assembler and Wide Vector Extensions for Masked Software with an Ascon-p test-case", Nov. 2021. [update this]
The implementations were designed by Dor Salomon as part of a research activity with the Secured Electronic Systems (Selecsys) LAB at Bar-Ilan University, under the supervision of Dr. Itamar Levi.