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Stas Trefilov edited this page Nov 30, 2015 · 9 revisions

Monitask overview

Monitask is a server performance monitoring software inspired by RRD and Munin tools but designed to be a lightweight, simpler and more flexible alternative.

The main difference is that all the presentation tasks are performed on the client, liberating the server resources for more useful tasks, like handling your database or serving web pages. This also limits the volume of additional software to install on the server, effectively reducing the requirements to vanilla PHP with standard mbstring extension.

Quick howto

After cloning Monitask into a folder of your choice, just create a datafile (run Monitask with the --datastore argument) and you are ready to start collecting your metrics. The datafile is a regular CSV file so you'll be able to have a look at it at any moment. See Installation for detailed instructions.

To display information from the datafile run Monitask with the --template argument. This will output an HTML file which you may save to a web-accessible folder. This needs to be done only once, since all the subsequent exports will only generate JSON files needed to display graphs and statistics.

The collection of metrics (--collect argument) is done regularly, normally on a 5 minute interval. Commands provided in .INI files (see Configuration) are run and generate metrics -- one name / value pair per line, space-separated. These metrics are stored into datafile bins and later may be exported (--export argument) to JSON files in the same web folder where your HTML template is located.

When you open the template HTML file in your browser, it requests data for each graph from the JSON files and draws graphs and statistics using javascript code.

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