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Check that we have documented recent compiler messages #5410

BillWagner opened this issue May 15, 2018 · 14 comments

Check that we have documented recent compiler messages #5410

BillWagner opened this issue May 15, 2018 · 14 comments
doc-enhancement Improve the current content [org][type][category] help wanted Good for community contributors to help [up-for-grabs] mvp-docs-sprint For tracking purposes (used for the MVP summit docs sprint hack). Pri2


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I'm almost certain we haven't added new warnings and error messages since C# 6.0 (and maybe earlier).

@jcouv is there a good list in the roslyn repo to track down what should be covered?

See #5390-comment for details.

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jcouv commented May 16, 2018

Yes, here is the list for C#. It is largely chronological.
To get details, the easiest it to load the project, and find references. That will find tests that report a given error.

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mikkelbu commented May 17, 2018

@BillWagner I just tried to compare the pages under dotnet/docs/tree/master/docs/csharp/language-reference/compiler-messages with list for C# and it seems as though are missing most of the compiler messages (we have 136 entries in docs vs. approx. 1500 values in the ErrorCode. So I think it makes sense to "chop up" this issue into a lot of smaller tasks (both make both the work and the review work manageable).

Click to expand the full table (more than 1500 rows)
Topic exists Values in enum
Void = InternalErrorCode.Void,
Unknown = InternalErrorCode.Unknown,
#region diagnostics introduced in C# 4 and earlier
X //FTL_InternalError = 1,
//FTL_FailedToLoadResource = 2,
//FTL_NoMemory = 3,
//ERR_WarningAsError = 4,
//ERR_MissingOptionArg = 5,
X ERR_NoMetadataFile = 6,
X //FTL_ComPlusInit = 7,
//FTL_MetadataImportFailure = 8, no longer used in Roslyn.
FTL_MetadataCantOpenFile = 9,
//ERR_FatalError = 10,
//ERR_CantImportBase = 11,
ERR_NoTypeDef = 12,
//FTL_MetadataEmitFailure = 13, Roslyn does not catch stream writing exceptions. Those are propagated to the caller.
//FTL_RequiredFileNotFound = 14,
X //ERR_ClassNameTooLong = 15, Deprecated in favor of ERR_MetadataNameTooLong.
X ERR_OutputWriteFailed = 16,
ERR_MultipleEntryPoints = 17,
//ERR_UnimplementedOp = 18,
X ERR_BadBinaryOps = 19,
ERR_IntDivByZero = 20,
ERR_BadIndexLHS = 21,
ERR_BadIndexCount = 22,
ERR_BadUnaryOp = 23,
//ERR_NoStdLib = 25, not used in Roslyn
ERR_ThisInStaticMeth = 26,
ERR_ThisInBadContext = 27,
WRN_InvalidMainSig = 28,
X ERR_NoImplicitConv = 29, // Requires SymbolDistinguisher.
ERR_NoExplicitConv = 30, // Requires SymbolDistinguisher.
ERR_ConstOutOfRange = 31,
X ERR_AmbigBinaryOps = 34,
ERR_AmbigUnaryOp = 35,
ERR_InAttrOnOutParam = 36,
ERR_ValueCantBeNull = 37,
X //ERR_WrongNestedThis = 38, No longer given in Roslyn. Less specific ERR_ObjectRequired "An object reference is required for the non-static..."
X ERR_NoExplicitBuiltinConv = 39, // Requires SymbolDistinguisher.
//FTL_DebugInit = 40, Not used in Roslyn. Roslyn gives FTL_DebugEmitFailure with specific error code info.
FTL_DebugEmitFailure = 41,
//FTL_DebugInitFile = 42, Not used in Roslyn. Roslyn gives ERR_CantOpenFileWrite with specific error info.
//FTL_BadPDBFormat = 43, Not used in Roslyn. Roslyn gives FTL_DebugEmitFailure with specific error code info.
X ERR_BadVisReturnType = 50,
X ERR_BadVisParamType = 51,
X ERR_BadVisFieldType = 52,
ERR_BadVisPropertyType = 53,
ERR_BadVisIndexerReturn = 54,
ERR_BadVisIndexerParam = 55,
ERR_BadVisOpReturn = 56,
ERR_BadVisOpParam = 57,
ERR_BadVisDelegateReturn = 58,
ERR_BadVisDelegateParam = 59,
ERR_BadVisBaseClass = 60,
ERR_BadVisBaseInterface = 61,
ERR_EventNeedsBothAccessors = 65,
ERR_EventNotDelegate = 66,
WRN_UnreferencedEvent = 67,
ERR_InterfaceEventInitializer = 68,
ERR_EventPropertyInInterface = 69,
ERR_BadEventUsage = 70,
X ERR_ExplicitEventFieldImpl = 71,
ERR_CantOverrideNonEvent = 72,
ERR_AddRemoveMustHaveBody = 73,
ERR_AbstractEventInitializer = 74,
ERR_PossibleBadNegCast = 75,
ERR_ReservedEnumerator = 76,
ERR_AsMustHaveReferenceType = 77,
WRN_LowercaseEllSuffix = 78,
ERR_BadEventUsageNoField = 79,
ERR_ConstraintOnlyAllowedOnGenericDecl = 80,
ERR_TypeParamMustBeIdentifier = 81,
ERR_MemberReserved = 82,
ERR_DuplicateParamName = 100,
ERR_DuplicateNameInNS = 101,
ERR_DuplicateNameInClass = 102,
X ERR_NameNotInContext = 103,
ERR_AmbigContext = 104,
WRN_DuplicateUsing = 105,
X ERR_BadMemberFlag = 106,
ERR_BadMemberProtection = 107,
X WRN_NewRequired = 108,
WRN_NewNotRequired = 109,
ERR_CircConstValue = 110,
ERR_MemberAlreadyExists = 111,
ERR_StaticNotVirtual = 112,
ERR_OverrideNotNew = 113,
WRN_NewOrOverrideExpected = 114,
X ERR_OverrideNotExpected = 115,
X ERR_NamespaceUnexpected = 116,
ERR_NoSuchMember = 117,
ERR_BadSKknown = 118,
ERR_BadSKunknown = 119,
X ERR_ObjectRequired = 120,
ERR_AmbigCall = 121,
X ERR_BadAccess = 122,
ERR_MethDelegateMismatch = 123,
ERR_RetObjectRequired = 126,
ERR_RetNoObjectRequired = 127,
ERR_LocalDuplicate = 128,
ERR_AssgLvalueExpected = 131,
ERR_StaticConstParam = 132,
ERR_NotConstantExpression = 133,
X ERR_NotNullConstRefField = 134,
// ERR_NameIllegallyOverrides = 135, // Not used in Roslyn anymore due to 'Single Meaning' relaxation changes
ERR_LocalIllegallyOverrides = 136,
ERR_BadUsingNamespace = 138,
ERR_NoBreakOrCont = 139,
ERR_DuplicateLabel = 140,
ERR_NoConstructors = 143,
ERR_NoNewAbstract = 144,
ERR_ConstValueRequired = 145,
ERR_CircularBase = 146,
ERR_BadDelegateConstructor = 148,
ERR_MethodNameExpected = 149,
ERR_ConstantExpected = 150,
// ERR_V6SwitchGoverningTypeValueExpected shares the same error code (CS0151) with ERR_IntegralTypeValueExpected in Dev10 compiler.
// However ERR_IntegralTypeValueExpected is currently unused and hence being removed. If we need to generate this error in future
// we can use error code CS0166. CS0166 was originally reserved for ERR_SwitchFallInto in Dev10, but was never used.
X ERR_V6SwitchGoverningTypeValueExpected = 151,
ERR_DuplicateCaseLabel = 152,
ERR_InvalidGotoCase = 153,
ERR_PropertyLacksGet = 154,
ERR_BadExceptionType = 155,
ERR_BadEmptyThrow = 156,
ERR_BadFinallyLeave = 157,
ERR_LabelShadow = 158,
ERR_LabelNotFound = 159,
ERR_UnreachableCatch = 160,
ERR_ReturnExpected = 161,
WRN_UnreachableCode = 162,
X ERR_SwitchFallThrough = 163,
WRN_UnreferencedLabel = 164,
X ERR_UseDefViolation = 165,
//ERR_NoInvoke = 167,
WRN_UnreferencedVar = 168,
WRN_UnreferencedField = 169,
ERR_UseDefViolationField = 170,
ERR_UnassignedThis = 171,
ERR_AmbigQM = 172,
X ERR_InvalidQM = 173, // Requires SymbolDistinguisher.
ERR_NoBaseClass = 174,
ERR_BaseIllegal = 175,
ERR_ObjectProhibited = 176,
ERR_ParamUnassigned = 177,
X ERR_InvalidArray = 178,
ERR_ExternHasBody = 179,
ERR_AbstractAndExtern = 180,
ERR_BadAttributeParamType = 181,
ERR_BadAttributeArgument = 182,
WRN_IsAlwaysTrue = 183,
WRN_IsAlwaysFalse = 184,
ERR_LockNeedsReference = 185,
ERR_NullNotValid = 186,
X ERR_UseDefViolationThis = 188,
ERR_ArgsInvalid = 190,
ERR_AssgReadonly = 191,
ERR_RefReadonly = 192,
ERR_PtrExpected = 193,
ERR_PtrIndexSingle = 196,
WRN_ByRefNonAgileField = 197,
ERR_AssgReadonlyStatic = 198,
ERR_RefReadonlyStatic = 199,
ERR_AssgReadonlyProp = 200,
X ERR_IllegalStatement = 201,
ERR_BadGetEnumerator = 202,
ERR_TooManyLocals = 204,
ERR_AbstractBaseCall = 205,
ERR_RefProperty = 206,
// WRN_OldWarning_UnsafeProp = 207, // This error code is unused.
ERR_ManagedAddr = 208,
ERR_BadFixedInitType = 209,
ERR_FixedMustInit = 210,
ERR_InvalidAddrOp = 211,
ERR_FixedNeeded = 212,
ERR_FixedNotNeeded = 213,
ERR_UnsafeNeeded = 214,
ERR_OpTFRetType = 215,
ERR_OperatorNeedsMatch = 216,
ERR_BadBoolOp = 217,
ERR_MustHaveOpTF = 218,
WRN_UnreferencedVarAssg = 219,
ERR_CheckedOverflow = 220,
ERR_ConstOutOfRangeChecked = 221,
ERR_BadVarargs = 224,
ERR_ParamsMustBeArray = 225,
ERR_IllegalArglist = 226,
ERR_IllegalUnsafe = 227,
//ERR_NoAccessibleMember = 228,
X ERR_AmbigMember = 229,
ERR_BadForeachDecl = 230,
ERR_ParamsLast = 231,
X ERR_SizeofUnsafe = 233,
X ERR_DottedTypeNameNotFoundInNS = 234,
ERR_FieldInitRefNonstatic = 236,
ERR_SealedNonOverride = 238,
ERR_CantOverrideSealed = 239,
//ERR_NoDefaultArgs = 241,
ERR_VoidError = 242,
ERR_ConditionalOnOverride = 243,
ERR_PointerInAsOrIs = 244,
ERR_CallingFinalizeDeprecated = 245, //Dev10: ERR_CallingFinalizeDepracated
X ERR_SingleTypeNameNotFound = 246,
ERR_NegativeStackAllocSize = 247,
ERR_NegativeArraySize = 248,
ERR_OverrideFinalizeDeprecated = 249,
ERR_CallingBaseFinalizeDeprecated = 250,
WRN_NegativeArrayIndex = 251,
WRN_BadRefCompareLeft = 252,
WRN_BadRefCompareRight = 253,
ERR_BadCastInFixed = 254,
ERR_StackallocInCatchFinally = 255,
ERR_VarargsLast = 257,
X ERR_MissingPartial = 260,
ERR_PartialTypeKindConflict = 261,
ERR_PartialModifierConflict = 262,
ERR_PartialMultipleBases = 263,
ERR_PartialWrongTypeParams = 264,
ERR_PartialWrongConstraints = 265,
X ERR_NoImplicitConvCast = 266, // Requires SymbolDistinguisher.
ERR_PartialMisplaced = 267,
ERR_ImportedCircularBase = 268,
X ERR_UseDefViolationOut = 269,
X ERR_ArraySizeInDeclaration = 270,
ERR_InaccessibleGetter = 271,
ERR_InaccessibleSetter = 272,
ERR_InvalidPropertyAccessMod = 273,
ERR_DuplicatePropertyAccessMods = 274,
ERR_PropertyAccessModInInterface = 275,
ERR_AccessModMissingAccessor = 276,
ERR_UnimplementedInterfaceAccessor = 277,
WRN_PatternIsAmbiguous = 278,
WRN_PatternStaticOrInaccessible = 279,
WRN_PatternBadSignature = 280,
ERR_FriendRefNotEqualToThis = 281,
WRN_SequentialOnPartialClass = 282,
ERR_BadConstType = 283,
X ERR_NoNewTyvar = 304,
ERR_BadArity = 305,
ERR_BadTypeArgument = 306,
ERR_TypeArgsNotAllowed = 307,
ERR_HasNoTypeVars = 308,
X ERR_NewConstraintNotSatisfied = 310,
X ERR_GenericConstraintNotSatisfiedRefType = 311, // Requires SymbolDistinguisher.
ERR_GenericConstraintNotSatisfiedNullableEnum = 312, // Uses (but doesn't require) SymbolDistinguisher.
ERR_GenericConstraintNotSatisfiedNullableInterface = 313, // Uses (but doesn't require) SymbolDistinguisher.
ERR_GenericConstraintNotSatisfiedTyVar = 314, // Requires SymbolDistinguisher.
ERR_GenericConstraintNotSatisfiedValType = 315, // Requires SymbolDistinguisher.
ERR_DuplicateGeneratedName = 316,
// unused 317-399
ERR_GlobalSingleTypeNameNotFound = 400,
ERR_NewBoundMustBeLast = 401,
WRN_MainCantBeGeneric = 402,
ERR_TypeVarCantBeNull = 403,
ERR_AttributeCantBeGeneric = 404,
ERR_DuplicateBound = 405,
ERR_ClassBoundNotFirst = 406,
ERR_BadRetType = 407,
ERR_DuplicateConstraintClause = 409,
//ERR_WrongSignature = 410, unused in Roslyn
ERR_CantInferMethTypeArgs = 411,
ERR_LocalSameNameAsTypeParam = 412,
X ERR_AsWithTypeVar = 413,
WRN_UnreferencedFieldAssg = 414,
ERR_BadIndexerNameAttr = 415,
ERR_AttrArgWithTypeVars = 416,
X ERR_NewTyvarWithArgs = 417,
ERR_AbstractSealedStatic = 418,
WRN_AmbiguousXMLReference = 419,
X WRN_VolatileByRef = 420,
// WRN_IncrSwitchObsolete = 422, // This error code is unused.
ERR_ComImportWithImpl = 423,
ERR_ComImportWithBase = 424,
ERR_ImplBadConstraints = 425,
ERR_DottedTypeNameNotFoundInAgg = 426,
ERR_MethGrpToNonDel = 428,
X // WRN_UnreachableExpr = 429, // This error code is unused.
ERR_BadExternAlias = 430,
ERR_ColColWithTypeAlias = 431,
ERR_AliasNotFound = 432,
X ERR_SameFullNameAggAgg = 433,
ERR_SameFullNameNsAgg = 434,
WRN_SameFullNameThisNsAgg = 435,
WRN_SameFullNameThisAggAgg = 436,
WRN_SameFullNameThisAggNs = 437,
ERR_SameFullNameThisAggThisNs = 438,
ERR_ExternAfterElements = 439,
WRN_GlobalAliasDefn = 440,
ERR_SealedStaticClass = 441,
ERR_PrivateAbstractAccessor = 442,
ERR_ValueExpected = 443,
// WRN_UnexpectedPredefTypeLoc = 444, // This error code is unused.
X ERR_UnboxNotLValue = 445,
X ERR_AnonMethGrpInForEach = 446,
//ERR_AttrOnTypeArg = 447, unused in Roslyn. The scenario for which this error exists should, and does generate a parse error.
ERR_BadIncDecRetType = 448,
ERR_RefValBoundMustBeFirst = 449,
ERR_RefValBoundWithClass = 450,
ERR_NewBoundWithVal = 451,
ERR_RefConstraintNotSatisfied = 452,
ERR_ValConstraintNotSatisfied = 453,
ERR_CircularConstraint = 454,
ERR_BaseConstraintConflict = 455,
ERR_ConWithValCon = 456,
ERR_AmbigUDConv = 457,
WRN_AlwaysNull = 458,
// ERR_AddrOnReadOnlyLocal = 459, // no longer an error
ERR_OverrideWithConstraints = 460,
ERR_AmbigOverride = 462,
ERR_DecConstError = 463,
WRN_CmpAlwaysFalse = 464,
WRN_FinalizeMethod = 465,
ERR_ExplicitImplParams = 466,
X // WRN_AmbigLookupMeth = 467, //no longer issued in Roslyn
//ERR_SameFullNameThisAggThisAgg = 468, no longer used in Roslyn
WRN_GotoCaseShouldConvert = 469,
ERR_MethodImplementingAccessor = 470,
//ERR_TypeArgsNotAllowedAmbig = 471, no longer issued in Roslyn
WRN_NubExprIsConstBool = 472,
WRN_ExplicitImplCollision = 473,
// unused 474-499
ERR_AbstractHasBody = 500,
ERR_ConcreteMissingBody = 501,
ERR_AbstractAndSealed = 502,
ERR_AbstractNotVirtual = 503,
X ERR_StaticConstant = 504,
ERR_CantOverrideNonFunction = 505,
ERR_CantOverrideNonVirtual = 506,
X ERR_CantChangeAccessOnOverride = 507,
ERR_CantChangeReturnTypeOnOverride = 508,
ERR_CantDeriveFromSealedType = 509,
ERR_AbstractInConcreteClass = 513,
ERR_StaticConstructorWithExplicitConstructorCall = 514,
ERR_StaticConstructorWithAccessModifiers = 515,
ERR_RecursiveConstructorCall = 516,
ERR_ObjectCallingBaseConstructor = 517,
X ERR_PredefinedTypeNotFound = 518,
//ERR_PredefinedTypeBadType = 520,
ERR_StructWithBaseConstructorCall = 522,
X ERR_StructLayoutCycle = 523,
ERR_InterfacesCannotContainTypes = 524,
ERR_InterfacesCantContainFields = 525,
ERR_InterfacesCantContainConstructors = 526,
ERR_NonInterfaceInInterfaceList = 527,
ERR_DuplicateInterfaceInBaseList = 528,
ERR_CycleInInterfaceInheritance = 529,
ERR_InterfaceMemberHasBody = 531,
ERR_HidingAbstractMethod = 533,
ERR_UnimplementedAbstractMethod = 534,
ERR_UnimplementedInterfaceMember = 535,
ERR_ObjectCantHaveBases = 537,
ERR_ExplicitInterfaceImplementationNotInterface = 538,
ERR_InterfaceMemberNotFound = 539,
ERR_ClassDoesntImplementInterface = 540,
ERR_ExplicitInterfaceImplementationInNonClassOrStruct = 541,
ERR_MemberNameSameAsType = 542,
ERR_EnumeratorOverflow = 543,
ERR_CantOverrideNonProperty = 544,
X ERR_NoGetToOverride = 545,
ERR_NoSetToOverride = 546,
ERR_PropertyCantHaveVoidType = 547,
ERR_PropertyWithNoAccessors = 548,
ERR_NewVirtualInSealed = 549,
ERR_ExplicitPropertyAddingAccessor = 550,
ERR_ExplicitPropertyMissingAccessor = 551,
X ERR_ConversionWithInterface = 552,
ERR_ConversionWithBase = 553,
ERR_ConversionWithDerived = 554,
ERR_IdentityConversion = 555,
ERR_ConversionNotInvolvingContainedType = 556,
ERR_DuplicateConversionInClass = 557,
ERR_OperatorsMustBeStatic = 558,
ERR_BadIncDecSignature = 559,
ERR_BadUnaryOperatorSignature = 562,
X ERR_BadBinaryOperatorSignature = 563,
ERR_BadShiftOperatorSignature = 564,
ERR_InterfacesCantContainOperators = 567,
ERR_StructsCantContainDefaultConstructor = 568,
ERR_CantOverrideBogusMethod = 569,
X ERR_BindToBogus = 570,
X ERR_CantCallSpecialMethod = 571,
ERR_BadTypeReference = 572,
ERR_FieldInitializerInStruct = 573,
ERR_BadDestructorName = 574,
ERR_OnlyClassesCanContainDestructors = 575,
ERR_ConflictAliasAndMember = 576,
ERR_ConditionalOnSpecialMethod = 577,
ERR_ConditionalMustReturnVoid = 578,
X ERR_DuplicateAttribute = 579,
ERR_ConditionalOnInterfaceMethod = 582,
//ERR_ICE_Culprit = 583, No ICE in Roslyn. All of these are unused
//ERR_ICE_Symbol = 584,
//ERR_ICE_Node = 585,
//ERR_ICE_File = 586,
//ERR_ICE_Stage = 587,
//ERR_ICE_Lexer = 588,
//ERR_ICE_Parser = 589,
ERR_OperatorCantReturnVoid = 590,
ERR_InvalidAttributeArgument = 591,
X ERR_AttributeOnBadSymbolType = 592,
ERR_FloatOverflow = 594,
ERR_InvalidReal = 595,
ERR_ComImportWithoutUuidAttribute = 596,
ERR_InvalidNamedArgument = 599,
ERR_DllImportOnInvalidMethod = 601,
// WRN_FeatureDeprecated = 602, // This error code is unused.
// ERR_NameAttributeOnOverride = 609, // removed in Roslyn
ERR_FieldCantBeRefAny = 610,
ERR_ArrayElementCantBeRefAny = 611,
WRN_DeprecatedSymbol = 612,
X ERR_NotAnAttributeClass = 616,
ERR_BadNamedAttributeArgument = 617,
X WRN_DeprecatedSymbolStr = 618,
ERR_DeprecatedSymbolStr = 619,
ERR_IndexerCantHaveVoidType = 620,
ERR_VirtualPrivate = 621,
ERR_ArrayInitToNonArrayType = 622,
ERR_ArrayInitInBadPlace = 623,
ERR_MissingStructOffset = 625,
WRN_ExternMethodNoImplementation = 626,
WRN_ProtectedInSealed = 628,
ERR_InterfaceImplementedByConditional = 629,
ERR_InterfaceImplementedImplicitlyByVariadic = 630,
ERR_IllegalRefParam = 631,
ERR_BadArgumentToAttribute = 633,
//ERR_MissingComTypeOrMarshaller = 635,
ERR_StructOffsetOnBadStruct = 636,
ERR_StructOffsetOnBadField = 637,
ERR_AttributeUsageOnNonAttributeClass = 641,
WRN_PossibleMistakenNullStatement = 642,
ERR_DuplicateNamedAttributeArgument = 643,
ERR_DeriveFromEnumOrValueType = 644,
//ERR_IdentifierTooLong = 645, //not used in Roslyn. See ERR_MetadataNameTooLong
ERR_DefaultMemberOnIndexedType = 646,
//ERR_CustomAttributeError = 647,
ERR_BogusType = 648,
WRN_UnassignedInternalField = 649,
X ERR_CStyleArray = 650,
WRN_VacuousIntegralComp = 652,
ERR_AbstractAttributeClass = 653,
ERR_BadNamedAttributeArgumentType = 655,
ERR_MissingPredefinedMember = 656,
WRN_AttributeLocationOnBadDeclaration = 657,
WRN_InvalidAttributeLocation = 658,
WRN_EqualsWithoutGetHashCode = 659,
WRN_EqualityOpWithoutEquals = 660,
WRN_EqualityOpWithoutGetHashCode = 661,
ERR_OutAttrOnRefParam = 662,
ERR_OverloadRefKind = 663,
ERR_LiteralDoubleCast = 664,
WRN_IncorrectBooleanAssg = 665,
ERR_ProtectedInStruct = 666,
//ERR_FeatureDeprecated = 667,
ERR_InconsistentIndexerNames = 668, // Named 'ERR_InconsistantIndexerNames' in native compiler
ERR_ComImportWithUserCtor = 669,
ERR_FieldCantHaveVoidType = 670,
WRN_NonObsoleteOverridingObsolete = 672,
ERR_SystemVoid = 673,
ERR_ExplicitParamArray = 674,
X WRN_BitwiseOrSignExtend = 675,
ERR_VolatileStruct = 677,
ERR_VolatileAndReadonly = 678,
// WRN_OldWarning_ProtectedInternal = 679, // This error code is unused.
// WRN_OldWarning_AccessibleReadonly = 680, // This error code is unused.
ERR_AbstractField = 681,
ERR_BogusExplicitImpl = 682,
ERR_ExplicitMethodImplAccessor = 683,
WRN_CoClassWithoutComImport = 684,
ERR_ConditionalWithOutParam = 685,
X ERR_AccessorImplementingMethod = 686,
ERR_AliasQualAsExpression = 687,
ERR_DerivingFromATyVar = 689,
//FTL_MalformedMetadata = 690,
ERR_DuplicateTypeParameter = 692,
WRN_TypeParameterSameAsOuterTypeParameter = 693,
ERR_TypeVariableSameAsParent = 694,
ERR_UnifyingInterfaceInstantiations = 695,
ERR_GenericDerivingFromAttribute = 698,
ERR_TyVarNotFoundInConstraint = 699,
ERR_BadBoundType = 701,
X ERR_SpecialTypeAsBound = 702,
X ERR_BadVisBound = 703,
ERR_LookupInTypeVariable = 704,
ERR_BadConstraintType = 706,
ERR_InstanceMemberInStaticClass = 708,
ERR_StaticBaseClass = 709,
ERR_ConstructorInStaticClass = 710,
ERR_DestructorInStaticClass = 711,
ERR_InstantiatingStaticClass = 712,
ERR_StaticDerivedFromNonObject = 713,
ERR_StaticClassInterfaceImpl = 714,
ERR_OperatorInStaticClass = 715,
ERR_ConvertToStaticClass = 716,
ERR_ConstraintIsStaticClass = 717,
ERR_GenericArgIsStaticClass = 718,
ERR_ArrayOfStaticClass = 719,
ERR_IndexerInStaticClass = 720,
ERR_ParameterIsStaticClass = 721,
ERR_ReturnTypeIsStaticClass = 722,
ERR_VarDeclIsStaticClass = 723,
ERR_BadEmptyThrowInFinally = 724,
//ERR_InvalidDecl = 725,
ERR_InvalidSpecifier = 726,
//ERR_InvalidSpecifierUnk = 727,
WRN_AssignmentToLockOrDispose = 728,
ERR_ForwardedTypeInThisAssembly = 729,
ERR_ForwardedTypeIsNested = 730,
X ERR_CycleInTypeForwarder = 731,
//ERR_FwdedGeneric = 733,
ERR_AssemblyNameOnNonModule = 734,
ERR_InvalidFwdType = 735,
ERR_CloseUnimplementedInterfaceMemberStatic = 736,
ERR_CloseUnimplementedInterfaceMemberNotPublic = 737,
ERR_CloseUnimplementedInterfaceMemberWrongReturnType = 738,
ERR_DuplicateTypeForwarder = 739,
ERR_ExpectedSelectOrGroup = 742,
ERR_ExpectedContextualKeywordOn = 743,
ERR_ExpectedContextualKeywordEquals = 744,
ERR_ExpectedContextualKeywordBy = 745,
ERR_InvalidAnonymousTypeMemberDeclarator = 746,
ERR_InvalidInitializerElementInitializer = 747,
ERR_InconsistentLambdaParameterUsage = 748,
ERR_PartialMethodInvalidModifier = 750,
ERR_PartialMethodOnlyInPartialClass = 751,
ERR_PartialMethodCannotHaveOutParameters = 752,
// ERR_PartialMethodOnlyMethods = 753, Removed as it is subsumed by ERR_PartialMisplaced
ERR_PartialMethodNotExplicit = 754,
ERR_PartialMethodExtensionDifference = 755,
ERR_PartialMethodOnlyOneLatent = 756,
ERR_PartialMethodOnlyOneActual = 757,
ERR_PartialMethodParamsDifference = 758,
ERR_PartialMethodMustHaveLatent = 759,
ERR_PartialMethodInconsistentConstraints = 761,
ERR_PartialMethodToDelegate = 762,
ERR_PartialMethodStaticDifference = 763,
ERR_PartialMethodUnsafeDifference = 764,
ERR_PartialMethodInExpressionTree = 765,
ERR_PartialMethodMustReturnVoid = 766,
ERR_ExplicitImplCollisionOnRefOut = 767,
ERR_IndirectRecursiveConstructorCall = 768,
// unused 769-799
//ERR_NoEmptyArrayRanges = 800,
//ERR_IntegerSpecifierOnOneDimArrays = 801,
//ERR_IntegerSpecifierMustBePositive = 802,
//ERR_ArrayRangeDimensionsMustMatch = 803,
//ERR_ArrayRangeDimensionsWrong = 804,
//ERR_IntegerSpecifierValidOnlyOnArrays = 805,
//ERR_ArrayRangeSpecifierValidOnlyOnArrays = 806,
//ERR_UseAdditionalSquareBrackets = 807,
//ERR_DotDotNotAssociative = 808,
WRN_ObsoleteOverridingNonObsolete = 809,
WRN_DebugFullNameTooLong = 811, // Dev11 name: ERR_DebugFullNameTooLong
ERR_ImplicitlyTypedVariableAssignedBadValue = 815, // Dev10 name: ERR_ImplicitlyTypedLocalAssignedBadValue
ERR_ImplicitlyTypedVariableWithNoInitializer = 818, // Dev10 name: ERR_ImplicitlyTypedLocalWithNoInitializer
ERR_ImplicitlyTypedVariableMultipleDeclarator = 819, // Dev10 name: ERR_ImplicitlyTypedLocalMultipleDeclarator
ERR_ImplicitlyTypedVariableAssignedArrayInitializer = 820, // Dev10 name: ERR_ImplicitlyTypedLocalAssignedArrayInitializer
ERR_ImplicitlyTypedLocalCannotBeFixed = 821,
ERR_ImplicitlyTypedVariableCannotBeConst = 822, // Dev10 name: ERR_ImplicitlyTypedLocalCannotBeConst
WRN_ExternCtorNoImplementation = 824,
ERR_TypeVarNotFound = 825,
X ERR_ImplicitlyTypedArrayNoBestType = 826,
ERR_AnonymousTypePropertyAssignedBadValue = 828,
ERR_ExpressionTreeContainsBaseAccess = 831,
ERR_ExpressionTreeContainsAssignment = 832,
ERR_AnonymousTypeDuplicatePropertyName = 833,
X ERR_StatementLambdaToExpressionTree = 834,
ERR_ExpressionTreeMustHaveDelegate = 835,
ERR_AnonymousTypeNotAvailable = 836,
ERR_LambdaInIsAs = 837,
ERR_ExpressionTreeContainsMultiDimensionalArrayInitializer = 838,
ERR_MissingArgument = 839,
X //ERR_AutoPropertiesMustHaveBothAccessors = 840,
ERR_VariableUsedBeforeDeclaration = 841,
//ERR_ExplicitLayoutAndAutoImplementedProperty = 842,
ERR_UnassignedThisAutoProperty = 843,
ERR_VariableUsedBeforeDeclarationAndHidesField = 844,
X ERR_ExpressionTreeContainsBadCoalesce = 845,
ERR_ArrayInitializerExpected = 846,
ERR_ArrayInitializerIncorrectLength = 847,
// ERR_OverloadRefOutCtor = 851, Replaced By ERR_OverloadRefKind
ERR_ExpressionTreeContainsNamedArgument = 853,
ERR_ExpressionTreeContainsOptionalArgument = 854,
ERR_ExpressionTreeContainsIndexedProperty = 855,
ERR_IndexedPropertyRequiresParams = 856,
ERR_IndexedPropertyMustHaveAllOptionalParams = 857,
//ERR_FusionConfigFileNameTooLong = 858, unused in Roslyn. We give ERR_CantReadConfigFile now.
// unused 859-1000
X ERR_IdentifierExpected = 1001,
ERR_SemicolonExpected = 1002,
ERR_SyntaxError = 1003,
ERR_DuplicateModifier = 1004,
ERR_DuplicateAccessor = 1007,
ERR_IntegralTypeExpected = 1008,
X ERR_IllegalEscape = 1009,
ERR_NewlineInConst = 1010,
ERR_EmptyCharConst = 1011,
ERR_TooManyCharsInConst = 1012,
ERR_InvalidNumber = 1013,
ERR_GetOrSetExpected = 1014,
ERR_ClassTypeExpected = 1015,
ERR_NamedArgumentExpected = 1016,
ERR_TooManyCatches = 1017,
X ERR_ThisOrBaseExpected = 1018,
X ERR_OvlUnaryOperatorExpected = 1019,
ERR_OvlBinaryOperatorExpected = 1020,
ERR_IntOverflow = 1021,
ERR_EOFExpected = 1022,
ERR_BadEmbeddedStmt = 1023,
ERR_PPDirectiveExpected = 1024,
ERR_EndOfPPLineExpected = 1025,
X ERR_CloseParenExpected = 1026,
ERR_EndifDirectiveExpected = 1027,
ERR_UnexpectedDirective = 1028,
X ERR_ErrorDirective = 1029,
WRN_WarningDirective = 1030,
ERR_TypeExpected = 1031,
ERR_PPDefFollowsToken = 1032,
//ERR_TooManyLines = 1033, unused in Roslyn.
//ERR_LineTooLong = 1034, unused in Roslyn.
ERR_OpenEndedComment = 1035,
ERR_OvlOperatorExpected = 1037,
ERR_EndRegionDirectiveExpected = 1038,
ERR_UnterminatedStringLit = 1039,
ERR_BadDirectivePlacement = 1040,
ERR_IdentifierExpectedKW = 1041,
ERR_SemiOrLBraceExpected = 1043,
ERR_MultiTypeInDeclaration = 1044,
ERR_AddOrRemoveExpected = 1055,
ERR_UnexpectedCharacter = 1056,
ERR_ProtectedInStatic = 1057,
WRN_UnreachableGeneralCatch = 1058,
X ERR_IncrementLvalueExpected = 1059,
X // WRN_UninitializedField = 1060, // unused in Roslyn.
X ERR_NoSuchMemberOrExtension = 1061,
WRN_DeprecatedCollectionInitAddStr = 1062,
ERR_DeprecatedCollectionInitAddStr = 1063,
WRN_DeprecatedCollectionInitAdd = 1064,
ERR_DefaultValueNotAllowed = 1065,
WRN_DefaultValueForUnconsumedLocation = 1066,
ERR_PartialWrongTypeParamsVariance = 1067,
ERR_GlobalSingleTypeNameNotFoundFwd = 1068,
ERR_DottedTypeNameNotFoundInNSFwd = 1069,
ERR_SingleTypeNameNotFoundFwd = 1070,
//ERR_NoSuchMemberOnNoPIAType = 1071, //EE
WRN_IdentifierOrNumericLiteralExpected = 1072,
ERR_UnexpectedToken = 1073,
// unused 1074-1098
// ERR_EOLExpected = 1099, // EE
// ERR_NotSupportedinEE = 1100, // EE
ERR_BadThisParam = 1100,
// ERR_BadRefWithThis = 1101, replaced by ERR_BadParameterModifiers
// ERR_BadOutWithThis = 1102, replaced by ERR_BadParameterModifiers
ERR_BadTypeforThis = 1103,
ERR_BadParamModThis = 1104,
ERR_BadExtensionMeth = 1105,
ERR_BadExtensionAgg = 1106,
ERR_DupParamMod = 1107,
// ERR_MultiParamMod = 1108, replaced by ERR_BadParameterModifiers
ERR_ExtensionMethodsDecl = 1109,
ERR_ExtensionAttrNotFound = 1110,
//ERR_ExtensionTypeParam = 1111,
X ERR_ExplicitExtension = 1112,
ERR_ValueTypeExtDelegate = 1113,
// unused 1114-1199
// Below five error codes are unused.
// WRN_FeatureDeprecated2 = 1200,
// WRN_FeatureDeprecated3 = 1201,
// WRN_FeatureDeprecated4 = 1202,
// WRN_FeatureDeprecated5 = 1203,
// WRN_OldWarning_FeatureDefaultDeprecated = 1204,
// unused 1205-1500
X ERR_BadArgCount = 1501,
X //ERR_BadArgTypes = 1502,
ERR_BadArgType = 1503,
ERR_NoSourceFile = 1504,
ERR_CantRefResource = 1507,
ERR_ResourceNotUnique = 1508,
ERR_ImportNonAssembly = 1509,
ERR_RefLvalueExpected = 1510,
ERR_BaseInStaticMeth = 1511,
ERR_BaseInBadContext = 1512,
ERR_RbraceExpected = 1513,
ERR_LbraceExpected = 1514,
ERR_InExpected = 1515,
ERR_InvalidPreprocExpr = 1517,
//ERR_BadTokenInType = 1518, unused in Roslyn
X ERR_InvalidMemberDecl = 1519,
ERR_MemberNeedsType = 1520,
ERR_BadBaseType = 1521,
WRN_EmptySwitch = 1522,
ERR_ExpectedEndTry = 1524,
ERR_InvalidExprTerm = 1525,
ERR_BadNewExpr = 1526,
ERR_NoNamespacePrivate = 1527,
ERR_BadVarDecl = 1528,
ERR_UsingAfterElements = 1529,
//ERR_NoNewOnNamespaceElement = 1530, EDMAURER we now give BadMemberFlag which is only a little less specific than this.
//ERR_DontUseInvoke = 1533,
ERR_BadBinOpArgs = 1534,
ERR_BadUnOpArgs = 1535,
ERR_NoVoidParameter = 1536,
ERR_DuplicateAlias = 1537,
X ERR_BadProtectedAccess = 1540,
//ERR_CantIncludeDirectory = 1541,
ERR_AddModuleAssembly = 1542,
ERR_BindToBogusProp2 = 1545,
X ERR_BindToBogusProp1 = 1546,
ERR_NoVoidHere = 1547,
X //ERR_CryptoFailed = 1548,
//ERR_CryptoNotFound = 1549,
ERR_IndexerNeedsParam = 1551,
ERR_BadArraySyntax = 1552,
ERR_BadOperatorSyntax = 1553,
//ERR_BadOperatorSyntax2 = 1554, Not used in Roslyn.
ERR_MainClassNotFound = 1555,
ERR_MainClassNotClass = 1556,
//ERR_MainClassWrongFile = 1557, Not used in Roslyn. This was used only when compiling and producing two outputs.
ERR_NoMainInClass = 1558,
//ERR_MainClassIsImport = 1559, Not used in Roslyn. Scenario occurs so infrequently that it is not worth re-implementing.
//ERR_FileNameTooLong = 1560,
//ERR_OutputFileNameTooLong = 1561, Not used in Roslyn. We report a more generic error that doesn't mention "output file" but is fine.
ERR_OutputNeedsName = 1562,
//ERR_OutputNeedsInput = 1563,
X ERR_CantHaveWin32ResAndManifest = 1564,
ERR_CantHaveWin32ResAndIcon = 1565,
ERR_CantReadResource = 1566,
X //ERR_AutoResGen = 1567,
ERR_DocFileGen = 1569,
WRN_XMLParseError = 1570,
WRN_DuplicateParamTag = 1571,
WRN_UnmatchedParamTag = 1572,
WRN_MissingParamTag = 1573,
WRN_BadXMLRef = 1574,
ERR_BadStackAllocExpr = 1575,
ERR_InvalidLineNumber = 1576,
//ERR_ALinkFailed = 1577, No alink usage in Roslyn
ERR_MissingPPFile = 1578,
X ERR_ForEachMissingMember = 1579,
WRN_BadXMLRefParamType = 1580,
WRN_BadXMLRefReturnType = 1581,
ERR_BadWin32Res = 1583,
WRN_BadXMLRefSyntax = 1584,
ERR_BadModifierLocation = 1585,
ERR_MissingArraySize = 1586,
WRN_UnprocessedXMLComment = 1587,
//ERR_CantGetCORSystemDir = 1588,
WRN_FailedInclude = 1589,
WRN_InvalidInclude = 1590,
X WRN_MissingXMLComment = 1591,
WRN_XMLParseIncludeError = 1592,
ERR_BadDelArgCount = 1593,
//ERR_BadDelArgTypes = 1594,
// WRN_OldWarning_MultipleTypeDefs = 1595, // This error code is unused.
// WRN_OldWarning_DocFileGenAndIncr = 1596, // This error code is unused.
ERR_UnexpectedSemicolon = 1597,
X // WRN_XMLParserNotFound = 1598, // No longer used (though, conceivably, we could report it if Linq to Xml is missing at compile time).
ERR_MethodReturnCantBeRefAny = 1599,
ERR_CompileCancelled = 1600,
ERR_MethodArgCantBeRefAny = 1601,
ERR_AssgReadonlyLocal = 1604,
ERR_RefReadonlyLocal = 1605,
//ERR_ALinkCloseFailed = 1606,
X WRN_ALinkWarn = 1607,
ERR_CantUseRequiredAttribute = 1608,
ERR_NoModifiersOnAccessor = 1609,
X // WRN_DeleteAutoResFailed = 1610, // Unused.
ERR_ParamsCantBeWithModifier = 1611,
X ERR_ReturnNotLValue = 1612,
ERR_MissingCoClass = 1613,
X ERR_AmbiguousAttribute = 1614,
ERR_BadArgExtraRef = 1615,
X WRN_CmdOptionConflictsSource = 1616,
ERR_BadCompatMode = 1617,
ERR_DelegateOnConditional = 1618,
ERR_CantMakeTempFile = 1619, //changed to now accept only one argument
ERR_BadArgRef = 1620,
ERR_YieldInAnonMeth = 1621,
ERR_ReturnInIterator = 1622,
ERR_BadIteratorArgType = 1623,
ERR_BadIteratorReturn = 1624,
ERR_BadYieldInFinally = 1625,
ERR_BadYieldInTryOfCatch = 1626,
ERR_EmptyYield = 1627,
ERR_AnonDelegateCantUse = 1628,
ERR_IllegalInnerUnsafe = 1629,
//ERR_BadWatsonMode = 1630,
ERR_BadYieldInCatch = 1631,
ERR_BadDelegateLeave = 1632,
WRN_IllegalPragma = 1633,
WRN_IllegalPPWarning = 1634,
WRN_BadRestoreNumber = 1635,
ERR_VarargsIterator = 1636,
ERR_UnsafeIteratorArgType = 1637,
//ERR_ReservedIdentifier = 1638,
ERR_BadCoClassSig = 1639,
X ERR_MultipleIEnumOfT = 1640,
ERR_FixedDimsRequired = 1641,
ERR_FixedNotInStruct = 1642,
ERR_AnonymousReturnExpected = 1643,
X //ERR_NonECMAFeature = 1644,
WRN_NonECMAFeature = 1645,
ERR_ExpectedVerbatimLiteral = 1646,
//FTL_StackOverflow = 1647,
ERR_AssgReadonly2 = 1648,
ERR_RefReadonly2 = 1649,
ERR_AssgReadonlyStatic2 = 1650,
ERR_RefReadonlyStatic2 = 1651,
ERR_AssgReadonlyLocal2Cause = 1654,
ERR_RefReadonlyLocal2Cause = 1655,
X ERR_AssgReadonlyLocalCause = 1656,
ERR_RefReadonlyLocalCause = 1657,
X WRN_ErrorOverride = 1658,
// WRN_OldWarning_ReservedIdentifier = 1659, // This error code is unused.
ERR_AnonMethToNonDel = 1660,
ERR_CantConvAnonMethParams = 1661,
ERR_CantConvAnonMethReturns = 1662,
ERR_IllegalFixedType = 1663,
ERR_FixedOverflow = 1664,
ERR_InvalidFixedArraySize = 1665,
ERR_FixedBufferNotFixed = 1666,
ERR_AttributeNotOnAccessor = 1667,
WRN_InvalidSearchPathDir = 1668,
ERR_IllegalVarArgs = 1669,
ERR_IllegalParams = 1670,
ERR_BadModifiersOnNamespace = 1671,
ERR_BadPlatformType = 1672,
ERR_ThisStructNotInAnonMeth = 1673,
X ERR_NoConvToIDisp = 1674,
// ERR_InvalidGenericEnum = 1675, replaced with 7002
ERR_BadParamRef = 1676,
ERR_BadParamExtraRef = 1677,
ERR_BadParamType = 1678, // Requires SymbolDistinguisher.
ERR_BadExternIdentifier = 1679,
ERR_AliasMissingFile = 1680,
ERR_GlobalExternAlias = 1681,
// WRN_MissingTypeNested = 1682, // unused in Roslyn.
// In Roslyn, we generate errors ERR_MissingTypeInSource and ERR_MissingTypeInAssembly instead of warnings WRN_MissingTypeInSource and WRN_MissingTypeInAssembly respectively.
X // WRN_MissingTypeInSource = 1683,
// WRN_MissingTypeInAssembly = 1684,
X WRN_MultiplePredefTypes = 1685,
ERR_LocalCantBeFixedAndHoisted = 1686,
WRN_TooManyLinesForDebugger = 1687,
ERR_CantConvAnonMethNoParams = 1688,
ERR_ConditionalOnNonAttributeClass = 1689,
X WRN_CallOnNonAgileField = 1690,
X // WRN_BadWarningNumber = 1691, // we no longer generate this warning for an unrecognized warning ID specified as an argument to /nowarn or /warnaserror.
WRN_InvalidNumber = 1692,
// WRN_FileNameTooLong = 1694, //unused.
WRN_IllegalPPChecksum = 1695,
WRN_EndOfPPLineExpected = 1696,
WRN_ConflictingChecksum = 1697,
// WRN_AssumedMatchThis = 1698, // This error code is unused.
X // WRN_UseSwitchInsteadOfAttribute = 1699, // This error code is unused.
X WRN_InvalidAssemblyName = 1700,
X WRN_UnifyReferenceMajMin = 1701,
WRN_UnifyReferenceBldRev = 1702,
X ERR_DuplicateImport = 1703,
X ERR_DuplicateImportSimple = 1704,
X ERR_AssemblyMatchBadVersion = 1705,
//ERR_AnonMethNotAllowed = 1706, Unused in Roslyn. Previously given when a lambda was supplied as an attribute argument.
// WRN_DelegateNewMethBind = 1707, // This error code is unused.
X ERR_FixedNeedsLvalue = 1708,
// WRN_EmptyFileName = 1709, // This error code is unused.
WRN_DuplicateTypeParamTag = 1710,
WRN_UnmatchedTypeParamTag = 1711,
WRN_MissingTypeParamTag = 1712,
//FTL_TypeNameBuilderError = 1713,
//ERR_ImportBadBase = 1714, // This error code is unused and replaced with ERR_NoTypeDef
ERR_CantChangeTypeOnOverride = 1715,
X ERR_DoNotUseFixedBufferAttr = 1716,
WRN_AssignmentToSelf = 1717,
WRN_ComparisonToSelf = 1718,
ERR_CantOpenWin32Res = 1719,
WRN_DotOnDefault = 1720,
X ERR_NoMultipleInheritance = 1721,
ERR_BaseClassMustBeFirst = 1722,
WRN_BadXMLRefTypeVar = 1723,
//ERR_InvalidDefaultCharSetValue = 1724, Not used in Roslyn.
ERR_FriendAssemblyBadArgs = 1725,
X ERR_FriendAssemblySNReq = 1726,
//ERR_WatsonSendNotOptedIn = 1727, We're not doing any custom Watson processing in Roslyn. In modern OSs, Watson behavior is configured with machine policy settings.
ERR_DelegateOnNullable = 1728,
X ERR_BadCtorArgCount = 1729,
ERR_GlobalAttributesNotFirst = 1730,
//ERR_CantConvAnonMethReturnsNoDelegate = 1731, Not used in Roslyn. When there is no delegate, we reuse the message that contains a substitution string for the delegate type.
//ERR_ParameterExpected = 1732, Not used in Roslyn.
ERR_ExpressionExpected = 1733,
WRN_UnmatchedParamRefTag = 1734,
WRN_UnmatchedTypeParamRefTag = 1735,
ERR_DefaultValueMustBeConstant = 1736,
ERR_DefaultValueBeforeRequiredValue = 1737,
ERR_NamedArgumentSpecificationBeforeFixedArgument = 1738,
ERR_BadNamedArgument = 1739,
ERR_DuplicateNamedArgument = 1740,
ERR_RefOutDefaultValue = 1741,
ERR_NamedArgumentForArray = 1742,
ERR_DefaultValueForExtensionParameter = 1743,
ERR_NamedArgumentUsedInPositional = 1744,
ERR_DefaultValueUsedWithAttributes = 1745,
ERR_BadNamedArgumentForDelegateInvoke = 1746,
ERR_NoPIAAssemblyMissingAttribute = 1747,
ERR_NoCanonicalView = 1748,
//ERR_TypeNotFoundForNoPIA = 1749,
ERR_NoConversionForDefaultParam = 1750,
ERR_DefaultValueForParamsParameter = 1751,
ERR_NewCoClassOnLink = 1752,
ERR_NoPIANestedType = 1754,
//ERR_InvalidTypeIdentifierConstructor = 1755,
ERR_InteropTypeMissingAttribute = 1756,
ERR_InteropStructContainsMethods = 1757,
ERR_InteropTypesWithSameNameAndGuid = 1758,
ERR_NoPIAAssemblyMissingAttributes = 1759,
ERR_AssemblySpecifiedForLinkAndRef = 1760,
ERR_LocalTypeNameClash = 1761,
X WRN_ReferencedAssemblyReferencesLinkedPIA = 1762,
ERR_NotNullRefDefaultParameter = 1763,
ERR_FixedLocalInLambda = 1764,
// WRN_TypeNotFoundForNoPIAWarning = 1765, // This error code is unused.
ERR_MissingMethodOnSourceInterface = 1766,
ERR_MissingSourceInterface = 1767,
ERR_GenericsUsedInNoPIAType = 1768,
ERR_GenericsUsedAcrossAssemblies = 1769,
ERR_NoConversionForNubDefaultParam = 1770,
//ERR_MemberWithGenericsUsedAcrossAssemblies = 1771,
//ERR_GenericsUsedInBaseTypeAcrossAssemblies = 1772,
ERR_InvalidSubsystemVersion = 1773,
ERR_InteropMethodWithBody = 1774,
// unused 1775-1899
ERR_BadWarningLevel = 1900,
ERR_BadDebugType = 1902,
//ERR_UnknownTestSwitch = 1903,
ERR_BadResourceVis = 1906,
ERR_DefaultValueTypeMustMatch = 1908,
//ERR_DefaultValueBadParamType = 1909, // Replaced by ERR_DefaultValueBadValueType in Roslyn.
ERR_DefaultValueBadValueType = 1910,
ERR_MemberAlreadyInitialized = 1912,
ERR_MemberCannotBeInitialized = 1913,
ERR_StaticMemberInObjectInitializer = 1914,
ERR_ReadonlyValueTypeInObjectInitializer = 1917,
ERR_ValueTypePropertyInObjectInitializer = 1918,
X ERR_UnsafeTypeInObjectCreation = 1919,
ERR_EmptyElementInitializer = 1920,
X ERR_InitializerAddHasWrongSignature = 1921,
ERR_CollectionInitRequiresIEnumerable = 1922,
//ERR_InvalidCollectionInitializerType = 1925, unused in Roslyn. Occurs so infrequently in real usage that it is not worth reimplementing.
X ERR_CantOpenWin32Manifest = 1926,
WRN_CantHaveManifestForModule = 1927,
//ERR_BadExtensionArgTypes = 1928, unused in Roslyn (replaced by ERR_BadInstanceArgType)
ERR_BadInstanceArgType = 1929,
ERR_QueryDuplicateRangeVariable = 1930,
ERR_QueryRangeVariableOverrides = 1931,
ERR_QueryRangeVariableAssignedBadValue = 1932,
X //ERR_QueryNotAllowed = 1933, unused in Roslyn. This specific message is not necessary for correctness and adds little.
ERR_QueryNoProviderCastable = 1934,
ERR_QueryNoProviderStandard = 1935,
X ERR_QueryNoProvider = 1936,
ERR_QueryOuterKey = 1937,
ERR_QueryInnerKey = 1938,
ERR_QueryOutRefRangeVariable = 1939,
ERR_QueryMultipleProviders = 1940,
X ERR_QueryTypeInferenceFailedMulti = 1941,
X ERR_QueryTypeInferenceFailed = 1942,
X ERR_QueryTypeInferenceFailedSelectMany = 1943,
ERR_ExpressionTreeContainsPointerOp = 1944,
ERR_ExpressionTreeContainsAnonymousMethod = 1945,
X ERR_AnonymousMethodToExpressionTree = 1946,
ERR_QueryRangeVariableReadOnly = 1947,
ERR_QueryRangeVariableSameAsTypeParam = 1948,
ERR_TypeVarNotFoundRangeVariable = 1949,
ERR_BadArgTypesForCollectionAdd = 1950,
ERR_ByRefParameterInExpressionTree = 1951,
ERR_VarArgsInExpressionTree = 1952,
// ERR_MemGroupInExpressionTree = 1953, unused in Roslyn (replaced by ERR_LambdaInIsAs)
ERR_InitializerAddHasParamModifiers = 1954,
ERR_NonInvocableMemberCalled = 1955,
X WRN_MultipleRuntimeImplementationMatches = 1956,
WRN_MultipleRuntimeOverrideMatches = 1957,
ERR_ObjectOrCollectionInitializerWithDelegateCreation = 1958,
ERR_InvalidConstantDeclarationType = 1959,
ERR_IllegalVarianceSyntax = 1960,
ERR_UnexpectedVariance = 1961,
ERR_BadDynamicTypeof = 1962,
ERR_ExpressionTreeContainsDynamicOperation = 1963,
ERR_BadDynamicConversion = 1964,
ERR_DeriveFromDynamic = 1965,
ERR_DeriveFromConstructedDynamic = 1966,
ERR_DynamicTypeAsBound = 1967,
ERR_ConstructedDynamicTypeAsBound = 1968,
ERR_DynamicRequiredTypesMissing = 1969,
ERR_ExplicitDynamicAttr = 1970,
ERR_NoDynamicPhantomOnBase = 1971,
ERR_NoDynamicPhantomOnBaseIndexer = 1972,
ERR_BadArgTypeDynamicExtension = 1973,
WRN_DynamicDispatchToConditionalMethod = 1974,
ERR_NoDynamicPhantomOnBaseCtor = 1975,
ERR_BadDynamicMethodArgMemgrp = 1976,
ERR_BadDynamicMethodArgLambda = 1977,
ERR_BadDynamicMethodArg = 1978,
ERR_BadDynamicQuery = 1979,
ERR_DynamicAttributeMissing = 1980,
WRN_IsDynamicIsConfusing = 1981,
//ERR_DynamicNotAllowedInAttribute = 1982, // Replaced by ERR_BadAttributeParamType in Roslyn.
ERR_BadAsyncReturn = 1983,
ERR_BadAwaitInFinally = 1984,
ERR_BadAwaitInCatch = 1985,
ERR_BadAwaitArg = 1986,
ERR_BadAsyncArgType = 1988,
ERR_BadAsyncExpressionTree = 1989,
//ERR_WindowsRuntimeTypesMissing = 1990, // unused in Roslyn
ERR_MixingWinRTEventWithRegular = 1991,
ERR_BadAwaitWithoutAsync = 1992,
//ERR_MissingAsyncTypes = 1993, // unused in Roslyn
ERR_BadAsyncLacksBody = 1994,
ERR_BadAwaitInQuery = 1995,
ERR_BadAwaitInLock = 1996,
ERR_TaskRetNoObjectRequired = 1997,
WRN_AsyncLacksAwaits = 1998,
ERR_FileNotFound = 2001,
WRN_FileAlreadyIncluded = 2002,
//ERR_DuplicateResponseFile = 2003,
ERR_NoFileSpec = 2005,
ERR_SwitchNeedsString = 2006,
ERR_BadSwitch = 2007,
WRN_NoSources = 2008,
ERR_OpenResponseFile = 2011,
ERR_CantOpenFileWrite = 2012,
ERR_BadBaseNumber = 2013,
// WRN_UseNewSwitch = 2014, //unused.
ERR_BinaryFile = 2015,
FTL_BadCodepage = 2016,
ERR_NoMainOnDLL = 2017,
//FTL_NoMessagesDLL = 2018,
FTL_InvalidTarget = 2019,
//ERR_BadTargetForSecondInputSet = 2020, Roslyn doesn't support building two binaries at once!
FTL_InvalidInputFileName = 2021,
//ERR_NoSourcesInLastInputSet = 2022, Roslyn doesn't support building two binaries at once!
WRN_NoConfigNotOnCommandLine = 2023,
ERR_InvalidFileAlignment = 2024,
//ERR_NoDebugSwitchSourceMap = 2026, no sourcemap support in Roslyn.
//ERR_SourceMapFileBinary = 2027,
WRN_DefineIdentifierRequired = 2029,
//ERR_InvalidSourceMap = 2030,
//ERR_NoSourceMapFile = 2031,
X //ERR_IllegalOptionChar = 2032,
FTL_OutputFileExists = 2033,
ERR_OneAliasPerReference = 2034,
ERR_SwitchNeedsNumber = 2035,
ERR_MissingDebugSwitch = 2036,
ERR_ComRefCallInExpressionTree = 2037,
WRN_BadUILang = 2038,
ERR_InvalidFormatForGuidForOption = 2039,
ERR_MissingGuidForOption = 2040,
ERR_InvalidOutputName = 2041,
ERR_InvalidDebugInformationFormat = 2042,
ERR_LegacyObjectIdSyntax = 2043,
ERR_SourceLinkRequiresPdb = 2044,
ERR_CannotEmbedWithoutPdb = 2045,
// unused 2046-2999
WRN_CLS_NoVarArgs = 3000,
WRN_CLS_BadArgType = 3001, // Requires SymbolDistinguisher.
WRN_CLS_BadReturnType = 3002,
X WRN_CLS_BadFieldPropType = 3003,
// WRN_CLS_BadUnicode = 3004, //unused
WRN_CLS_BadIdentifierCase = 3005,
WRN_CLS_OverloadRefOut = 3006,
X WRN_CLS_OverloadUnnamed = 3007,
WRN_CLS_BadIdentifier = 3008,
X WRN_CLS_BadBase = 3009,
WRN_CLS_BadInterfaceMember = 3010,
WRN_CLS_NoAbstractMembers = 3011,
WRN_CLS_NotOnModules = 3012,
WRN_CLS_ModuleMissingCLS = 3013,
WRN_CLS_AssemblyNotCLS = 3014,
WRN_CLS_BadAttributeType = 3015,
WRN_CLS_ArrayArgumentToAttribute = 3016,
WRN_CLS_NotOnModules2 = 3017,
WRN_CLS_IllegalTrueInFalse = 3018,
WRN_CLS_MeaninglessOnPrivateType = 3019,
WRN_CLS_AssemblyNotCLS2 = 3021,
WRN_CLS_MeaninglessOnParam = 3022,
WRN_CLS_MeaninglessOnReturn = 3023,
WRN_CLS_BadTypeVar = 3024,
WRN_CLS_VolatileField = 3026,
WRN_CLS_BadInterface = 3027,
FTL_BadChecksumAlgorithm = 3028,
#endregion diagnostics introduced in C# 4 and earlier
// unused 3029-3999
#region diagnostics introduced in C# 5
// 4000 unused
ERR_BadAwaitArgIntrinsic = 4001,
// 4002 unused
ERR_BadAwaitAsIdentifier = 4003,
ERR_AwaitInUnsafeContext = 4004,
ERR_UnsafeAsyncArgType = 4005,
ERR_VarargsAsync = 4006,
ERR_ByRefTypeAndAwait = 4007,
ERR_BadAwaitArgVoidCall = 4008,
ERR_NonTaskMainCantBeAsync = 4009,
ERR_CantConvAsyncAnonFuncReturns = 4010,
ERR_BadAwaiterPattern = 4011,
ERR_BadSpecialByRefLocal = 4012,
ERR_SpecialByRefInLambda = 4013,
X WRN_UnobservedAwaitableExpression = 4014,
ERR_SynchronizedAsyncMethod = 4015,
ERR_BadAsyncReturnExpression = 4016,
ERR_NoConversionForCallerLineNumberParam = 4017,
ERR_NoConversionForCallerFilePathParam = 4018,
ERR_NoConversionForCallerMemberNameParam = 4019,
ERR_BadCallerLineNumberParamWithoutDefaultValue = 4020,
ERR_BadCallerFilePathParamWithoutDefaultValue = 4021,
ERR_BadCallerMemberNameParamWithoutDefaultValue = 4022,
ERR_BadPrefer32OnLib = 4023,
WRN_CallerLineNumberParamForUnconsumedLocation = 4024,
WRN_CallerFilePathParamForUnconsumedLocation = 4025,
WRN_CallerMemberNameParamForUnconsumedLocation = 4026,
ERR_DoesntImplementAwaitInterface = 4027,
ERR_BadAwaitArg_NeedSystem = 4028,
ERR_CantReturnVoid = 4029,
ERR_SecurityCriticalOrSecuritySafeCriticalOnAsync = 4030,
ERR_SecurityCriticalOrSecuritySafeCriticalOnAsyncInClassOrStruct = 4031,
ERR_BadAwaitWithoutAsyncMethod = 4032,
ERR_BadAwaitWithoutVoidAsyncMethod = 4033,
ERR_BadAwaitWithoutAsyncLambda = 4034,
// ERR_BadAwaitWithoutAsyncAnonMeth = 4035, Merged with ERR_BadAwaitWithoutAsyncLambda in Roslyn
ERR_NoSuchMemberOrExtensionNeedUsing = 4036,
#endregion diagnostics introduced in C# 5
// unused 4037-4999
#region diagnostics introduced in C# 6
// WRN_UnknownOption = 5000, //unused in Roslyn
ERR_NoEntryPoint = 5001,
// huge gap here; available 5002-6999
ERR_UnexpectedAliasedName = 7000,
ERR_UnexpectedGenericName = 7002,
X ERR_UnexpectedUnboundGenericName = 7003,
ERR_GlobalStatement = 7006,
ERR_BadUsingType = 7007,
ERR_ReservedAssemblyName = 7008,
ERR_PPReferenceFollowsToken = 7009,
ERR_ExpectedPPFile = 7010,
ERR_ReferenceDirectiveOnlyAllowedInScripts = 7011,
ERR_NameNotInContextPossibleMissingReference = 7012,
ERR_MetadataNameTooLong = 7013,
ERR_AttributesNotAllowed = 7014,
ERR_ExternAliasNotAllowed = 7015,
ERR_ConflictingAliasAndDefinition = 7016,
ERR_GlobalDefinitionOrStatementExpected = 7017,
ERR_ExpectedSingleScript = 7018,
ERR_RecursivelyTypedVariable = 7019,
ERR_YieldNotAllowedInScript = 7020,
ERR_NamespaceNotAllowedInScript = 7021,
WRN_MainIgnored = 7022,
ERR_StaticInAsOrIs = 7023,
ERR_InvalidDelegateType = 7024,
ERR_BadVisEventType = 7025,
ERR_GlobalAttributesNotAllowed = 7026,
ERR_PublicKeyFileFailure = 7027,
ERR_PublicKeyContainerFailure = 7028,
ERR_FriendRefSigningMismatch = 7029,
ERR_CannotPassNullForFriendAssembly = 7030,
ERR_SignButNoPrivateKey = 7032,
WRN_DelaySignButNoKey = 7033,
ERR_InvalidVersionFormat = 7034,
WRN_InvalidVersionFormat = 7035,
ERR_NoCorrespondingArgument = 7036,
// Moot: WRN_DestructorIsNotFinalizer = 7037,
ERR_ModuleEmitFailure = 7038,
// ERR_NameIllegallyOverrides2 = 7039, // Not used anymore due to 'Single Meaning' relaxation changes
// ERR_NameIllegallyOverrides3 = 7040, // Not used anymore due to 'Single Meaning' relaxation changes
ERR_ResourceFileNameNotUnique = 7041,
ERR_DllImportOnGenericMethod = 7042,
ERR_EncUpdateFailedMissingAttribute = 7043,
ERR_ParameterNotValidForType = 7045,
ERR_AttributeParameterRequired1 = 7046,
ERR_AttributeParameterRequired2 = 7047,
ERR_SecurityAttributeMissingAction = 7048,
ERR_SecurityAttributeInvalidAction = 7049,
ERR_SecurityAttributeInvalidActionAssembly = 7050,
ERR_SecurityAttributeInvalidActionTypeOrMethod = 7051,
ERR_PrincipalPermissionInvalidAction = 7052,
ERR_FeatureNotValidInExpressionTree = 7053,
ERR_MarshalUnmanagedTypeNotValidForFields = 7054,
ERR_MarshalUnmanagedTypeOnlyValidForFields = 7055,
ERR_PermissionSetAttributeInvalidFile = 7056,
ERR_PermissionSetAttributeFileReadError = 7057,
ERR_InvalidVersionFormat2 = 7058,
ERR_InvalidAssemblyCultureForExe = 7059,
//ERR_AsyncBeforeVersionFive = 7060,
ERR_DuplicateAttributeInNetModule = 7061,
//WRN_PDBConstantStringValueTooLong = 7063, gave up on this warning
ERR_CantOpenIcon = 7064,
ERR_ErrorBuildingWin32Resources = 7065,
ERR_IteratorInInteractive = 7066,
ERR_BadAttributeParamDefaultArgument = 7067,
ERR_MissingTypeInSource = 7068,
ERR_MissingTypeInAssembly = 7069,
ERR_SecurityAttributeInvalidTarget = 7070,
ERR_InvalidAssemblyName = 7071,
//ERR_PartialTypesBeforeVersionTwo = 7072,
//ERR_PartialMethodsBeforeVersionThree = 7073,
//ERR_QueryBeforeVersionThree = 7074,
//ERR_AnonymousTypeBeforeVersionThree = 7075,
//ERR_ImplicitArrayBeforeVersionThree = 7076,
//ERR_ObjectInitializerBeforeVersionThree = 7077,
//ERR_LambdaBeforeVersionThree = 7078,
ERR_NoTypeDefFromModule = 7079,
WRN_CallerFilePathPreferredOverCallerMemberName = 7080,
WRN_CallerLineNumberPreferredOverCallerMemberName = 7081,
WRN_CallerLineNumberPreferredOverCallerFilePath = 7082,
ERR_InvalidDynamicCondition = 7083,
ERR_WinRtEventPassedByRef = 7084,
ERR_ByRefReturnUnsupported = 7085,
ERR_NetModuleNameMismatch = 7086,
ERR_BadModuleName = 7087,
ERR_BadCompilationOptionValue = 7088,
ERR_BadAppConfigPath = 7089,
WRN_AssemblyAttributeFromModuleIsOverridden = 7090,
ERR_CmdOptionConflictsSource = 7091,
ERR_FixedBufferTooManyDimensions = 7092,
ERR_CantReadConfigFile = 7093,
ERR_BadAwaitInCatchFilter = 7094,
WRN_FilterIsConstantTrue = 7095,
ERR_EncNoPIAReference = 7096,
//ERR_EncNoDynamicOperation = 7097, // dynamic operations are now allowed
ERR_LinkedNetmoduleMetadataMustProvideFullPEImage = 7098,
ERR_MetadataReferencesNotSupported = 7099,
ERR_InvalidAssemblyCulture = 7100,
ERR_EncReferenceToAddedMember = 7101,
ERR_MutuallyExclusiveOptions = 7102,
ERR_InvalidDebugInfo = 7103,
#endregion diagnostics introduced in C# 6
// huge gap here; unused 7104-8000
#region more diagnostics introduced in Roslyn (C# 6)
WRN_UnimplementedCommandLineSwitch = 8001,
WRN_ReferencedAssemblyDoesNotHaveStrongName = 8002,
ERR_InvalidSignaturePublicKey = 8003,
ERR_ExportedTypeConflictsWithDeclaration = 8004,
ERR_ExportedTypesConflict = 8005,
ERR_ForwardedTypeConflictsWithDeclaration = 8006,
ERR_ForwardedTypesConflict = 8007,
ERR_ForwardedTypeConflictsWithExportedType = 8008,
WRN_RefCultureMismatch = 8009,
ERR_AgnosticToMachineModule = 8010,
ERR_ConflictingMachineModule = 8011,
WRN_ConflictingMachineAssembly = 8012,
ERR_CryptoHashFailed = 8013,
ERR_MissingNetModuleReference = 8014,
ERR_NetModuleNameMustBeUnique = 8015,
ERR_UnsupportedTransparentIdentifierAccess = 8016,
ERR_ParamDefaultValueDiffersFromAttribute = 8017,
WRN_UnqualifiedNestedTypeInCref = 8018,
HDN_UnusedUsingDirective = 8019,
HDN_UnusedExternAlias = 8020,
WRN_NoRuntimeMetadataVersion = 8021,
ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion1 = 8022, // Note: one per version to make telemetry easier
ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion2 = 8023,
ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion3 = 8024,
ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion4 = 8025,
ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion5 = 8026,
// ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion6 is below
ERR_FieldHasMultipleDistinctConstantValues = 8027,
ERR_ComImportWithInitializers = 8028,
WRN_PdbLocalNameTooLong = 8029,
ERR_RetNoObjectRequiredLambda = 8030,
ERR_TaskRetNoObjectRequiredLambda = 8031,
WRN_AnalyzerCannotBeCreated = 8032,
WRN_NoAnalyzerInAssembly = 8033,
WRN_UnableToLoadAnalyzer = 8034,
ERR_CantReadRulesetFile = 8035,
ERR_BadPdbData = 8036,
// available 8037-8039
INF_UnableToLoadSomeTypesInAnalyzer = 8040,
// available 8041-8049
ERR_InitializerOnNonAutoProperty = 8050,
ERR_AutoPropertyMustHaveGetAccessor = 8051,
ERR_AutoPropertyInitializerInInterface = 8052,
ERR_EnumsCantContainDefaultConstructor = 8054,
ERR_EncodinglessSyntaxTree = 8055,
// ERR_AccessorListAndExpressionBody = 8056, Deprecated in favor of ERR_BlockBodyAndExpressionBody
ERR_BlockBodyAndExpressionBody = 8057,
//ERR_FeatureIsExperimental = 8058, No experimental feature
ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion6 = 8059,
// available 8062-8069
ERR_SwitchFallOut = 8070,
// ERR_UnexpectedBoundGenericName = 8071, // for nameof - used in an early prototype
ERR_NullPropagatingOpInExpressionTree = 8072,
WRN_NubExprIsConstBool2 = 8073,
ERR_DictionaryInitializerInExpressionTree = 8074,
ERR_ExtensionCollectionElementInitializerInExpressionTree = 8075,
ERR_UnclosedExpressionHole = 8076,
ERR_SingleLineCommentInExpressionHole = 8077,
ERR_InsufficientStack = 8078,
ERR_UseDefViolationProperty = 8079,
ERR_AutoPropertyMustOverrideSet = 8080,
ERR_ExpressionHasNoName = 8081,
ERR_SubexpressionNotInNameof = 8082,
ERR_AliasQualifiedNameNotAnExpression = 8083,
ERR_NameofMethodGroupWithTypeParameters = 8084,
ERR_NoAliasHere = 8085,
ERR_UnescapedCurly = 8086,
ERR_EscapedCurly = 8087,
ERR_TrailingWhitespaceInFormatSpecifier = 8088,
ERR_EmptyFormatSpecifier = 8089,
ERR_ErrorInReferencedAssembly = 8090,
ERR_ExternHasConstructorInitializer = 8091,
ERR_ExpressionOrDeclarationExpected = 8092,
ERR_NameofExtensionMethod = 8093,
WRN_AlignmentMagnitude = 8094,
ERR_ConstantStringTooLong = 8095,
ERR_DebugEntryPointNotSourceMethodDefinition = 8096,
ERR_LoadDirectiveOnlyAllowedInScripts = 8097,
ERR_PPLoadFollowsToken = 8098,
ERR_SourceFileReferencesNotSupported = 8099,
ERR_BadAwaitInStaticVariableInitializer = 8100,
ERR_InvalidPathMap = 8101,
ERR_PublicSignButNoKey = 8102,
ERR_TooManyUserStrings = 8103,
ERR_PeWritingFailure = 8104,
#endregion diagnostics introduced in Roslyn (C# 6)
#region diagnostics introduced in C# 6 updates
WRN_AttributeIgnoredWhenPublicSigning = 8105,
ERR_OptionMustBeAbsolutePath = 8106,
#endregion diagnostics introduced in C# 6 updates
ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion7 = 8107,
#region diagnostics for local functions introduced in C# 7
ERR_DynamicLocalFunctionParamsParameter = 8108,
ERR_ExpressionTreeContainsLocalFunction = 8110,
#endregion diagnostics for local functions introduced in C# 7
#region diagnostics for instrumentation
ERR_InvalidInstrumentationKind = 8111,
ERR_LocalFunctionMissingBody = 8112,
ERR_InvalidHashAlgorithmName = 8113,
// Available = 8113, 8114, 8115
#region diagnostics for pattern-matching introduced in C# 7
ERR_ThrowMisplaced = 8115,
ERR_PatternNullableType = 8116,
ERR_BadIsPatternExpression = 8117,
ERR_SwitchExpressionValueExpected = 8119,
ERR_PatternIsSubsumed = 8120,
ERR_PatternWrongType = 8121,
ERR_ExpressionTreeContainsIsMatch = 8122,
#endregion diagnostics for pattern-matching introduced in C# 7
#region tuple diagnostics introduced in C# 7
WRN_TupleLiteralNameMismatch = 8123,
ERR_TupleTooFewElements = 8124,
ERR_TupleReservedElementName = 8125,
ERR_TupleReservedElementNameAnyPosition = 8126,
ERR_TupleDuplicateElementName = 8127,
ERR_PredefinedTypeMemberNotFoundInAssembly = 8128,
ERR_MissingDeconstruct = 8129,
ERR_TypeInferenceFailedForImplicitlyTypedDeconstructionVariable = 8130,
ERR_DeconstructRequiresExpression = 8131,
ERR_DeconstructWrongCardinality = 8132,
ERR_CannotDeconstructDynamic = 8133,
ERR_DeconstructTooFewElements = 8134,
ERR_ConversionNotTupleCompatible = 8135,
ERR_DeconstructionVarFormDisallowsSpecificType = 8136,
ERR_TupleElementNamesAttributeMissing = 8137,
ERR_ExplicitTupleElementNamesAttribute = 8138,
ERR_CantChangeTupleNamesOnOverride = 8139,
ERR_DuplicateInterfaceWithTupleNamesInBaseList = 8140,
ERR_ImplBadTupleNames = 8141,
ERR_PartialMethodInconsistentTupleNames = 8142,
ERR_ExpressionTreeContainsTupleLiteral = 8143,
ERR_ExpressionTreeContainsTupleConversion = 8144,
#endregion tuple diagnostics introduced in C# 7
#region diagnostics for ref locals and ref returns introduced in C# 7
ERR_AutoPropertyCannotBeRefReturning = 8145,
ERR_RefPropertyMustHaveGetAccessor = 8146,
ERR_RefPropertyCannotHaveSetAccessor = 8147,
ERR_CantChangeRefReturnOnOverride = 8148,
ERR_MustNotHaveRefReturn = 8149,
ERR_MustHaveRefReturn = 8150,
ERR_RefReturnMustHaveIdentityConversion = 8151,
ERR_CloseUnimplementedInterfaceMemberWrongRefReturn = 8152,
ERR_RefReturningCallInExpressionTree = 8153,
ERR_BadIteratorReturnRef = 8154,
ERR_BadRefReturnExpressionTree = 8155,
ERR_RefReturnLvalueExpected = 8156,
ERR_RefReturnNonreturnableLocal = 8157,
ERR_RefReturnNonreturnableLocal2 = 8158,
ERR_RefReturnRangeVariable = 8159,
ERR_RefReturnReadonly = 8160,
ERR_RefReturnReadonlyStatic = 8161,
ERR_RefReturnReadonly2 = 8162,
ERR_RefReturnReadonlyStatic2 = 8163,
// ERR_RefReturnCall = 8164, we use more general ERR_EscapeCall now
// ERR_RefReturnCall2 = 8165, we use more general ERR_EscapeCall2 now
ERR_RefReturnParameter = 8166,
ERR_RefReturnParameter2 = 8167,
ERR_RefReturnLocal = 8168,
ERR_RefReturnLocal2 = 8169,
ERR_RefReturnStructThis = 8170,
ERR_InitializeByValueVariableWithReference = 8171,
ERR_InitializeByReferenceVariableWithValue = 8172,
ERR_RefAssignmentMustHaveIdentityConversion = 8173,
ERR_ByReferenceVariableMustBeInitialized = 8174,
ERR_AnonDelegateCantUseLocal = 8175,
ERR_BadIteratorLocalType = 8176,
ERR_BadAsyncLocalType = 8177,
ERR_RefReturningCallAndAwait = 8178,
#endregion diagnostics for ref locals and ref returns introduced in C# 7
#region stragglers for C# 7
ERR_PredefinedValueTupleTypeNotFound = 8179, // We need a specific error code for ValueTuple as an IDE codefix depends on it (AddNuget)
ERR_SemiOrLBraceOrArrowExpected = 8180,
ERR_NewWithTupleTypeSyntax = 8181,
ERR_PredefinedValueTupleTypeMustBeStruct = 8182,
ERR_DiscardTypeInferenceFailed = 8183,
ERR_MixedDeconstructionUnsupported = 8184,
ERR_DeclarationExpressionNotPermitted = 8185,
ERR_MustDeclareForeachIteration = 8186,
ERR_TupleElementNamesInDeconstruction = 8187,
ERR_ExpressionTreeContainsThrowExpression = 8188,
ERR_DelegateRefMismatch = 8189,
#endregion stragglers for C# 7
#region diagnostics for parse options
ERR_BadSourceCodeKind = 8190,
ERR_BadDocumentationMode = 8191,
ERR_BadLanguageVersion = 8192,
// Available = 8193-8195
#region diagnostics for out var
ERR_ImplicitlyTypedOutVariableUsedInTheSameArgumentList = 8196,
ERR_TypeInferenceFailedForImplicitlyTypedOutVariable = 8197,
ERR_ExpressionTreeContainsOutVariable = 8198,
#endregion diagnostics for out var
#region more stragglers for C# 7
ERR_VarInvocationLvalueReserved = 8199,
//ERR_ExpressionVariableInConstructorOrFieldInitializer = 8200,
//ERR_ExpressionVariableInQueryClause = 8201,
ERR_PublicSignNetModule = 8202,
ERR_BadAssemblyName = 8203,
ERR_BadAsyncMethodBuilderTaskProperty = 8204,
ERR_AttributesInLocalFuncDecl = 8205,
ERR_TypeForwardedToMultipleAssemblies = 8206,
ERR_ExpressionTreeContainsDiscard = 8207,
ERR_PatternDynamicType = 8208,
ERR_VoidAssignment = 8209,
ERR_VoidInTuple = 8210,
#endregion more stragglers for C# 7
#region diagnostics introduced for C# 7.1
ERR_Merge_conflict_marker_encountered = 8300,
ERR_InvalidPreprocessingSymbol = 8301,
ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion7_1 = 8302,
ERR_LanguageVersionCannotHaveLeadingZeroes = 8303,
ERR_CompilerAndLanguageVersion = 8304,
WRN_Experimental = 8305,
ERR_TupleInferredNamesNotAvailable = 8306,
ERR_TypelessTupleInAs = 8307,
ERR_NoRefOutWhenRefOnly = 8308,
ERR_NoNetModuleOutputWhenRefOutOrRefOnly = 8309,
ERR_BadOpOnNullOrDefault = 8310,
ERR_BadDynamicMethodArgDefaultLiteral = 8311,
ERR_DefaultLiteralNotValid = 8312,
ERR_DefaultInSwitch = 8313,
ERR_PatternWrongGenericTypeInVersion = 8314,
ERR_AmbigBinaryOpsOnDefault = 8315,
#endregion diagnostics introduced for C# 7.1
#region diagnostics introduced for C# 7.2
ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion7_2 = 8320,
WRN_UnreferencedLocalFunction = 8321,
ERR_DynamicLocalFunctionTypeParameter = 8322,
ERR_BadNonTrailingNamedArgument = 8323,
ERR_NamedArgumentSpecificationBeforeFixedArgumentInDynamicInvocation = 8324,
#endregion diagnostics introduced for C# 7.2
#region diagnostics introduced for ref readonly, ref ternary and ref-like features in C# 7.2
ERR_RefConditionalAndAwait = 8325,
ERR_RefConditionalNeedsTwoRefs = 8326,
ERR_RefConditionalDifferentTypes = 8327,
ERR_BadParameterModifiers = 8328,
ERR_RefReadonlyNotField = 8329,
ERR_RefReadonlyNotField2 = 8330,
ERR_AssignReadonlyNotField = 8331,
ERR_AssignReadonlyNotField2 = 8332,
ERR_RefReturnReadonlyNotField = 8333,
ERR_RefReturnReadonlyNotField2 = 8334,
ERR_ExplicitReservedAttr = 8335,
ERR_TypeReserved = 8336,
ERR_RefExtensionMustBeValueTypeOrConstrainedToOne = 8337,
ERR_InExtensionMustBeValueType = 8338,
// ERR_BadParameterModifiersOrder = 8339, // Modifier ordering is relaxed
ERR_FieldsInRoStruct = 8340,
ERR_AutoPropsInRoStruct = 8341,
ERR_FieldlikeEventsInRoStruct = 8342,
ERR_RefStructInterfaceImpl = 8343,
ERR_BadSpecialByRefIterator = 8344,
ERR_FieldAutoPropCantBeByRefLike = 8345,
ERR_StackAllocConversionNotPossible = 8346,
ERR_EscapeCall = 8347,
ERR_EscapeCall2 = 8348,
ERR_EscapeOther = 8349,
ERR_CallArgMixing = 8350,
ERR_MismatchedRefEscapeInTernary = 8351,
ERR_EscapeLocal = 8352,
ERR_EscapeStackAlloc = 8353,
ERR_RefReturnThis = 8354,
ERR_OutAttrOnInParam = 8355,
#endregion diagnostics introduced for ref readonly, ref ternary and ref-like features in C# 7.2
ERR_PredefinedValueTupleTypeAmbiguous3 = 8356,
ERR_InvalidVersionFormatDeterministic = 8357,
ERR_AttributeCtorInParameter = 8358,
#region diagnostics for FilterIsConstant warning message fix
WRN_FilterIsConstantFalse = 8359,
WRN_FilterIsConstantFalseRedundantTryCatch = 8360,
#endregion diagnostics for FilterIsConstant warning message fix
ERR_ConditionalInInterpolation = 8361,
ERR_CantUseVoidInArglist = 8362,
ERR_DefaultInPattern = 8363,
ERR_InDynamicMethodArg = 8364,
#region diagnostics introduced for C# 7.3
ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion7_3 = 8370,
WRN_AttributesOnBackingFieldsNotAvailable = 8371,
ERR_DoNotUseFixedBufferAttrOnProperty = 8372,
ERR_RefLocalOrParamExpected = 8373,
ERR_RefAssignNarrower = 8374,
ERR_NewBoundWithUnmanaged = 8375,
ERR_UnmanagedConstraintMustBeFirst = 8376,
ERR_UnmanagedConstraintNotSatisfied = 8377,
ERR_CantUseInOrOutInArglist = 8378,
ERR_ConWithUnmanagedCon = 8379,
ERR_UnmanagedBoundWithClass = 8380,
ERR_InvalidStackAllocArray = 8381,
ERR_ExpressionTreeContainsTupleBinOp = 8382,
WRN_TupleBinopLiteralNameMismatch = 8383,
ERR_TupleSizesMismatchForBinOps = 8384,
ERR_ExprCannotBeFixed = 8385,
ERR_InvalidObjectCreation = 8386,
#endregion diagnostics introduced for C# 7.3
ERR_OutVariableCannotBeByRef = 8387,

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@mikkelbu That's the plan @rpetrusha are working on putting together. We'll also have a similar project for VB. Stay tuned. We'd love your help.

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pkulikov commented May 18, 2018

@mikkelbu have you considered pages under dotnet/docs/tree/master/docs/csharp/misc? There are about 800 compiler messages, probably mostly compiler errors, in that folder.
(There is the issue to combine those two locations: #1491)

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mikkelbu commented May 18, 2018

@pkulikov No, I forgot about that issue (eventhough I looked at it this week). Then it seems that this it is a smaller task, but still a large task IMHO.

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As I understand, the first priority is to document error messages. That can be a smaller task, while documenting all the compiler warnings might be an epic :)

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There's also #2363, which treats storing C# and VB error messages/warnings in a unified directory per language. Moving files from a misc directory to the directory in language-reference is fairly trivial. Since we'd be moving everything, we can just do a global redirect of all requests for to But you're right, @pkulikov, that documenting all the compiler warnings might be epic. Providing genuinely useful content with examples is even more epic.

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I've assigned this to the current milestone, with the goal of having the following actions completed during this sprint:

  • Create a project to track tasks
  • Create issues to find messages in ranges and create docs
  • Add notes about where to find the source in both the VB and C# compilers for tests that help explain each issue.
  • Add this work to the community project.

@rpetrusha Comment on this plan, or add new tasks that you think are reasonable.

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This looks good, @BillWagner. I think that we can link to the project to track tasks from the community contributor's project. In the project to track tasks, we should also include #1491 on it. I think that that should be the first item of work.

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Messages are in the roslyn resource file

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Youssef1313 commented Sep 27, 2019

Messages are in the roslyn resource file

I can't find the message for CS0043 that's already documented in that link. Even a search for it in the dotnet organization gives only the documentation result. A search in roslyn has no results too.

@BillWagner , Do you know anything about that ?
Could that mean that this compile-error was "totally removed" and is outdated now ?

Update: Looking at ErrorCode.cs. Seems like this error isn't used by roslyn.

I've opened #14737 for this specific one.

@rpetrusha rpetrusha removed their assignment Oct 7, 2019
@tdykstra tdykstra added the doc-enhancement Improve the current content [org][type][category] label Nov 13, 2019
@dotnet-bot dotnet-bot added the won't fix Issues that were closed as part of automated backlog grooming label Jan 25, 2021
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This issue has been closed as part of the issue backlog grooming process outlined in #22351.

That automated process may have closed some issues that should be addressed. If you think this is one of them, reopen it with a comment explaining why. Tag the @dotnet/docs team for visibility.

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@BillWagner You'll probably want to re-open this.

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Related to #24002

@IEvangelist IEvangelist added the help wanted Good for community contributors to help [up-for-grabs] label Oct 27, 2022
@IEvangelist IEvangelist added the mvp-docs-sprint For tracking purposes (used for the MVP summit docs sprint hack). label Apr 4, 2023
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doc-enhancement Improve the current content [org][type][category] help wanted Good for community contributors to help [up-for-grabs] mvp-docs-sprint For tracking purposes (used for the MVP summit docs sprint hack). Pri2
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