A web application for sending messages to mobile numbers, utilising guzzle to make api requests .
Allows for user login and signup with email confirmation.
Also configured to have role based authentication.
PHP >= 7.0.0
Laravel >= 5.4
API Credentials from http://pluralsms.com/sms/
Basic Knowledge Of Running Command In The Terminal.
Twitter App Credentials
Facebook App Credentials
Git Clone.
cd projectname/app.
run composer install.
cp .env.example .env
php artisan key:generate
Add your database and another neccesary information to the .env file. i.e.
``` //Everything detailed here is B.S. PLURALSMS_USERNAME = username PLURALSMS_PASSWORD = password FACEBOOK_APP_ID = 567890987654321 FACEBOOK_CLIENT_SECRET = 2321312312j23123123l12323213u23u FACEBOOK_CALLBACK_URL = http://localhost:8000/auth/facebook/callback TWITTER_APP_ID = 23232uu3232132iu233y3 TWITTER_CLIENT_SECRET = eeuoruvuroeuwvirerneo8vwrewrwe8rv9ewnew TWITTER_CALLBACK_URL = http://localhost:8000/auth/twitter/callback DB_CONNECTION=mysql DB_HOST=localhost DB_PORT=8888 DB_DATABASE=app DB_USERNAME=root DB_PASSWORD=root ```
run the code below in the terminal to create the database schema and populate it with seed data.
php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
run the below code to start the app on http://localhost:8000/
php artisan serve
if error is encountered while trying to use social media login, go to
``` projectname/app/vendor/laravel/socialite/src/ ``` and for both folders, One and Two... ***<u>Replace set with put</u>***, in the AbstractProvider.php file for the redirect method i.e.
public function redirect()
$state = null;
if ($this->usesState()) {
//change here
$this->request->session()->set('state', $state = $this->getState());
return new RedirectResponse($this->getAuthUrl($state));
public function redirect()
$state = null;
if ($this->usesState()) {
//new statement
$this->request->session()->put('state', $state = $this->getState());
return new RedirectResponse($this->getAuthUrl($state));
To test the role based authentication setup, start up the server and login with one of these.
email : api_user@example.com
password : secret // the password is literally 'secret'
email : auth_user@example.com
password : secret // the password is literally 'secret'
email : admin@example.com
password : secret // the password is literally 'secret'
Replace the Mail configuration with your credentials either from google or some other emailing platform, the configurations are in the .env file.
cd into the project directory in the terminal and run the code below
``` php artisan queue:listen --tries 3 --timeout 30 ```
so mailing can work in a somewhat asynchronous manner,so as not to block the page.