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Facilitating collaboration & funding of social and elective projects through collective choice.🌎🌍🌏 Equal parts of Participatory Economics, Project-based Crowdfunding, and Universal Basic Income.

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Effective Collective

About this Repo

This README contains an overview of the Effective Collective project

This repo will soon host the 0.0.1 release of the Effective Collective paper under the folder "Effective Collective Paper." For now, you can read an overview of the paper below.

Directory (Published Drafts Only)


Effective provides daily income to every collaborator in the system, and facilitates collaboration in the funding of social and elective projects through collective choice.

Individuals become collaborators by registering for a free digital wallet which automatically receives three equal deposits of Effective daily into three accounts.

The first deposit goes to a Sovereign Account, and is redirected towards leaders who support projects related to the geopolitical areas the person lives. The second goes to an Elective Account, and is redirected directly towards any project they desire to support. The third goes to a Primary Account and is spendable similar to crypto and FIAT currencies.


"A small group of with the right ideas using the right means can change the world" - Ervin Laszlo

Modern Social structures create "winners" and "losers" through inherit competition. We propose a socioeconomic system without competition to re-imagine the biggest social structures, the economy and the government, as collaborative coordinators, in harmony with humanity and nature.

In elections, we have one winner, and several losers. In capitalistic economies, the companies that survive and increase their capital and returns are the "winners" while the rest are the "losers". Unfortunately, in both of these systems the real losers are the people and planet Earth, manipulated and mutilated in order for corporations and politicians to continue to "win".

Competition creates dissonance and imbalance, as one side is always more powerful than the other, which creates a constant struggle.

Balance can be created by introducing another, harmonious layer of energy exchange where freely-distributed currency is summed together by intentional, collaborative citizens to be used for the harmonious mutual benefit of the individual, the collective, and Gaia. (harmony, resonance)

Collaborative requirements

Each person (collaborator) should receive the same amount of collaborative power once per day, represented by digital currency.

This digital currency should be a cryptocurrency tradable for other cryptocurrencies and FIAT. Each collaborator should also be given a daily amount of cryptocurrency to spend and trade with.

The portion of this digital currency distribution pegged for collaboration should be redirected to elective projects, or to leaders lists of social projects related to a geographically-bound collective (Town, nation, etc). Which projects and leaders the currency goes to should be chosen before the currency is received, and published in a pseudo-anonymous list. This list of recipients should be able to be changed at any time, but only by the collaborator themselves.

This system will allow any number of people to pool their freely-given resources together to support projects that seek to create meaningful change in themselves, the collective and Gaia.

Projects seeking collaborators should be expressed in a proposal that follows a standard format.

Any collaborator should be able to easily see these proposals, and compare them through visual and textual representations of the proposed stakeholders, requirements and intended impact.

Periodically, projects should automatically publish a report giving facts about how funds were spent. This report should display transaction history visually. Project leaders can use this opportunity to update any changes to their proposal, or add relevant information to the report, such as which goals were fulfilled, changes to existing goals, and new goals.

Every project that has collaborators will receive funds in this system, no matter if two people are collaborating or two million. Funding amount is equal to the number of people collaborating multiplied by their desire to collaborate on one project more than another.

Each collaborator should be able to choose a large, but not infinite, number of projects to support. They should be able to choose what proportion of their support goes to each project.

Finally, pseudo-anonymity should be applied to leader candidates, so collaborators consider the leader's list of supported projects, not their name. Pseudo-anonymity should also be applied to the collaborators themselves so that data can be public without being tied to an actual person. This anonymity should operate at all levels of the system, so no one has access to a list of the collaborators choices, nor who the candidates are.

Introduction Summary

In this paper, we describe a system that allows people to focus collectively to create desired change in themselves, the human collective, and Gaia. This system is modeled on abundance and collaboration, and values people's opinions while also rewarding them for participating.


What is Effective

Effective is a collaborative economy that works by giving people daily currency to (1) spend or save, (2) put towards social services and (3) support elective projects. The sum of every person's contribution is given to projects in a public registry to complete the project's stated objectives.

Key Points of Effective

  • Free digital currency (βˆ‘) distributed daily
    • Daily, each person gets 432βˆ‘ split three ways:
      • For themselves (144βˆ‘ sent to Telos wallet)
      • For Social projects where they live (144βˆ‘ to each community, city, county, state, nation, and planet leadership's social list)
      • For Elective projects they choose (144βˆ‘ sent to pre-defined list of projects)
  • Goal is to harmonize Individual, Collective and Gaia
  • Transparent Projects & Democratic Social Leadership
  • People must be verified and only hold one account
    • Verification is not linked to Gov ID, but hashed biometric data
    • Biometric data unrecoverable from hash, but can be used to ensure only one account per person
  • Three "wallets" Per Person (Same as Mentioned Earlier)
    • Debit-like spending account
    • Editable passive list of supported elective projects
    • Editable supported social leaders list
  • Social projects provide free public services
    • Citizens choose public leaders anonymously based on lists of social projects they support
    • Funding directed by social leaders' public lists
    • Global, National, Region, District, City, & Community levels
  • Elective projects Funding for any type of project
    • May be public, or private
    • May be locational (e.g. housing), or non-locational (e.g. app)
    • May reward collaborators by amount contributed (e.g. Sandwich shop)
  • Every actor stored in on blockchain, with human-actors pseudo-anonymous
    • Projects' components and financial reporting
    • Leaders' supported social projects
    • Individuals' supported elective projects and social leaders


Facilitating collaboration & funding of social and elective projects through collective choice.🌎🌍🌏 Equal parts of Participatory Economics, Project-based Crowdfunding, and Universal Basic Income.







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