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Data Engineering Nanodegree - Capstone Project


This is the final project for the Data Engineer Nanodegree. Udacity gives us the option to use their suggested project or pick one dataset and scope it by ourselves. In my case I went for the second option. The dataset I will use on this project is from a service called Yelp, which basically stores business reviews given by customers.


The dataset was found on Kaggle and was uploaded by Yelp team for a competition called Yelp Dataset Challenge which they were looking users to analyse their data and find interesting patterns or insights using NLP techniques (sentiment analysis for instance) and graph mining.

According to the description, in total there are:

  • 5,200,000 user reviews
  • Information on 174,000 businesses
  • The data spans 11 metropolitan areas

At the Kaggle page, there is a link for some documentation, which unfortunately is not available anymore.

Source Files

There are in total five JSON files included in the original data source:

  • yelp_academic_dataset_business.json
  • yelp_academic_dataset_checkin.json
  • yelp_academic_dataset_review.json
  • yelp_academic_dataset_tip.json
  • yelp_academic_dataset_user.json

I eventually pre-process yelp_academic_dataset_business.json to make it a csv file, as the project request at least two different files format.


The files were uploaded to a S3 bucket, which is open for access. The total space utilised on that bucket is approximately 8 gb, which is a considerable amount of data.

Project Scope

The scope of this project is to read data from Amazon S3 and load it on Amazon Redshift, later process the data in order to create dimensions and facts.

Finally some data quality checks are applied.

The idea is to create dimensions and facts following the Snowflake schema as some of the relationships are many-to-many which is not supported by Star Schema.

The outcome is a set of tables that make easier complex queries and at the same time tidy the data.


The tools utilised on this project are the same as we have been learning during the course of this Nanodegree.

  • Amazon S3 for File Storage
  • Amazon Redshift for Data Storage
  • Apache Airflow as an Orchestration Tool

Those tools are widely utilised and considered industry standards. The community is massive and the tools provide support to several features.

Apache Airflow, in special, gives freedom to create new plugins and adapt it to any needs that we might have. There are also several plugins available to use.

Data Model

The final data model include seven tables, being five of them dimensions and two facts.

Data Model

As mentioned, the schema is closer to Snowflake as we have many-to-many relationships, covered by a bridge table.

  • dim_users stores information about the users.
  • dim_times has information about times. It makes easier to process aggregation by time.
  • dim_cities stores information about dim_cities
  • dim_business has information about the business that receive reviews or tips by Yelp users.
  • dim_category has information about categories. One business may have many categories and that's why there is a table called bridge_business_category.

Data Dictionary


Field Type PK FK
user_id varchar Yes
name varchar
yelping_since varchar dim_times


Field Type PK FK
datetime timestamp Yes
hour int
minute int
day int
month int
year int
quarter int
weekday int
yearday int


Field Type PK FK
city_id varchar Yes
state varchar
city varchar


Field Type PK FK
business_id varchar Yes
name varchar
latitude float
longitude float
city_id varchar dim_cities
full_address varchar


Field Type PK FK
category_id varchar Yes
category varchar


Field Type PK FK
bridge_business_category_id varchar Yes
business_id varchar
category_id varchar


Field Type PK FK
tip_id varchar Yes
user_id varchar dim_users
business_id varchar dim_business
text varchar
compliment_count int


Field Type PK FK
review_id varchar Yes
user_id varchar dim_users
business_id varchar dim_business
stars float
useful int
funny int
cool int
text varchar
date timestamp dim_times


The following scenarios were requested to be addressed:

  1. The data was increased by 100x. That wouldn't be a technical issue as both Amazon tools are commonly utilised in huge amount of data. Eventually the Redshift cluster would have to grow.

  2. The pipelines would be run on a daily basis by 7 am every day. That's perfectly plausible and could be done utilising Airflow DAG· definitions.

  3. The database needed to be accessed by 100+ people. That wouldn't be a problem as Redshift is highly scalable.

Data Pipeline

The Data pipeline is spread into twelve tasks, being:

  1. start_operator and end_operator are just dummy tasks, starting and finishing the execution.
  2. copy_data_to_redshift is a SubDagOperator task. The Subdag will copy the date from S3 to Redshift.
  3. process_dim_times, process_dim_users, process_dim_cities, process_dim_category, process_dim_business, process_fact_reviews and process_fact_tips are tasks that will run SQL statement to create and populate the dimensions and facts.
  4. process_foreign_keys will just create the foreign keys between the tables. This is not done on the creation due to the sequence of the execution.
  5. run_data_quality_checks will execute Data Quality against the data.


Data Ingestion

The first step is read the data from S3 into Redshift. This is done through the S3ToRedshiftOperator. In this project I've decided to use a plugin that is available at the Airflow-Plugins Github page.

That plugin has some advantages over the contrib option, like the automatic creation of the tables.

This process is handle by a SubDag and the following tasks are covered.


That SubDag is dynamically generated according to the configuration file /dags/configuration/ It means that if more tasks are needed then all that is required is to add new details to that file.

Data Processing

The data processing is made exclusively through SQL statements. Each task has a SQL file that seats on dags/sql. The purpose is to make simpler to modify the queries without the need of change the code. It allows also to create templated SQL statement.

An example of a SQL statement can be found on following. Every SQL script will follow the same pattern.

  1. Drop the table if exists
  2. Create the table
  3. Insert the data from a select statement.

  business_id VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL,
  name VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL,
  city_id VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL,
  full_address VARCHAR(65535),
  PRIMARY KEY (business_id)

INSERT INTO dim_business
staging_business b
LEFT JOIN dim_cities c on b.state = c.state AND =;

Running the Project

It's assumed that there is an Airflow instance up and running.

  • Copy dags and plugins files to Airflow work environment.

Create AWS connection

Setup a new connection on Airflow called aws_credentials according to the following example.

It's important to fill the Extra field with the respective aws_access_key_id and aws_secret_access_key as a JSON object. This is necessary and the DAG won't work without that configuration.

   "aws_access_key_id": "AKIAYLC37GRFVANBDO43",
   "aws_secret_access_key": "xxxxxxxx"

Create Redshift Connection

Setup a new connection on Airflow called redshift, according to the following example.

Execute the DAG

Having the configuration finished, then just turn the DAG on and run it manually.