The following is an example for getting set websockets set up with cohttp + Lwt. Note that this example requires cohttp >= v2.0
which is unreleased (as of writing), but you can pull and pin the master branch with:
git clone
opam pin ocaml-cohttp
Also the example depends on interface-prime-lwt
opam install interface-prime-lwt
The example is also contained in example/
open Lwt
open Cohttp
open Cohttp_lwt_unix
module Websocket = Ws.Make(Interface'_lwt.Io)
let respond ?headers status message =
let len = String.length message |> Int64.of_int in
let res_f = Response.make ~encoding:(Transfer.Fixed len) ~status in
let res = match headers with
| Some headers -> res_f ~headers:(headers |> Header.of_list) ()
| None -> res_f () in
(res, fun _ oc -> Lwt_io.write oc message) |> return
let ws_handler send =
Some "Welcome to my websocket!" |> send
>>= fun _ ->
return (function
| Some m -> Lwt_io.printf "Received message: %s\n" m
>>= fun _ -> Some (Printf.sprintf "Thanks, I got [%s]" m) |> send
| None -> Lwt_io.printf "Connection closed\n")
let server =
let callback _conn req _body =
let meth = req |> Request.meth in
let headers = req |> Request.headers |> Header.to_list in
match meth with
| `GET ->
(if Ws.is_websocket_upgrade headers then
match Websocket.upgrade headers with
| Error e_headers ->
let res = Response.make ~encoding:(Transfer.Unknown) ~status:`Bad_request ~headers:(e_headers |> Header.of_list) () in
(res, fun _ _ -> return_unit) |> return
| Ok ok_headers ->
let res = Response.make ~encoding:(Transfer.Unknown) ~status:`Switching_protocols ~headers:(ok_headers |> Header.of_list) () in
(res, fun ic oc -> Websocket.handle_server ws_handler ic oc) |> return
respond `Bad_request "")
| _ ->
respond `Method_not_allowed "Only websocket protocol supported!"
Server.create ~mode:(`TCP (`Port 8000)) (Server.make_expert ~callback ())
let () = ignore ( server)