Dave Pirie's dotfiles, managed with chezmoi
When I only ever used a Mac, I managed my dotfiles repository with some shell-scripts
and symbolic links. Then I heard a podcast talking about chezmoi
and was interested. Now that I use both Linux and Mac, I have migrated my dotfiles repo to using this awesome program.
It even lets you have different configurations between machines (work git configs versus home) and can template your bash_profile and other files based on architecture, hostname, etc.
brew install twpayne/taps/chezmoi
chezmoi init https://github.com/dpirie/dotfiles.git
sudo snap install chezmoi --classic
chezmoi init https://github.com/dpirie/dotfiles.git
- Install Vim Plug:
curl -fLo ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \
- Start Vim, you'll get warnings, then
to install all plugins.