Chore Battles is an app that puts you against your friends and family to fight on who can do the most chores!
The app is currently being developed using React.js and Django.
CD into the chore_battles directory
cd chore-battles
Install the requirements from requirements.txt for the backend to run properly
pip install -r requirements.txt
Make db migrations and migrate to create the tables and db.sqlite3 file
python makemigrations
python migrate
Then run the createsuperuser command and add your info to create an admin user
python createsuperuser
Finally run the server. It will open on port 8000 (http://localhost:8000/api/v1/)
python runserver
To start,
into the root directory of the project (If you're not already there) and runnpm i
- This is what the directory should look like if you type the
❯ ls LICENSE.txt public node_modules requirements.txt api package-lock.json src api_auth package.json tailwind.config.js chore_battle postcss.config.js
Go ahead and install the dependencies
npm i
- This is what the directory should look like if you type the
Then, run
npm start
to start the frontend server, it will open on port 3000 (http://localhost:3000/)npm start