The To-Do List App is a simple Java application that allows users to create and manage their to-do lists. The app provides a console-based user interface that allows users to add new tasks, mark tasks as completed, and remove tasks from their to-do list. The app also supports persistence by storing the to-do list in a file.
To use the To-Do List App, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository onto your local machine.
- Open the project in your Java IDE.
- Build the project and run the main class.
- Follow the instructions displayed in the console to create and manage your to-do list.
The To-Do List App is built using Java and uses the Java IO classes for file handling.
The To-Do List App provides the following features:
- Display the menu options
- Get user input from console
- Add new tasks to the to-do list
- Mark tasks as done or not done
- Remove tasks from the to-do list
- Display all tasks
- Display task details
- Persist the to-do list to a file
- Improved UI